The Antipodes Green Parakeet is classified as Vulnerable (VU), considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.
parrots, one of which, the Antipodes Green Parakeet, is endemic. Another small island on which an endemic species occurs is Henderson Island, a tiny coral atoll in the Pacific Ocean that is inhabited by Stephen’s Lory Vini stepheni. There are species which occur in only small areas on large land-masses, for example the Rufous-fronted Parakeet and the Tepui Parrotlet, but such are not common. More
MKramer - Antipodes Green Parakeet - perching on rock. More
Also known as the Antipodes green parakeet, this parakeet is a plump bird with a green head and body, but with purplish-blue wing-coverts and some flight feathers. The forehead and face are a bright emerald green, while the rest of the plumage is a ... More
Did You Know?The main diet of the Antipodes Green Parakeet is leaves, which are chewed; piles of chewed foliage still attached to the stem of the plant are a sign of feeding. Species Profile Genus: Cyanoramphus Species: unicolor Size: Adult Weight: 30cm (11. More