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This species of starling is native to most of temperate Europe and western Asia. It is resident in southern and western Europe and southwestern Asia, while northeastern populations migrate south and west in winter to these regions, and also further south to areas where it does not breed in Iberia and north Africa. It has also been introduced to Australia, New Zealand, North America, and South Africa.
The Common Starling is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
Flocks of Common Starlings are often seen at dusk wheeling in large circles as they search for a roosting site for the night. More
This common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) was so busy foraging that it absolutely did not notice me, clicking its photographs. This Starling is a very rare bird in India and my eyes lit up when I saw him. Starlings are very common in temperate countries, especially in Europe. I loved the lustrous metallic coat of the bird. The bird was walking on rubber matting and was picking up insects from deep within the crevices of the mat. More
The Common Starling is a noisy bird uttering a wide variety of both melodic and mechanical-sounding sounds, including a distinctive "wolf-whistle". Starlings are mimics, like many of its family. In captivity, Starlings will learn to imitate all types of sounds and speech earning them the nickname "poor-man's Myna". Songs are more commonly sung by males, although females also sing. Songs consist of a mixture of mimicry, clicks, wheezes, chattering, whistles, rattles, and piping notes. More
Common Starlings in Europe = Beneficial Bird of the European North, Pest in the South and West - Share Article | Jul 27, 2009 Rosemary Drisdelle The Common Starling, Sturnus vulgaris, is native to Europe and Asia. Its relationship with people has helped it flourish, with both good and bad results. More
The European Starling (or Common Starling), introduced to North America, nests in cavities including holes in man made structures. Many people try to keep starlings away. The European Starling, Sturnus vulgaris, (or Common Starling) is native to Europe and Asia, and has been introduced in many other places. In the nineteenth century a number of deliberate attempts to introduce the bird to North America failed, but people kept trying. More
since then the common starling (Sturnus vulgaris) has spread throughout North America. They often collect in loud, noisy flocks. Starlings destroy some insects, but they are generally considered a nuisance since they drive away smaller, desirable birds. They have iridescent, blackish plumage and a long bill which is yellow in spring and summer. They mimic bird songs and other sounds. Starlings are classified in the phylum Chordata, subphylum Vertebrata, class Aves, order Passeriformes, family Sturnidae. More
Common Starling Size: 20cm Habitat: Introduced into VIC around 1850, this bird soon spread northward through NSW and into QLD as well parts of SA and TAS, the Common Starling's habitat includes pastoral land and suburbia, this bird feeds on insects and fruits usually foraged off the ground. Notes: Black in appearance, with green/purple metallic sheen, yellow bill. Breeds Spring-Summer. For more information on Common Starling see references. More
Aspects of the topic common starling are discussed in the following places at Britannica. Assorted References * characteristics of Sturnidae (in Sturnidae (bird family)) ...with metallic sheen. Some are crested or display wattles or bare patches of skin. They chatter continually while in flight and when roosting, often gathering in spectacular numbers. More
This is an image of a Common starling; in the report 'Managing Bird Damage to Fruit and Other Horticultural Crops'. Photo: T. Waite. This is an image of areas of Australia where the Common starling is found; in the report 'Managing Bird Damage to Fruit and Other Horticultural Crops'. Birds Australia Atlas (1998–2002) Field identification A dark-coloured medium-sized (20 centimetres head to tail) bird, with a sharp pointed bill, relatively short tail and pointed wings. More
habitat, the best-known species is the common starling, which is now found in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, North America south to Mexico, and some of the West Indian islands. In 1890, 100 of the birds were brought to Central Park, New York City. They thrived so successfully that countless thousands of the birds are now found on the continent, particularly in the northeastern United States. Local numbers are sometimes so large that the birds are considered nuisances, but they are also valuable predators on insects. More
Common Starling in a Sydney park The Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) didn't always live in Australia. It was introduced to the country in the 1850s, mainly to control insect pests. Like the Indian Mynah and Cane Toad, this species has become something of a pest itself. How much of a pest? - That depends on where, or who you are. More
Snipe Common Starling Common Swift Common Teal Common Tern Common Tody-flycatcher Common Woodshrike Common Yellowthroat Condor Congo Peafowl Connecticut Warbler Cooper's Hawk Copper Sunbird Cormorant Corn Bunting Corn Crake Coscoroba Swan Crag Martin Crane Hawk Cream-colored Courser Crested Auklet Crested Guan Crested Ibis Crested Myna Crested Pigeon Crested Screamer Crested Tit Cretzschmar’s Bunting Crimson Sunbird Crimson-backed Sunbird Crimson-collared Grosbeak Crossbill Crow Crow Honeyeater Crowned Lapwing Cuckoo-roller Curve-billed Thrasher Dalmatian Pelican Dark Chanting Goshawk Dark-breasted Rosefinch Dark-eyed Junco More
Starling Invadors: Common Starlings introduced to North America have been a factor in reducing native cavity nesting bird populations (such as Bluebirds and Red-headed Woodpeckers) by competing aggressively for nesting cavities. The "Black Sun" Phenomenon: During spring in Denmark, at approximately half an hour before sunset, flocks of more than a million European starlings gather from all corners to join in incredible formations. More
SmugMugHome Login Help View Cart Common Starling Common Starling, Sturnus vulgaris ssp. gallery pages: 1 2 > Dubai Pivot Fields, 16.11.2009 © Mike Barth Dubai Pivot Fields, 16.11.2009 © Mike Barth Dubai Pivot Fields, 16.11.2009 © Mike Barth Dubai Pivot Fields, 16.11.2009 © Mike Barth Dubai Pivot Fields, 27.08.2009 © Tommy Pedersen Dubai Pivot Fields, 27.08.2009 © Tommy Pedersen Dubai Pivot Fields, 27.08.2009 © Tommy Pedersen Dubai Pivot Fields, 27.08.2009 © Tommy Pedersen Dubai Pivot Fields, 27.08. More
common starlingcommon starling - gregarious bird having plumage with dark metallic gloss; builds nests around dwellings and other structures; naturalized worldwideSturnus vulgarisstarling - gregarious birds native to the Old Worldgenus Sturnus, Sturnus - type genus of the Sturnidae: common starlings How to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, add the site to iGoogle, or visit webmaster's page for free fun content. More
Common Starling / European Starling ( Sturnus vulgaris ) Common Starling / European Starling - Common Starling / European Starling information - Common Starling / European Starling facts The Common starling is spread all around North America except the far north areas and Alaska. Starlings were originally brought to the USA, to be precise to Central park in New York, from England. More
Common starlings are found from Europe to Africa, east as far as western China and India, and in New Zealand and Australia. They have also been introduced to North America, occurring from Alaska and the Northwest Territories south to Mexico. Starlings prefer to live in or near towns or cities. The majority of starlings fly south in enormous flocks in anticipation of winter, resting in trees at night. More
The European Starling or Common Starling, Sturnus vulgaris, is a passerine bird in the family Sturnidae. This starling is native to most of Eurasia, but has been introduced to South Africa, North America, Australia and New Zealand. It is resident in southern and western Europe, but northern and eastern populations migrate in winter to these regions, and also further south to areas where it does not breed in Iberia and north Africa. More