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The Black-billed Cuckoo, Coccyzus erythropthalmus, is a cuckoo.
The Black-billed Cuckoo is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
The Black-billed Cuckoo, Coccyzus erythropthalmus, is a cuckoo. Adults have a long brown tail and a black bill. The head and upper parts are brown and the underparts are white. There is a red ring around the eye. Juveniles are drabber, and the eye ring is greenish. Their breeding habitat is edges of wooded areas across North America east of the Rockies. They nest in a low tree or shrub, sometimes on the ground. They sometimes lay eggs in the nests of other birds. More
Common but secretive, the Black-billed Cuckoo is heard far more often than seen. During the breeding season, this forest dwelling caterpillar-eater often calls throughout the night. Come watch nesting birds at Nestcams. More
The Black-billed Cuckoo is distinguished by a red ring around the eyes, and the younger members of this species substitute this with a green ring. They mainly breed on the edges of woods in North America, east of the Rocky Mountains. Their nests are located in low shrubs or trees, and sometimes even the ground. During winter months, they migrate to South America and rarely western Europe. They are foragers who frequently dine on insects such as tent caterpillars, snails, eggs and berries. More
* Black-billed Cuckoo Species Account - Cornell Lab of Ornithology * eNature.com profile * Black-billed Cuckoo - Coccyzus erythropthalmus - USGS Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter * Black-billed Cuckoo Information and Photos - South Dakota Birds and Birding This entry is from Wikipedia, the leading user-contributed encyclopedia. More
Black-Billed Cuckoo Printer friendly versionPrinter friendly version Coccyzus erythropthalmus - Black-billed cuckoos Description: Males and females are similar in appearance with long tails and black bills. Adults have a red orbital ring, a brown head, nape, back, upperwings and uppertail feathers. Their chin, foreneck, breast and belly are white, and the tail is gray below with narrow white tips. More
Bent Life History for the Black-billed Cuckoo - the common name and sub-species reflect the nomenclature in use at the time the description was written. BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO COCCYZUS ERYTHROPTHALMUS (Wilson) HABITS The black-billed cuckoo is not so widely distributed as the yellow billed, being confined in the breeding season to practically the northern half of the United States and southern Canada east of the Rocky Mountains. More
The Black-billed Cuckoo is especially secretive and shy. It is not as widely distributed in the breeding season as the Yellow-billed Cuckoo (C. americanus), and does not occur west of the Rocky Mountains. It is usually more common in the northern part of its range than the Yellow-billed Cuckoo, and less common in the southern part of its range. More
The black-billed cuckoo is a long, slender bird, with a brownish-tan back and wings and with a white breast. It also has "half moons" on the end of its tail feathers. Cuckoos eat bugs. Black-billed cuckoo: center The adult has, as seen below, a red eye ring. More
Black-billed Cuckoos are among those species that are more likely to be heard than seen. Their habit of waiting motionless for long periods watching for prey to move makes them difficult to detect, but their monotone cu-cu-cu song carries well through the forest. Like Yellow-billed Cuckoos, they like to eat hairy caterpillars, which they will shake and whack on a branch before swallowing. Black-billed Cuckoos are uncommon migrants and rare breeders in Tennessee. More
Black-billed Cuckoo in the Hand = dMoon31 16 vidéos S'abonnerModifier l'abonnement Chargement… 162 vues 162 vues dMoon31 — 22 septembre 2009 — Dr. Jon Atwood of Antioch University New England runds a bird banding station in Keene, NH on land owned by Keen... dMoon31 — 22 septembre 2009 — Dr. Jon Atwood of Antioch University New England runds a bird banding station in Keene, NH on land owned by Keene State College. This fall, Dr. More
Aspects of the topic black-billed cuckoo are discussed in the following places at Britannica. Assorted References * characteristics and habitat (in cuckoo (bird)) The nonparasitic phaenicophaeine cuckoos are represented in North America by the widespread yellow-billed and black-billed cuckoos (Coccyzus americanus and C. erythropthalmus) and the mangrove cuckoo (C. minor), which is restricted in the United States to... More
black-billed cuckooblack-billed cuckoo - North American cuckoo; builds a nest and rears its own youngCoccyzus erythropthalmuscuckoo - any of numerous European and North American birds having pointed wings and a long tailCoccyzus, genus Coccyzus - a genus of Cuculidae How to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, add the site to iGoogle, or visit webmaster's page for free fun content. More
General DescriptionThe Black-billed Cuckoo is a 31 centimeter-long bird with a stout slightly decurved bill, zygodactyl feet, grayish-brown dorsum, white venter (except tail), and a long tail that is patterned on the underside in gray with white feather tips. The bill is usually all dark, and may show yellow at the base of the lower mandible. There is a reddish eye ring. More
Rosche (1979) stated that black-billed cuckoo occurred in the lower North Platte River Valley until 25 August. Occurrence dates at the Mormon Island Crane Meadows, Hall County, extend from 26 May to 25 August. Breeding Range: Largely restricted to the Platte River Valley physiographic region during the nesting season; two isolated records from the Eastern Plain. Breeding Population: We failed to record black-billed cuckoo on our random census plots in 1979-1980. More
You can find black-billed cuckoos in wooded areas, groves, and edges. Diet Caterpillars, insects, spiders. Range These birds can be found as far north as southern Canada down to northern Florida and westward to Montana down to New Mexico and Mexico. Other Useful Information Black-billed cuckoos like to eat spiny caterpillars. The spines from the caterpillars end up in the stomach wall of the bird. More
but slighter in build, the Black-billed Cuckoo has a smaller, dark bill, a relatively shorter tail with less obvious white spots, and little or no reddish coloration in the wings. Both species frequent groves of hardwood trees where they tend to remain motionless in dense foliage, and are more often detected by their rather similar, loud vocalizations than by sight. More
The Black-billed Cuckoo is a relative of the Mangrove and Yellow-billed Cuckoos, and has a long tail marked below with small white spots, a stout, gray to black bill, brownish upperparts with brownish to slightly rufous primaries, and white underparts. black-billed-cuckoo Female - The sexes are similar. Seasonal change in appearance - None. More