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Subspecies in the nominate group have a total length of 33–38 cm . As most other Amazon parrots, it has a short squarish tail and a primarily green plumage. It has dark blue tips to the secondaries and primaries, and a red wing speculum, carpal edge and base of the outer tail-feathers.
The Yellow-crowned Amazon is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
The Yellow-crowned Amazon is considered to be of least concern by BirdLife International, and, consequently, also by IUCN. Although populations are believed to be in decline they do not yet approach the threshold specified by BirdLife International to rate the species as Near Threatened. As is the case with most parrots, it is listed on appendix II of CITES. It occurs in numerous protected areas, and remains faily common throughout a large part of its range. More
The Yellow-crowned Amazon Parrot aka Yellow-fronted Amazon (Amazona ocrocephala ocrocephala) is native to the rainforest areas of Northern South and Central America. Distribution / Range: They are found in the Amazon Basin and Guianas - Northern Brazil, Venezuela, Middle Amazonia, Eastern Andes, Colombia and Trinidad. Localized populations exist in north-western South America and Panama. More
Yellow-crowned AmazonYellow-fronted Amazon ~ Single Yellow-headed Amazon = Family: Psittacidae"Herbert" is a Yellow-crowned Amazon, also known as the Yellow-fronted or Single Yellow-headed Amazon * Puzzles * Postcards Amazona ochrocephala ochrocephalaPhoto Courtesy: Lisa Umstead, Parrot Haven (Bird Rescue)Latest Reader Comment - See MoreI love the yellow headed parrot. More
Fortunately however the the Yellow-crowned Amazon is available to aviculturalists in good numbers. In the following I hope to provide the reader with an overview of this highly desirable species as it is in the wild and in captivity. Description The Yellow-crowned Amazon (Amazona ochrocephala) measures approximately 35 to 36 cm’s in length and is predominately green in colour. As the name suggests the crown is a rich yellow and is occasionally dotted with a few red or orange feathers. More
* Wild Yellow-crowned Amazons in Manu, Peru0:31 * Ajouter à la file d'attente Ajoutée à la file d'attente Wild Yellow-crowned Amazons in Manu, Peru4709 vuesparrotsdotorg * Yellow-Crowned amazon parrot Lidija.MOV1:49 * Ajouter à la file d'attente Ajoutée à la file d'attente Yellow-Crowned amazon parrot Lidija. More
Traits: The yellow-crowned Amazon is calmer and more even-tempered than the popular yellow napes and double yellow-heads. Behavior/Health Concerns: Most Amazons have a tendency for obesity, so be certain that your yellow-crowned Amazon receives a balanced, low-fat diet of pellets, fruits and vegetables along with plenty of exercise. They are also susceptible to vitamin-A and calcium deficiencies and psittacosis. Expert Advice There is currently no expert advice on this bird species. More
Yellow-Crowned Amazon that hasn't spoken. Being very social, they enjoy companionship and become fast friends with their owner. Yellow Crowned Amazons (Amazona ochrocephala ochrocephala) are an attractive parrot averaging 14 inches (36cm) in length with a wingspan of eight to eight and a half inches (198 - 220 mm). Like most Amazons, their plumage is largely green with bright red wing edging. More
Yellow-Crowned Amazon - Information Yellow Crowned Amazons (Amazona ochrocephala ochrocephala) are an attractive parrot averaging 14 inches (36cm) in length with a wingspan of eight to eight and a half inches (198 - 220 mm). Like most Amazons, their plumage is largely green with bright red wing edging. The underside of the tail is a yellow-green with a red spot at the base of each tail feather. More
Average Lifespan: Yellow-Crowned Amazons average lifespan is 35-50 years in captivity. Sexing: Like most Amazons, this bird is not sexually dimorphic therefore a DNA test must be performed to determine sexing. Origin: East Central and south-eastern Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana and the northern and eastern Amazon Basin in Brazil. Loudness: The Yellow-Crown is an even tempered Amazon, and as a result they make excellent pets. More
* Yellow-crowned Amazon (Amazona ochrocephala) Perched in a branch Hacienda La Zuliana, Campo Boscán, Maracaibo, Zulia State, Venezuela kperezleon 2 May 2010 1 week ago ADDED LAST MONTH 3.5 * A close-up. ZooMAT, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas State, Mexico (Southern) (ssp auropalliata) Josep del Hoyo 27 March 2009 6 weeks ago 3. More
Yellow-crowned Amazons (Amazona ochrocephala) and a Mealy Amazon (Amazona farinosa) look like they're having a good time gathering at a 'parrot lick' along the Rio Napo in Ecuador. Uncropped f/6.3, iso 800, exp comp minus 2, 1/1000. While going over some old contributions I found these notes by Barry Kent MacKay when he shared one of his fabulous paintings to birdspix back in 9/04 Dear Pixers, This is a life-size oil painting of three species of parrot. More
The pose of this Yellow-crowned Amazon Parrot here is lovely and the lighting on it surely enhances the beauty of his feathers. The colors are terrific and vivid and the contrast with the BG really makes them stand out very well. Excellent POV and DOF, lovely sharp details and great flash management. More