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It migrates only short distances south in autumn, most of the population wintering in northern latitudes at the edge of the pack ice, although some birds reach more temperate areas.
The Ivory gull is classified as Near Threatened (NT), is close to qualifying for or is likely to qualify for a threatened category in the near future.
yelled,IVORY GULL,this is a f***ing IVORY GULL- I was a little excited.Pulse racing, I jumped out of the car,grabbed my camera and fired a few distant shots,just for the record,but the bird was drifting away.We had to chase it. A couple of minutes later after a hairy 80km/hr drive down a narrow side road we were again watching the Ivory Gull. More
of the Ivory Gull in North America. Adult Ivory Gull, Nunavut, June The Ivory Gull is notable for exploiting remote and desolate reaches of the high Arctic. Its breeding distribution includes north-eastern Canada, northern Greenland, Svalbard, and several archipelagos in northwestern reaches of the Russian Federation. In winter is has a near circumpolar distribution, and is found in the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic oceans. More
The Ivory Gull Pagophila eburnea is a small gull, the only species in its genus. It breeds in the high arctic and has a circumpolar distribution through Greenland, northernmost North America, and Eurasia. It migrates only short distances south in autumn, most of the population wintering in northern latitudes at the edge of the pack ice, although some birds reach more temperate areas. This species is easy to identify. More
from the Arctic, a stray Ivory Gull always draws a crowd of bird watchers, even though the species invariably appears in the temperate zone during cold winter months. Appearance: The adult Ivory Gull is an immaculate white with coal black eyes and feet. The pale gray bill is tipped with pale yellow. The sexes appear the same. More likely to wander into our population centers, immature birds look like adults but with variable amounts of black on the face and dark spots and smudges scattered over the body. More
Ivory Gull: A pure white gull whose entire life is restricted to the edge of the floating pack ice. Legs dark, bill dusky with yellow tip. Sexes similar. Juvenile is lightly to heavily spotted dark brown on white background, face dark brown. Range and Habitat Ivory Gull: Nearly always associated with drifting pack ice in the very northern reaches of the arctic. Circumpolar and found in Siberia, Canada, Greenland, and other artic land masses. More
* The Ivory Gull casts up pellets of indigestible matter from its food, such as bones and fur. Pellet-casting is most frequent where lemmings are abundant and are the major prey. * The adult Ivory Gull attending the nest expels its faeces powerfully by aiming its cloaca outward from cliff nest sites. More
Ivory Gull breeds on Arctic coasts and cliffs, laying one to three olive eggs in a ground nest lined with moss, lichens, or seaweed. It takes fish and crustaceans, rodents, eggs and small chicks but is also an opportunist scavenger, often found on seal or porpoise corpses. It has been known to follow polar bears and other predators to feed on the remains of their kills. More
Ivory gull in flight Ivory gull in flightPrint factsheet Facts - Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Aves Order Charadriiformes Family Laridae Genus Pagophila (1) Size Length: 44 – 48 cm (2) Wingspan: 106 More
In parts of its range, ivory gull numbers have fallen rapidly (4). For example, surveys of breeding colonies in Canada in 2002 and 2003 revealed that populations had declined by 80 percent since the early 1980s (5). These declines are believed to be the result of a number of factors (4). During the breeding season, the ivory gull is very vulnerable to the impacts of human activities, such as natural resource exploration and extraction. More
les images similaires ivory gull is an arctic gull ...600 x 563 · 48 kB · jpegpressofac.mycapture.comhttp://pressofac.mycapture.com/PHOTOS/POAC/900232/26979019E.jpgAfficher les images similaires ivory gull by Donna Dewhurst ...1050 x 788 · 561 kB · jpegwww.fws.govhttp://www.fws.gov/northdakotafieldoffice/images/ivory%20gull.jpgAfficher les images similaires Ivory Gull and Porpoise828 x 576 · 64 kB · jpegwww.nickderry.co.ukhttp://www.nickderry.co.uk/wales/pictures/ivorygullandporpoise.JPGAfficher les images similaires Ivory Gull, Plymouth, MA ...1000 x 666 · 59 kB · jpegmassbird.orghttp://massbird.org/sightings/hotbirds/IvoryGull-Plymouth-1-21-09-MLaBossiere.JPGAfficher les images similaires Ivory Gull by Rónán ...800 x 571 · 60 kB · jpegwww.mullbirds.comhttp://www.mullbirds.com/Ivory%20Gull-1. More
Ivory Gull in beautiful setting.jpg Ivory Gull in beautiful setting.jpg Ivory Gull, joy to the world, Jeff Gordon's face says it all.jpg Ivory Gull, joy to the world, Jeff Gordon's face says it all.jpg Ivory Gull against red reflection.jpg Ivory Gull against red reflection.jpg Ivory Gull yielding to monster Great Black-backed Gulls.jpg Ivory Gull yielding to monster Great Black-backed Gulls.jpg Ivory Gull and moon. More
The Ivory Gull Is A Special Visitor 01/30/09 - back Dear Bird Folks, - What is the dealeo with bird watchers and the word "ivory"? A few years ago they got all worked up over a possible sighting of an Ivory-billed Woodpecker. More
Ivory Gull is perhaps the most immediately recognizable gull in North America but unfortunately it also one of the least often seen. Small and white-plumaged, it has a black eye, black legs, and a two-toned black-and-yellow bill; immatures have small amounts of black spotting or streaking, including a narrow band on the end of the tail. More
Were you lucky enough to get the accommodating Ivory Gull that visited Gloucester, MA in January 2009? Pick up a souvenir of your lucky tick with a stylish Gloucester Ivory Gull 2009 t-shirt or other birding souvenir. You'll never forget seeing the beautiful lifer, and now you'll have a great souvenir to show off your lucky day! Gloucester Ivory Gull Sigg Water Bottle 0.6LGloucester Ivory Gull Sigg Water Bottle 0.6L £21. More
Ivory Gull - the Bird of the Decade = ivory gull Photos by Pat and Clay Sutton Posted December 2009 by Clay and Pat Sutton While it’s only a fanciful, unofficial competition, most votes are now in and, as the decade ends, just about every birder agrees that the best bird of the past ten years is, yes, a seagull. More
Ivory Gull Photos: Clay Sutton Posted 11/29/09 Cape May, NJ — An early North Pole visitor swooped into Cape May Friday, kicking off the holiday season. To a casual onlooker, it was just another gull flying around the Lobster House docks. But birders who shivered in the cold to get a glimpse of the unusually white gull knew better. More
OUTDOORS: Ivory gull brings birders from all areas = Photos Randy Julius Search Wicked Local Businesses Search for: In City or Town: By Randy Julius The Enterprise Posted Feb 01, 2009 @ 01:12 AMLast update Feb 01, 2009 @ 01:13 AMBROCKTON — Jay Mulcahy of East Taunton called last Sunday to tell me about an ivory gull that has been frequenting the boat ramp parking lot behind East Bay Grille in More
Ivory Gull Portrait Ivory Gull - Fotopedia jomilo75 on Flickr Ivory Gull Ivory Gull - Fotopedia Seabamirum on Flickr Ivory Gull Profile Ivory Gull - Fotopedia Seabamirum on Flickr Nominate for Ivory Gull in the encyclopedia? Relevant to Ivory Gull in the encyclopedia? Was in Ivory Gull in the encyclopedia Yes No Yes Yes No Nominate to enable voting on this photo More
An ivory gull, a native of the Arctic, has been attracting bird watchers from across New England to Plymouth Harbor. RANDY JULIUS/The Enterprise Birdwatchers gather at the Plymouth boat ramp to photograph a rare ivory gull. RANDY JULIUS/The Enterprise Ivory gull, far left, on the boat ramp railing with a group of seagulls. RANDY JULIUS/The Enterprise Ivory gull eyeballing a chicken carcass put out for it to feed on. More
There are 2 adult Ivory Gulls in Massachusetts at the same time. It's been over 20 years since the last one in the state, and that was an immature. The first one was found in Gloucester by Jeremiah Trimble, then a few days later, Barry Burden discovered the second one in Plymouth. More
The ivory gull (Pagophila eburnea) is a medium-sized gull particularly noted for its striking pure white adult plumage. The species survives year-round in the High Arctic where it breeds in small, often inland, colonies scattered across barren regions of the eastern Canadian Arctic, Greenland, Svalbard (Norway), and the islands and archipelagoes of the Barents and Kara seas (Russia). More
Ivory gulls, ringed seals, polar bears and narwhals are examples of species with a small distribution and specialized habitats, and such species will be the first ones to suffer from the changes.Climate change is faster in Arctic than in any other location on Earth by Asian News Internationalivory gull,barrow's goldeneye and black-browed albatross.Birdwatchers' joy as rare species f lock to Scotland; War Flying ... More
Local declines in Ivory Gulls and dramatic shifts in distribution in response to sea ice changes Ivory Gull, Taimyr, Photo Peter ProkoschThe Ivory Gull (Pagophila eburnea) is a solely Arctic bird and rarely leaves the Arctic region to southern shores. This pure-white seabird is a characteristic species of the High Arctic Sea and it stays at the edge of the Arctic sea ice all year round. It is an uncommon bird, and it has a patchy distribution around the high Arctic. More
Ivory Gull breeds on arctic coasts and cliffs, laying one to three eggs in a ground nest. It takes fish and crustaceans, but is also an opportunist scavenger, often found on seal or porpoise corpses. Copyright 2010 WordIQ.com - Privacy Policy :: Terms of Use :: Contact Us :: About Us This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the this Wikipedia article. More
Ivory gull - Dictionary Definition and Overview = Ivory gull : (noun) 1: white arctic gull; migrates as far south as England and New Brunswick Based on WordNet 2.0 - 1. The hard, white, opaque, fine-grained substance constituting the tusks of the elephant. It is a variety of dentine, characterized by the minuteness and close arrangement of the tubes, as also by their double flexure. More