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Populations on the US Gulf coast and further south are resident, but most North American birds migrate south in winter.
The White-eyed Vireo is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
The White-eyed Vireo, Vireo griseus, is a small songbird. It breeds in the southeastern USA from New Jersey west to northern Missouri and south to Texas and Florida, and also in eastern Mexico, northern Central America, Cuba and the Bahamas. Populations on the US Gulf coast and further south are resident, but most North American birds migrate south in winter. This vireo frequents bushes and shrubs in abandoned cultivation or overgrown pastures. More
The habitat of the White-eyed Vireo could best be described as a brief window of forest succession. Prime vireo habitat is ten- to forty-year-old abandoned pasture land, a combination of shrubby growth and hardwood trees. Since the dense scrub habitat this species prefers has little economic value, it is rarely protected. History and Status The White-eyed Vireo is found throughout the state in dense thickets, most commonly in moist situations. It is considered by most to be a neotropical migrant. More
The White-eyed Vireo is a small songbird found in the southeastern United States, including New Jersey, northern Missouri, Texas, Florida, eastern Mexico, northern Central America, Cuba and the Bahamas. Most northern populations in North America will migrate south in winter months, searching for warmer climates. The preferred habitat for this species includes brushlands and shrublands found in neglected pastures and cultivated farmland. Nests are cup-shaped, and attached to tree branches via spider webs. More
White-eyed Vireos build their pensile nests in bushes, usually in some dense growth. The three to five eggs are white with tiny specks of black or brown. A few of these birds are nearly always to be found in southern Louisiana in winter, but they are never common until the spring migrants begin to arrive in numbers in mid-March. From that time until late October the species is encountered frequently. -George H. Lowery, Jr. More
monotonous songs of most vireos, the white-eyed vireo song is a unique “chick-a-per-weeoo-chick” according to the late Roger Tory Peterson. It can also be distinguished from other vireos by its yellow spectacles around its startling white eyes. The only singing white-eyed vireo I had previously seen in the state was in Delaware County at White Clay Creek State Park. White-eyed vireos breed primarily and irregularly in the southern part of Pennsylvania, but today seem to be most common in the southwestern counties. More
The song of the White-eyed Vireo is a powerful, short, jumble of notes that begins and ends with a sharp chik. It is a persistent singer throughout the spring and into late summer. The White-eyed Vireo arrives in Tennessee in early April and remains later than most migrants, departing in mid-October and occasionally staying into November. It breeds across most of the eastern United States and winters around the Gulf Coast, northern Central America, and the Caribbean. More
White-eyed Vireo 13 - Galveston Co, TX - Oct White-eyed Vireo 14 - Galveston Co, TX - Oct White-eyed Vireo 9 - Harris Co, TX - April White-eyed Vireo 12 - Harris Co, TX - April White-eyed Vireo 10 - Harris Co, TX - April White-eyed Vireo 7 - Travis Co, TX - May White-eyed Vireo 6 - Hidalgo Co, TX - Jan White-eyed Vireo 5 - Hidalgo Co, TX - Jan White-eyed More
southern United States, the White-eyed Vireo is more noticeable for its explosive song than its looks. More
Product Details White-eyed vireo: Vireo griseus (The birds of North America) by Steven L Hopp (Unknown Binding - 1995)Out of Print-Limited AvailabilityBooks: See all 91 items 7. Product Details The White-Eyed Vireo - An Essay (ORINTHOLOGY, BIRD-WATCHING, NATURE) by Neltje Blanchan (Paperback - 1917)Currently unavailableBooks: See all 91 items 8. Product Details Birds of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Hooded Warbler, Bananaquit, Purple Martin, Red-Eyed Vireo, White-Tailed Hawk, Yellow-Bellied Elaenia by Books LLC (Paperback - May 6, 2010)Buy new: $19. More
The White-eyed Vireo is 13 – 15 cm in length. Its head and back are a greyish olive, and the underparts are white with yellow flanks. The wings and tail are dark, and there are two white wing bars on each wing. The eyes have white irises, and are surrounded by yellow spectacles. Sexes are similar. The White-eyed Vireo's song is a variable and rapid six to seven note phrase, starting and ending with a sharp chick. More
The White-eyed Vireo is olive-gray above and white below, with pale yellow sides and flanks; two white wing bars, and well-defined yellow spectacles (the combination of an eye ring and a supraloral line that contrast with the rest of the face). The distinctive white iris is visible at close range. * White-eyed VireoSexes are similar * Length: 5 to 6 inches * Weight: about 0. More
The White-eyed Vireo is known by its distinctive un-vireo-like call and its bright white eye. These birds breed over most of the eastern USA south of a line extending from eastern Nebraska across Indiana and New York. They winter from the extreme southeastern USA through Central America to Guatemala and Cuba. The White-eyed Vireo is about 4.5 to 5.5 inches long with a wingspan of 7.5 to 8.5 inches. It weighs about 1.5 ounce. More