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Adult birds range in size from 34 to 45 cm , weigh from 265 to 560 g and have a wingspan from 81 to 100 cm . As in most raptors, females are slightly larger than males. Adults have dark brown upper parts and evenly spaced black and white bands on the tail. Light morphs are pale on the underparts and underwing and have thick cinnamon bars across the belly. The light morph is most likely to be confused with the Red-shouldered Hawk, but that species has a longer, more heavily barred tail and the barred wings and solid rufous color of adult Red-shoulders are usually distinctive. Dark morphs are a darker brown on both upperparts and underparts. They are much less common than the light-coloured variant. Dark-morph Short-tailed Hawks are similar but are whitish under the tail with a single subterminal band. Broad-winged Hawks' wings are relatively short and broad with a tapered, somewhat pointed appearance unique to this species.
The Broad-winged Hawk is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
The broad-winged hawk is the smallest buteo in North America, but it makes one of the biggest impressions during migration when birders can see thousands of hawks migrating simultaneously in tremendous flocks. More
Broad-winged hawks eat much of the same prey as their larger cousin the red-tailed hawk, this includes mammals, reptiles and amphibians, small birds and even large insects. Because of their smaller size they are able to get around in and hunt with in the forest usually ambushing their prey by dropping on them from their perch in the tree top canopy. Broad-winged hawks go through a mass migration each fall, in Minnesota this typically occurs around mid September. More
The Broad-winged Hawk (Buteo platypterus) is a small hawk of the Buteo genus. During the summer they are distributed over most of eastern North America, to as far west as the Alberta province and Texas; they then migrate south to winter in the neotropics from Mexico down to Southern Brazil. Many of the subspecies in the Caribbean are endemic and most do not migrate. More
The Broad-winged Hawk is a small, stocky buteo with broad white-and-black tail bands. It is a common breeder in deciduous or mixed-deciduous forests throughout eastern North America and into parts of central Canada. Interestingly enough, the Genus name Buteo translates from the Latin for buzzard, and the entire scientific name roughly translates to mean More
The Broad-winged Hawk has a large range, with a global estimate of 4,900,000 square kilometers. The bird is native to most of the Americas and has migrated to Argentina and Jamaica. It prefers a subtropical or tropical forest or plantations in which to reside. The global population of the bird is estimated at 1,800,000, and the population does not seem to be experiencing decline at a rate that would necessitate inclusion on the IUCN Red List. More
Broad-winged Hawks in flight Standing on a hilltop in central Panama in October, you might suddenly notice that the midday sky has gone dark. Sure, clouds have rolled in as usual during the rainy season, but this dark cloud takes on a different shape—the shape of thousands of birds! Hawks, on their annual migration are flying over the isthmus of Panama toward wintering grounds there and in South America. Among them, the most numerous migrants are broad-winged hawks. More
Broad-Winged Hawk RangeBroad-Winged Hawk Francis Meet our Education Birds Home Barred Owl Great Horned Owl Screech Owl Red Tailed Hawk Broad Winged Hawk Goshawk Swainsons Hawk Rough Legged Hawk Peregrine Falcon Merlin More
the Broad-winged Hawk is hard to see on its nesting grounds. It becomes more conspicuous on migration when it congregates into flocks and passes by hawk migration lookouts in the thousands. More
Dictionary: broad-winged hawk (brôd'wĭngd') pronunciation Home > Library > Literature & Language > Dictionary n. A crow-sized forest hawk (Buteo platypterous) of eastern North America. Home of Wiki & Reference Answers, the world’s leading Q&A siteReference AnswersEnglish▼English▼ Deutsch Español Français Italiano Tagalog * * Search unanswered questions... More
Case 2: Brancher Broad-Winged Hawk is substituted for injured juvenile of the same age Case 3: Brancher Broad-winged Hawk with two older siblings returned to nest tree after being found on the ground. Bird became grounded again and died a day later. Development Photos Broad-winged Hawk Species Notes The Broad-Winged Hawk is a common summer resident of the Eastern U.S. More
In June of 2005, an older nestling Broad-winged Hawk was found in the middle of a rural road near Ragland, in St. Clair County. Volunteer Gene Addor rescued the bird and brought it to the Wildlife Center. Several days later, Gene and volunteer Greg Smith returned to the exact spot where the juvenile was found, to attempt to reunite it with its parents. Greg quickly spotted the nest high in a pine tree on the steep slope below the roadway. More
Broad-winged Hawk by Louis Agassiz Fuertes Winter: Southern Florida and from Mexico to South America. Breeding habitat Inhabits a variety of continuous forests, generally dry woodlands and mixed conifer-hardwoods with openings and water nearby. Conservation status Although this is one of the most common forest raptor species, it is of conservation importance because of its association with large tracts of mature forest both for breeding and wintering. More
The broad-winged hawk is a medium-sized bird of prey found throughout Minnesota. If you see a hawk with two white bands and two black bands on its broad tail, it's probably a broad-winged hawk. Identification General description: About the size of a crow, the broad-winged hawk has a dark back and is light beneath. When it is flying overhead, look for its broad, thickly striped tail. More
The Broad-winged Hawk, one of the smallest North American buteos, has short pointed wings and a relatively long tail. This is one of the most common woodland hawks of eastern North America. They nest in dense deciduous and occasionally in open woodlands near water. The Broad-winged Hawk's nest is 1-1.5 feet diameter and usually in crotch of a deciduous tree. It is made of relatively small sticks, twigs and dead leaves. More
* Comments: Broad-winged hawks are about the size of a stocky crow and have short, pointed wings. When seen in flight the underwings look white with a dark border on the trailing edge of the wing. The tail has broad black and white bands; the dark band at the end of the tail is wider than the other bands. It is probably the most abundant soaring hawk in North America. More
One of the best spots to watch Broad-winged Hawk migration is from Hazel Bazemore County Park near Corpus Christi, Texas. Between September 20th and 22nd it may be possible to see 100,000 Broad-winged Hawks a day at this site. Broad-winged HawkButeo platypterus A small hawk, common in eastern woodlands in summer. Staying around the edges of forest, Broad-wings are often not very noticeable during the breeding season, but they form spectacular concentrations when they migrate. More
Broad-winged Hawks have dark brown backs with reddish brown finely barred breast and belly; color under the wings is light with a dark border. Look for the most conspicuous detail – the tail has broad black and white bands (two white bands). More
broad-winged hawk The broad-winged hawk is a stocky, crow-sized hawk. It is 13-19 inches in length with a wingspan of around 3 feet. It has a black-tipped hooked bill; a dark brown head, nape, back, and upper wings. It has a white throat and a whitish breast and belly striped with horizontal cinnamon-colored bars. It has a broad, squared, dark gray to black tail with a thick white band in the middle and two thinner white bars at the base and tip. More
The broad-winged hawk only spends time in Ohio during the warm weather months. It breeds in the eastern half of the United States and winters in Central and South America. Broad-winged hawk The Broad-winged Hawk (photo by Jerry Ting) These hawks will migrate to the south during the fall and winter months. They often travel in flocks that can be a few birds or several hundred. During this time is when they are most noticeable. More
In her first year of life this broad-winged hawk was transferred to Shaver's Creek from the Delaware Valley Raptor Center in Milford, Pennsylvania. A vehicle had struck her, leaving her with a broken ulna and humerus of the left wing. A surgical pin was placed into the humerus; after a month of therapy the pin was removed. After treatment the bird remained unable to fly and was determined to be nonreleasable. She is now viewed by thousands of visitors per year at Shaver's Creek. More
woodlands, the broad-winged hawk utilizes parts of woodlands for nesting that the red-tailed hawk and red-shouldered hawk do not. They are often found feeding near openings created by roads, trails, or wetlands. This is a very migratory hawk moving south to winter in Central and South America. During migration they can be seen in large "kettles" over places like Hawk Ridge in Duluth in numbers up to 8,000 to 10,000 per day. More
Nearctic, Neotropical: The broad-winged hawk occurs in north eastern and north central North America, and in Central America and some regions of South America, where most individuals winter. Physical Characteristics - The broad-winged hawk is a small, stocky buteo. The total length of the body is 34-44 cm, and the wingspan ranges from 81-100 cm. Females are slightly larger than the males. Adults have a dark brown back, and a pale breast and belly. More
The broad-winged hawk leads a double life. From April to September it is a resident of the eastern part of the United States and Canada. It builds a rather flimsy nest in forested areas that include lakes, streams or swamps. The two or three eggs are laid in mid-April or early June, and the bird remains in seclusion in its woodland hideaway until fall. Then the broad-wing comes out of hiding in a dramatic way. More