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This species is a large, long-winged hawk of the open, arid grasslands, prairie and shrub steppe country; it is endemic to the interior parts of North America. It is used as a falconry bird in its native range.
The Ferruginous hawk is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
The magnificent Ferruginous Hawk Buteo regalis is North America’s largest “hawk” - with a wingspan averaging around 56″/142.24cm - and during both summer and winter is found in grasslands, deserts, and other open areas with isolated shrubs or trees where less than 50% of the land is under cultivation (during winter, Ferruginous Hawks are often found around colonies of prairie dogs Cynomys sp which make up much of their winter diet). More
North American RangeThe Ferruginous Hawk, generally seen in eastern Washington, is the largest of Washington's hawks. This hawk can be seen soaring with its wings in a shallow dihedral. The Ferruginous Hawk has a light and a dark color phase. The dark phase is less common; 25% of the birds nesting near Hanford are the dark phase. The light-phase adult has a rufous back, gray and white wings, and a light rufous tail with white at the base. The head is streaked with light gray. More
The Ferruginous Hawk (ferruginous = from Latin ferrum - iron, ferrgin-, iron rust, iron-rust color - reddish-brown), Buteo regalis (Latin, royal hawk), is a large bird of prey. It is not a true hawk like sparrowhawks or goshawks, but rather belongs to the broad-tailed buteo hawks, known as "buzzards" in Europe. An old colloquial name is "Ferrugineous Rough-leg", due to its similarity to the closely related Rough-legged Hawk (B. lagopus). More
* Species - Ferruginous Hawk - Buteo regalis Ferruginous Hawk - Buteo regalis * Ferruginous Hawk * Ferruginous Hawk Species of Concern Global Rank: G4 State Rank: S3B Agency Status USFWS: none USFS: none BLM: SENSITIVE FWP Conservation Tier: 2 PIF: 2 More
Management and Outlook: The outlook for ferruginous hawks is bright. The prairie population is stable but still vulnerable. This is in part due to landowners who are increasingly aware of the essential role these predators play in the prairie ecosystem. It is illegal in Alberta to kill ferruginous hawks or disturb their nests at any time of year. Photo: Kay Morck - Raptor Links: It's best to search. Try Google. More
* Ferruginous hawks are the largest of the hawks soaring in North America. * Adults are large, heavy, thick-set birds measuring 63 centimetres (25 inches) long. * Adult female ferruginous hawks may be up to one-third larger than adult males. Appearance * The name ferruginous comes from the Latin word ferrugo, meaning rust. More
Ferruginous Hawk chicks on artificial platform • Read about why biologists believe higher nesting platforms are contributing to successful breading for this majestic raptor • Future postings will highlight the number of annual hatchlings on nesting platforms and natural nest settings Ferruginous Hawk Proposal to UWIN Director Pearce assisting ferruginous hawk data collection © 2009 Utah Wildlife in Need. Click here to view our Privacy Policy. Internet Services Provided by XMission. More
A raptor of the open country of the West, the Ferruginous Hawk is the largest American hawk. More
Ferruginous Hawk nests constructed with bison bones and lined with bison fur. Threats Primary threats are loss of habitat from agriculture and reduction in the number of available prey species due to habitat loss and deliberate eradication programs. For example, the Black-tailed Prairie-Dog, an important food source for Ferruginous Hawks, faced organized extermination campaigns by ranchers because they were perceived as competing for grass with cattle. More
Ferruginous HawkThe Ferruginous Hawk, Buteo regalis, is a large buzzard-type hawk. Adults have long broad wings and a broad grey, rusty or white tail. The legs are feathered to the talons, like the Rough-legged Hawk. There are two colour forms: * Light morph birds are rusty brown on the upper parts and pale on the head, neck and underparts with rust on the legs and some rust marking on the underwing. More
Bent Life History for the Ferruginous Hawk - the common name and sub-species reflect the nomenclature in use at the time the description was written. now Ferruginous Hawk FERRUGINOUS ROUGHLEG BUTEO REGALIS (Gray) HABITS This latest name, regalis, is a very appropriate one for this splendid hawk, the largest, most powerful, and grandest of our Buteos, a truly regal bird. More
Ferruginous hawks nest on a variety of natural substrates, such as rock outcrops or pillars, high points on open ground, on juniper trees, and on large shrubs, such as serviceberry and sometimes sagebrush. However, because of the extreme vulnerability of most of these nest sites to predators, nesting mortality has probably always been high, and ferruginous hawk population levels have probably always been fairly low. More
Food: Ferruginous hawks depend on few prey species including jackrabbits, cottontail, ground squirrels, and prairie dogs. Four types of pursuit described: 1) Still hunting, 2) Short distance strikes, on ground squirrels; alights and waits for prey to push soil close to surface; then pounces on the earthen heap and pulls out prey; 3) Aerial hunting used infrequently; 4) Hovering, at times when wind is strong. More
'Shylo' is one of the female Ferruginous Hawks at the Centre. More
The ferruginous hawk is the largest buteo in North America averaging 22.5-25" long, with a 53-56" wingspan. Sexes are alike, females average just a bit larger than males. Two color morphs occur, with intermediates. Light morph: Rust colored back and shoulders; head paler, grayish and streaked, and white tail has pale rust wash on end. Undersides are white with limited streaking and rusty spots; leg feathers rust colored on adults, white on juveniles. More
hawks, ferruginous hawks have a marked reversed size dimorphism: Eowyn is more than 50% larger, by weight, than Osiris. Courtesy of Barbara Gleason Ferruginous Hawk (Buteo regalis) As the 'royal' Latin name suggests, this is the largest and heaviest hawk in North America. The Ferruginous Hawk is about midway in size between other buteo hawks and the Golden Eagle, which it resembles in body shape, diet, flight, and nesting habits. Females are larger then males, but the genders have similar plumage. More
Ferruginous Hawk in Flight: www.schmoker.org Ferruginous Hawk (Buteo Regalis) - A large hawk that inhabits the grasslands, deserts, and open-areas of western North America. Ferruginous means 'rusty color' and refers to the birds rufous colored wings and legs. Welcome to FerruginousHawk.org = This site provides information about one of North America's most amazing birds of prey and provides up-to-date information about the Tri-National Migration Study. More
As of July, 2007, 56 ferruginous hawks have been captured and telemetered, eight in Mexico, eleven in Canada, and 37 in the United States. Ten juvenile hawks were captured and telemetered in 2007. The map to the right displays the current location, or last known location of the active study birds. Twenty-three telemetered hawks are currently active including three adults and four juveniles captured in previous years. Two juveniles and one adult telemetered last year died during the winter, and batteries expired on four other hawks. More
* Comments: The ferruginous hawk is the largest Buteo hawk in Kansas. When seen in flight the rust-colored feathers of the legs show up well against the light-colored abdomen and light, unbarred tail. When the wings are in the downstroke a white patch can be seen. More
Ferruginous Hawks breed in western North America from southern Canada to mid-New Mexico. Wintering Range: Ferruginous Hawks winter from northern Colorado to mid-Mexico. Northern populations begin migration in September-October, and return in March or April. Habitat Preferences: They inhabit large flat expanses of juniper savanna and grassland. They do not utilize forested areas or narrow canyons, but are found on the borders between pinyon-juniper forests and open grassland. More
Ferruginous Hawk is a broadly distributed raptor of western North America. Although United States populations may be increasing, Ferruginous Hawk is considered highly sensitive to disturbance and to loss or alteration of native grassland habitat. More
Breeding distribution of the Ferruginous Hawk in the United States and southern Canada, based on Breeding Bird Survey data, 1985-1991. Scale represents average number of individuals detected per route per year. Map from Price, J., S. Droege, and A. Price. 1995. The Summer Atlas of North American Birds. Academic Press, London, England. 364 pages. - Keys to management are providing suitable nest sites, protecting active nest areas from disturbance, and improving habitat for prey. More
The ferruginous hawk appears to have been common throughout North Dakota. Early observers reported that the bird was the most common hawk species along the Missouri River, with the exception of the kestrel. Present Status: The ferruginous hawk nests from eastern Washington to southern Canada, east to the Dakotas and south to northern Texas. More
Ferruginous Hawks were detected nearly every year between 1980 and 1997 on the Arcata, Centerville, and Willow Springs circles (Humboldt County); regularly during this period on the Del Norte and Klamath circles (Del Norte County); and every year during the period on the Mendocino Coast circle (Mendocino County). Harris (1991) considers the species a "locally rare winter visitor" in northwestern California. More
The Ferruginous Hawk is one of the largest birds of prey in North America with a wingspan of close to five feet. As with all raptors it is a hunter. It preys on small mammals such as gophers, rabbits and squirrels. It is a formidable hunter swooping down and snatching up its prey before it realizes a threat is near. More
Ferruginous hawks are very sensitive to disturbance at their nests early in the nesting season. For this reason, research activities, such as banding and marking, are conducted later when the young are maturing. * Ferruginous hawks nest on the ground occasionally in other western states. More
Ferruginous Hawk enjoying a fresh kill of the day, a squirrel! Video taken in London, Ontario, Canada. December 6th, 2007. More
* Winter roosts of up to 24 ferruginous hawks have been noted around prairie dog towns! * The wide gape of the ferruginous hawk is an adaptation for swallowing large prey items, but may also assist in thermoregulation in extreme heat by increasing the efficiency of panting! << back to BIRDS Animal Fact Sheets = Ferruginous Hawk More