Red-bellied Parrot

The Red-bellied Parrot is a small parrot about 23 cm long. It is a mostly greenish and grey bird with the green being more prominent over its lower surfaces and the grey more prominent over its upper surfaces. Adult birds have green feathers covering the upper portions of their legs, red irises and dark grey beaks. The species is sexually dimorphic; Typically, males have a bright orange lower chest and abdomen, whilst adult females are greenish on these lower areas. The dimorphism occurs from a young age and is seen even in young chicks still in the nest.

The Red-bellied Parrot is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.

The Red-bellied Parrot (Poicephalus rufiventris) is a small African parrot about 23 cm (9 in) long of the Poicephalus genus. It is a mostly greenish and grey parrot. Males have a bright orange belly and females have a greenish belly. Description - A juvenile male stretching. Note dark irises typical of juveniles. The Red-bellied Parrot is a small parrot about 23 cm (9 in) long. More

Distribution: Red-Bellied Parrots originate in the savannahs of Eastern Africa. They live in the brush and feed off of the acacia fruit. This particular fruit hangs upside-down in a bell fashion, so that the only way for the red belly to get to the yummy fruit inside is, you guessed it, to hang upside down and crane his head around to get the fruit. More

Traits: Those who favor the Red-bellied parrot believe it is more social and a better talker than other Poicephalus parrots. These birds have been described as being the life of the party. They are spunky and active birds that often dominate other birds around them. Red-bellied parrots are show off's in front of company. Unlike some parrots that clam up, this bird will jabber on in front of strangers. More

Captive bred and hand-raised Red-bellied Parrots generally have inquisitive, sweet and confiding personalities and are easily tamed. They are said to be quieter than most parrots; producing a variety of noises and sounds, both learned and instinctive. They are not known to be the best talkers, and not all will learn to talk, but if the owner is willing to spend time training them, many can learn a reasonable vocabulary. Prices: usually between $200 to $500, depending on source, availability and location. More

The Red-Bellied Parrot is considered to be the best talkers and most outgoing of the Poicephalus Species. Their vocabulary can become immense and they are never shy about telling strangers all the words that they know. (A prime example of why we should only use "good" words around our fids. Like others in this Order of Parrot, they have an anomalous, but; occasional phobic reaction. More

* Red-bellied parrots have the comical, playful and animated personality of larger parrots, but without the cost, mess or noise typically associated with the larger parrots. They are energetic and love to socialize, are generally inquisitive, sweet, with great personalities who are easily tamed and trained. More

Range Map of the Red-Bellied Parrot (41k in size) More

The Red-bellied Parrot is a small green and grey parrot from Africa. It lives in dry woodland and open savannah and is slightly larger than the African Senegal Parrot and Brown-headed Parrot. More

Native to East Africa, the Red-Bellied Parrot is dimorphic as an adult with the male retaining the red belly coloration. It is a quiet species as are all Poicephalus and makes a great pet in a small size! All Red-Bellied Parrots have orange-red coloration on their chest and abdomen area as chicks. The Red-Bellied Parrot can be caged in a small cage suitable for cockatiel-sized birds. More

The Red-Bellied Parrot is currently enjoying a popularity boom here in the US. This is probably due, in part, to the R.B.’s exotic appearance and "designer" color scheme. (They are jauntily clad in gray suits, with red-orange vests and aqua slacks). More likely, however, is the possibility that the general birdkeeping public is just now discovering the bird’s exceptional personality and notable speaking ability. More

Order : Psittaciformes
Family : Psittacidae
Genus : Poicephalus
Species : rufiventris
Authority : (Rüppell, 1845)