Along with its close and very similar looking relatives the Victoria Crowned Pigeon and the Southern Crowned Pigeon, it is one of the largest and is considered one of the most beautiful members of the pigeon family. The Western Crowned Pigeon is found and endemic to the lowland rainforests of Papua, Indonesia section of New Guinea; the other species of crowned pigeon inhabit different regions of the island. The diet consists mainly of fruits and seeds.
The Western Crowned-Pigeon is classified as Vulnerable (VU), considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.
The western crowned-pigeon is found in New Guinea and other Indonesian islands (1). View a distribution map for this species at UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre. Habitat - Found in marshy and partly flooded forest, as well as in hilly forest up to 350 metres above sea level, forests with dense secondary growth and mangroves (4). More