Black Tern

Adult are 25 cm long, with a wing span 61 cm , and weigh 62 g . They have short dark legs and a short, weak-looking black bill, measuring 27-28 mm, nearly as long as the head. The bill is long, slender, and looks slightly decurved. They have a dark grey back, with a white forehead, black head, neck and belly, black or blackish-brown cap , and a light brownish-grey, 'square' tail. The face is white. There is a big dark triangular patch in front of the eye, and a broadish white collar in juveniles. There are grayish-brown smudges on the ides of the white breast, a downwards extension of the plumage of the upperparts. These marks vary in size and are not conspicuous. In non-breeding plumage, most of the black, apart from the cap, is replaced by grey. The plumage of the upperparts is drab, with pale feather-edgings. The rump is brownish-gray.

The Black Tern is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.

The Black Tern, Chlidonias niger, is a small tern generally found in or near inland water in Europe and North America. As its name suggests, it has predominantly dark plumage. Contents - * 1 Description * 2 Hybridisation with White-winged Black Tern * 3 Distribution and habitat * 3. More

The Vermont state threatened Black Tern was first documented nesting in the extensive marshlands along Lake Champlain in the late 1930's. Black Terns have been know to use at least eight different nesting locations, seven of these on Lake Champlain and one on Lake Memphremagog. Since 1999 the entire Black Tern population has been centered in the northern end of Lake Champlain at Mud Creek Wildlife Management Area and Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge with the majority of the birds occurring at the refuge. More

Black Tern: Juvenile Default description Black Tern: Juvenile Black Tern: Breeding Adult Default description Black Tern: Breeding Adult Related Birds Least Tern White-winged Tern Black Noddy Brown Noddy Sooty Tern General Black Tern: Small tern with black head and underparts. Back, wings, and tail are silver-gray. Vent is white; legs are dark red but may appear black. Sexes are similar. More

Black Tern Range MapView dynamic map of eBird sightings Field MarksHelp - * Adult breedingPopOutZoom In Adult breeding * © Marie Read * Adult nonbreedingPopOutZoom In Adult nonbreeding * © Kevin T. More

Hybridisation between this species and White-winged Black Tern has been recorded from Sweden and the Netherlands. Two juvenile birds at Chew Valley Lake, England, in September 1978 and September 1981, were also believed to be hybrids; they showed mixed characters of the two species, specifically a combination of a dark mantle (a feature of White-winged Black) with dark patches on the breast-side (a feature of Black Tern, not shown by White-winted Black). More

Black TernThe North American race, C. n. surinamensis, is distinguishable from the European form in all plumages, and is considered by some to be a separate species. In flight, the build appears slim. The wing-beats are full and dynamic, and flight is often erratic as it dives to the surface for food; similar to other tern species. More

the Black Tern has relatively broad wings and a short tail that is only slightly forked. In breeding plumage, it has a black body and head, silvery gray wings and a white vent. The legs and bill are also black. In non-breeding plumage, the Black Tern has a white belly and breast. The black on its head recedes, leaving dark sideburns, and is replaced with a white face. The legs are orange. More

Aspects of the topic black tern are discussed in the following places at Britannica. Assorted References * description (in tern (bird)) The most typical terns are the approximately 30 species of the genus Sterna, with forked tail, black cap or crest, and pale body. The black tern, S. More

Black Tern Habitat Model go to: USFWS Gulf of Maine Watershed Habitat Analysis go to: Species Table Feedback: We welcome your suggestions on improving this model! Draft Date: February 20, 2001 Species: Black tern, Chlidonias niger. North American subspecies: C. n. surinamensis (Dunn and Agro 1995). Also known as short-tailed or semipalmated tern (Dorr 1976). More

The Black Tern is listed as an endangered species in Illinois, because their former breeding grounds (marshes and other wetlands) have been much reduced. We are fortunate to have a nice marshy area on the west end of the Lake. Every effort should be made to preserve and restore areas such as this to provide breeding sites for various birds and other animals and to reduce potential flood damage in the watershed. More

The black tern is a small (length 9-10 inches), robin-sized tern with unmistakable black plumage. It has a black head and underbody with grayish-black wings and tail. The base of the underside of the tail is white and the underside and leading edge of the wings are whitish. The bill and eyes are black, and the legs are reddish. In late summer and fall, black terns begin to molt and may be mottled with white, especially on the head and neck. More

The Black Tern, Chlidonias niger, is a small tern. Adult birds have short dark legs and a short black bill. They have a dark grey back, with black head, neck and belly with a light grey tail. In non-breeding plumage, most of the black, apart from the cap, is replaced by grey. The North American race, C. n. surinamensis, is distinguishable from the European form in all plumages, and is considered by some to be a separate species. More

Note: The most common survey method for Black Terns is a count of birds, either from shore or a canoe. Nests usually are located by observing adult terns as they travel to and from nests or by observing their behavior in relation to a researcher's disturbance. Methods for capturing, banding, and building nest platforms are included in the annotated bibliographies. - Annotated articles Bailey, P. F. 1977. More

American black terns nested in South and Central America. European and Asian birds nested in Africa. Probably historically present in all of North Dakota although uncommon in the southwest part of the state. Present Status: Still present in central and southern Europe and parts of Siberia. More

Behavior at Wakodahatchee: The Black Tern is not commonly seen at Wakodahatchee. It visits during migration, and is listed as accidental. Its summer range is the northern mid-western and western United States into Southern Canada. The black tern is the only tern at eats insects as well as fish. Click here for more information on The Black Tern from PBCWUD This site is run with the approval and support of the Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department. More

Features: The Black Tern (Chlidonias niger) is a small, boldly marked tern with black head and underparts during the breeding season. They are mainly insect predators, hovering just above the water as they pick their prey off the surface. They build floating nests in loose colonies in shallow marshes, especially in cattails. In winter they migrate to the coast of northern South America. More

During the breeding season, Black Terns pick insects off of vegetation or capture them in the air, including dragonflies, mayflies, beetles, and moths. They also prey on small fish, mollusks, crayfish, and spiders. Large numbers of terns may hover over meadows and grassy marshes, or follow plows to feed on exposed grubs. After the young fledge, Black Terns gather at favorable staging sites. Fall migration begins in late July, with the juveniles typically leaving about one month after adults. More

vues SmithsonianMBC — 23 juin 2009 — Black Tern recorded by George Jameson. SmithsonianMBC — 23 juin 2009 — Black Tern recorded by George Jameson. More

Order : Charadriiformes
Family : Laridae
Genus : Chlidonias
Species : niger
Authority : (Linnaeus, 1758)