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Author: dispale
Volcano rabbit
Order : Lagomorpha
Family : Leporidae
Species : Romerolagus diazi
Keywords: nocturnal
The Volcano rabbit is listed as Endangered (EN), considered to be facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Namings for the volcano rabbit
A young / baby of a volcano rabbit is called a 'bunny, kit, kitten, leveret or nestling'. The females are called 'doe or jill' and males 'buck or jack'. A volcano rabbit group is called a 'warren, nest, colony, bevy, bury, drove or trace'.Countries
Facts about the volcano rabbit
Volcano Rabbit or Romerolagus diazi is listed on the IUCN Red list (1996) as Endangered due to A1abc+2bc, B1+2bcd+3abc, C1+2a.
Zacatuche or Romerolagus diazi is listed on the IUCN Red list (1996) as Endangered due to A1abc+2bc, B1+2bcd+3abc, C1+2a.
AMERICAN - BRANCH OF THE WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE ASSOCIATION The volcano rabbit, Romerolagus diazi, is the official logo of the AB-WRSA.
htm The volcano rabbit: The volcano rabbit, Romerolagus diazi, is the official logo of the AB-WRSA.
The volcano rabbit, Romerolagus diazi, is the official logo of the AB-WRSA World", domesticated rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus).
Het vulkaankonijn (Romerolagus diazi) is beperkt tot enkele gebieden op de Popocatépetl en aangrenzende bergen en is zeer sterk in aantal afgenomen.
Het vulkaankonijn (Romerolagus diazi) is beperkt tot enkele gebieden op de Popocatépetl en aangrenzende bergen en is zeer sterk in aantal afgenomen. (Full text)
One of the world's endangered species, the volcano rabbit (see Figure 1) or Romerolagus diazi, is a little known .
*** The volcano rabbit is restricted to the volcanic slopes near Mexico City, within a 45 minute drive of 17 million people. (Full text)
The volcano rabbit is another small rabbit which is gradually being diminished due to human ignorance.
SPECIES DESCRIPTION/NATURAL HISTORY Romerolagus diazi, or the volcano rabbit, is a small rabbit, with only the pygmy rabbit being smaller.
USFWS Refuges on which the Volcano rabbit is reported.
Pic and info from here (must be online) The volcano rabbit is another small rabbit which is gradually being diminished due to human ignorance.
The volcano rabbit is endemic to central Mexico.
The volcano rabbit is currently listed as an endangered species by any group that has taken a careful look at their status
The Volcano Rabbit is an endangered species E.
The young volcano rabbits are born in an underground nest. (Full text)
According to Chapman and Flux (1990) volcano rabbits are in captivity at three facilities: Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust, Chapultepec Zoo, and Central Institute for Experimental Animals, Japan.
GEOGRAPHICAL SPREAD Volcano Rabbits are found only on the slopes of four volcanoes in central Mexico: Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl (Sierra Nevada), and El Pelado and Tlaloc (Sierra Chichinautzin) (Fa & Bell, 1990).
This info from here (must be online) Volcano Rabbits are found only on the slopes of four volcanoes in central Mexico: Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl (Sierra Nevada), and El Pelado and Tlaloc (Sierra Chichinautzin) (Fa & Bell, 1990).
Volcano rabbits are more closely related to hares than are true rabbits. (Full text)
Habitat and Ecology Volcano rabbits are found between 2,800 and 4,250 m in elevation inhabiting pine forests (Pinus) with dense undergrowth of bunch grass and rocky substrates.
Volcano rabbits are found on four mountain peaks near Mexico City, but the most common mountain is Popocatepetl.
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