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The Regent Parrot is a bird of the parrot family . It has predominantly yellow plumage with a green tail. The bird is found primarily in eucalyptus groves and other wooded areas of subtropical southwestern Australia, as well as to a smaller area of subtropical and temperate southeastern Australia. Seeds make up the bulk of its diet.
The Regent Parrot is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
The Regent Parrot (Polytelis anthopeplus) is a bird of the parrot family (Psittacidae). It has predominantly yellow plumage with a green tail. The bird is found primarily in eucalyptus groves and other wooded areas of subtropical southwestern Australia, as well as to a smaller area of subtropical and temperate southeastern Australia. Seeds make up the bulk of its diet. More
The Regent Parrot is naturally hardy, so being careful to protect them from drafts and the like is unnecessary. That said, however, they should be protected from excessive cold, as such is uncommon in their natural habitat. Chart & Some of the Info by: Dr. More
Captive Regent Parrots thrive on chopped mixtures for large parrots. They also like eggfood, fruit, sprouting seeds and a small assortment of insects. Unlike most birds parrots do not require grit in their diet, grit should only be given when a certified avian veterinarian prescribes it for digestion aid if the bird is ill. An occasional fresh willow or fruit tree branch to "spruce up" their quarters seems to please the birds. More
The Regent Parakeet or Regent Parrot is known as the very best flier of all the Australian Parakeets. More
The Regent Parrot (Polytelis anthopeplus) is a slim parrot with a long, dusky tapering tail and back-swept wings. The male Regent Parrot is a brilliant golden-yellow with a dark green back, an olive-yellow crown and nape. They have a prominent yellow shoulder patch and a red band across the mid-wings. Their outer feathers of the wings are bluish-black and yellow underneath, their tail is a blue-black colour and their legs are grey. More
Regent Parrot (Polytelis anthopeplus) = Also Known As: Smoker, Smoker Parrot, Mallee Smoker, Rock Pebbler, Rock Peplar, Black-tailed Parrot or Parakeet, Regal Parrot, Marlock Parrot * Members Only * Wild Status * Care * Profile MAIN_regents_parakeet_2 Wild male Regent Parrot Credit: © Susan Flashman | License: Fotolia photos Photos More
The Regent Parrot Polytelis anthopeplus monarchoides is listed as an Endangered Species in NSW, and is also listed as vulnerable under commonweatlh legislation. It breeds along the RIver Red Gum forests of the Murray and Wakool River and forages in adjoining mallee areas. Steve is the Principal Ecologist at EnviroKey providing specialist ecological services across Australia. More
regent parrot pair photo* An Australian Parrot (Click on photo to enlarge) * Scientific Name: Polytelis anthopeplus * Common Name/s: REGENT PARROT, SMOKER PARROT, ROCK PEBBLER, SMOKER, BLACK TAILED PARROT. * Sub Species in country / area of origin: 2. P. p. anthopeplus and P. p. westralis. * Origin / Distribution: Two populations. More
The Regent Parrot grows to approximately 14½-16½" (37-42 cm) in length, and exhibits sexual dimorphism. The male bird is generally yellow, with several shades on the head; its back is generally a collection of colorful shades of green; its beak generally red. The female is generally more green, overall, especially in the head and body. The tail is green, although the underparts are black. Behaviour - Diet Captive Regent Parrots thrive on chopped mixtures for large parrots. More
The Regent Parrot is a slim parrot with a long, dusky tapering tail and back-swept wings. It is mostly yellow, with blue-black wings and tail. There is a prominent yellow shoulder patch and red patches in the wings, which show up against the dark wings in flight. The bill is deep red or pink. Females and juveniles are duller olive-green with pinkish, duller wing patches. The Regent Parrot's distinctive call is often heard long before the birds appear. More
The Regent Parrot is a slim medium-sized parrot (37 to 42 cm) with a long narrow tail and pointed backswept wings. It is mostly yellow with contrasting blue-black wings and tail, a prominent yellow shoulder patch and red patches in the wings and under the tail. The females plumage is duller and greener than the male. It is often first detected in flight by its distinctive call, described as a harsh rolling 'carrack-carrack'. More
Habitat: The Regent Parrot is endemic (only found in) to Australia. There are two separate populations: in the east they are found in south-western New South Wales, north-western Victoria and the Murray Mallee region of South Australia, while in Western Australia, they are found in the south west, where they are more numerous. The eastern population is found in River Red Gum, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, floodplain, woodland and mallee. The western population is found in open forest and woodland, especially Salmon Gum, E. salmonophloia. More
The Regent Parrot Polytelis anthopeplus occurs as two isolated sub-species in Australia, one in south-west Western Australia Polytelis anthopeplus anthopeplus and the other, rarer eastern subspecies Polytelis anthopeplus monarchoides, is confined to areas of mallee and riverine woodlands along the Murray, Darling and Wimmera Rivers in the states of Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia. Image by Chris Belcher, courtesy Rick Webster - Ecosurveys Pty Ltd Regent Parrot distribution in south-west (also north-west) Victoria. More
A gregarious species, the Regent Parrot is usually seen in pairs or small flocks, and occasionally in larger flocks of up to 50, especially during the non-breeding season. They roost communally. The species is generally rather noisy and conspicuous, with its distinctive penetrating flight-call typically heard long before the birds fly into view. The species feed mainly on the ground, but also occasionally among the foliage of trees and shrubs. More
The Regent parrot, also known as the smoker and rock pebbler is a member of the Polytelis family that also includes the Princess and Superb parrots. The Regent parrot is found in northwest Victoria and southwest New South Wales and into S.A. It is also found in Southern WA. The Western Australian parrots are usually greener and sold under the name of Green Regents. They are the largest Polytelis and are much stockier than the rest of the family. More
* Regent Parrot Polytelis anthopeplus (Lear) 1831 * Polytelis anthopeplus anthopeplus (Lear) 1831 * Polytelis anthopeplus monarchoides Schodde 1993 * Princess Parrot Polytelis alexandrae Gould 1863 References - 1. ^ Forshaw, Joseph M.; Cooper, William T. (1981) . Parrots of the World (corrected second ed.). More
The Rock Pebbler or Regent Parakeet or Regent Parrot is known as the very best flier of all the Australian Parakeets. Needless to say, they are very lively and active little birds! This Australian parakeet has wonderful colors and is a beauty to look at. It is also a very fine companion. The Regent Parakeet quickly becomes trusting and agreeable and is easily tamed. It is a relatively quiet bird and when it does speak, it has a pleasant voice. More
Regent Parrots spend a great deal of time on the ground when feeding and are therefore susceptible to intestinal worms and fungal infections. This is relatively easy to prevent simply by maintaining a high standard of hygiene in the aviary. Chances of such infections are further reduced if the dirt on the aviary floor is turned over for airing on a regular basis. More
The Male Regent Parrot is distinguished from the female by his yellow head, underbody and upperwing. Both male and female have a dark green back with some red on the wing, the male having more red. The female has a pale olive green rather than the yellow and less red on the back. More
Regent Parrots in safe little hands = By Deborah OCallaghan If I asked you to describe a Regent Parrot, would you be able to? It's colour, it's size, where it likes to feed? Thanks to a new educational kit launched yesterday at Wentworth Public School, most primary school children in the Regent Parrot's natural habitat area will be able to tell you all this and more. More
Home > Regent Parrot - Polytelis Anthopeplus (14") Regent Parrot - Polytelis Anthopeplus (14") = Regent Parrot - Polytelis Anthopeplus (14")Regent Parrot - Polytelis Anthopeplus (14")Regent Parrot - Polytelis Anthopeplus (14")Regent Parrot - Polytelis Anthopeplus (14")Price: $275.00Identifications:The male bird is generally yellow, with several shades on the head; its back is generally a collection of colorful shades of green; its beak generally red. The female is generally more green, overall, especially in the head and body. More