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The Louisiana Waterthrush, Seiurus motacilla , is a New World warbler. It breeds in eastern North America from southernmost Canada and south through the eastern USA, excluding Florida and the coast.
The Louisiana Waterthrush is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
Louisiana Waterthrush by Louis Agassiz Fuertes Conservation status Least Concern (IUCN 3.1) Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Aves Order: Passeriformes Family: Parulidae Genus: Seiurus Species: S. More
Louisiana Waterthrush Range MapView dynamic map of eBird sightings Field MarksHelp - * AdultPopOutZoom In Adult * © Kevin T. Karlson Similar Species - * Very similar to Northern Waterthrush. More
The Louisiana Waterthrush, Seiurus motacilla , is a New World warbler. Distribution / Range It breeds in eastern North America from southernmost Canada and south through the eastern USA, excluding Florida and the coast. It is migratory, wintering in Central America and the West Indies. This is a rare vagrant to the western USA. Description The Louisiana Waterthrush has a plain brown back and white underparts streaked with black. The flanks and undertail are buff. More
Louisiana Waterthrush: a more “sinewy” bobbing that includes also moving the tail/rear body to the sides. The shape and colour of the supercilium Northern Waterthrush: narrowing at the rear and very often yellowish or buffy white. Louisiana Waterthrush: broad, bold and white, and not narrowing. The shape and length of the bill Northern Waterthrush: rather short and thin, the lower mandible being thin and straight as well. More
The loud, ringing song of the Louisiana Waterthrush compensate for its drab coloration. Song notes include clear, slurred whistles followed by a complex jumble of shorter phrases. This noticeably distinct song is easily loud enough to be heard over the background noise of the rushing water streamside habitats the waterthrush prefers. It forages primarily on the ground along flowing streams, but will also search for food in stagnant pools of water along swamp edges. Migration will also find it in parks and gardens at times. More
Louisiana Waterthrush has relatively small breeding range, low overall density, and dependence of clear forest streams, in breeding and wintering areas. Populations appear to be stable, but the most important threat is fragmentation of forests and drained swamps, and cowbird parasitism. Adults fall prey to small raptors, and eggs and chicks are food for snakes, small mammals and Blue Jays. More
Bent Life History for the Louisiana Waterthrush - the common name and sub-species reflect the nomenclature in use at the time the description was written. LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH SEIURUS MOTACILLA (Vieillot) HABITS The earlier ornithologists confused the two waterthrushes. Neither Wilson nor Nuttall recognized two species, and their accounts evidently referred partly to one and partly to the other. More
Louisiana Waterthrushes (above) have the same general markings, but a careful look will reveal some significant differences that can be used to separate the species in the field. Two of the most obvious-as shown in the side views abov-are that the Louisiana Waterthrush has a heavier bill and a nearly pure white eye line, while the Northern Waterthrush's eye line is usually somewhat buffy. More
Louisiana Waterthrush Habitat Model go to: USFWS Gulf of Maine Watershed Habitat Analysis go to: Species Table Draft Date: October, 2002 Species: Louisiana waterthrush, Seiurus motacilla Use of Study Area Resources: Reproduction. The Louisiana waterthrush breeds in the.. More
The Louisiana Waterthrush compensates for its cryptic, thrush-like plumage with a loud, ringing, resonant song, usually loud enough to carry long distances over the continual background noise of rushing water that characterizes this species’ streamside habitat. Breeders forage primarily on the ground alongside forested headwater streams; during migration and winter, individuals often forage away from forested wetlands, along flooded roads or trails, impoundments, and even in parks, lawns, and gardens. More
The Louisiana Waterthrush is a thrush like warbler which is dark-olive brown above and white with streaks below. It is similar to the Northern Waterthrush but the throat is unstreaked and the white eyebrow is longer and more pronounced. Its teetering head and tail bobbing stance aids in identification. More
The Louisiana Waterthrush is a woodland bird found near flowing streams in mature forests. Though it looks more like a small thrush or a sparrow than a warbler, its constant tail bobbing and loud ringing song make it an easy bird to identify. This is one of the earliest migrants to arrive in Tennessee and one of the first to depart in the fall. They can be found breeding across the state, but their local abundance is determined by the availability of forested streams. More
Louisiana WaterthrushAt Powdermill Nature Reserve, differences in stream quality between unpolluted Powdermill Run and acidified Laurel Run adjacent to it have provided an excellent opportunity to study the possible effects of acid mine drainage pollution (AMD) of headwater streams on the demographics, behavioral ecology, productivity, and survivorship of populations of an obligate riparian songbird, the Louisiana Waterthrush (Seiurus motacilla; LOWA). The LOWA feeds mostly on aquatic macroinvertebrates, many of which cannot survive or reproduce in acid-polluted streams. More
Pictured here is a Louisiana Waterthrush banded in mid-July, 2000. At first glance, this bird might be passed off as a Northern Waterthrush based on the narrow supercilium and the absence of a buffy wash on the flanks. However, the combination of white supercilium and underparts, unstreaked throat, sparse streaking on underparts, and a large, heavy bill point to Louisiana. The bright pink legs, if not an artifact of the photograph, are also consistent with Louisiana Waterthrush. More
● Similar species: Louisiana Waterthrush: Northern Waterthrush has shorter bill, spotted throat, and lacks buff wash on underparts. Flight Pattern Swift direct flight with rapid wing beats. Louisiana Waterthrush Body Illustration● Range & Habitat: Louisiana Waterthrush: Breeds from Minnesota, southern Ontario and central New England south to Texas and Georgia. Spends winters in the tropics. Preferred habitats include swift-moving brooks on hillsides, river swamps, and along sluggish streams. More
The loud song of the Louisiana Waterthrush is one of the first warbler songs to be heard each spring. After its nesting season along flowing streams, it is also one of the first species to depart on fall migration. Unlike some other songbirds, Louisiana Waterthrushes are thought to migrate alone rather than in groups. One of the most characteristic features of the Louisiana Waterthrush is its walk. It pumps its rump and tail up and down in an exaggerated motion while walking. More
The Louisiana waterthrush is brown above. They have a white eyebrow with a dark brown streak that goes through the eye. Voice They have a musical, ringing song. It starts with three clear whistles followed by a slew of twittering notes that drop in pitch. Habitat This bird is typically found around water, either along brooks, rivers, or wooded swamps. More
Louisiana Waterthrush - Seiurus motacillaThe Louisiana Waterthrush is the less widespread and common of the two Waterthrushes (the Northern Waterthrush being the other). They have a characteristic rear bobbing action as they forage in and around water They usually flush into the surrounding forest when alarmed, with a sharp call note as they go. Habitat: Nearly always found in and around aquatic habitats, primarily in forested environments. This includes bottomland swamps and lagoons, riparian areas, and hilly brooks and streams. More
The Louisiana Waterthrush is not a thrush at all, but belongs to the wood-warbler family. The genus and species name of this bird mean "tail-wagger." This is a reference to its habit of flipping its tail up and down while on the ground or singing on a tree branch. This warbler is known for its vocal abilities and its rapid foraging style. SPECIES DESCRIPTION - Length: 13.3 – 15. More