Colugos and flying lemurs

Colugos and flying lemurs

Order : Dermoptera
Family : Cynocephalidae


Animals in the family Cynocephalidae

Philippine flying lemur
Malayan flying lemur
Facts about the family Cynocephalidae, the colugos and flying lemurs

Cynocephalus volans Colugos are arboreal gliding mammals found in South-east Asia.

Although once considered members of the order Insctivora, Flying Lemurs are, in reality, strict vegetarians.

Colugos are arboreal gliding mammals found in South-east Asia.

Colugos are curious creatures that have the ability to glide from tree to tree, just like flying squirrels.

Flying lemurs are cat-sized and possess a gliding membrane that stretches from the neck to the finger tips along sides of the body, between the toes, and joins the legs and tail.

Flying lemurs are not true lemurs, but were once lumped into the order Insectivora.

Lemur Skeleton, FlyingCynocephalus variegatus The common name "Flying Lemurs" is misleading since they do not fly but glide and they are not true lemurs.

Malayan Flying LemurCynocephalus variegatus The common name "Flying Lemurs" is misleading since they do not fly but glide and they are not true lemurs.

The digestive system of colugos is specialized for ingesting large amounts of low nutrient plant material.

Volitantia (bats + colugos) is usually singled out by morphological studies as having particularly strong support.

x&&i Flying lemur (Cynocephalus variegatus) #63-271 Whole brain photographs • Standard views • Special views • Rotating brain cast Coronal section through middle of brain • Movie Atlas • Picture Atlas Physical characteristics and distribution The flying lemur (or colugos) is flat bodied with gliding membranes from the neck to the hind feet. (Full text)

Flying lemurs are unusual animals. (Full text)

Flying lemurs are not related to true lemurs which are primates, but belong to an order of their own. (Full text)

Colugos are aboreal gliding mammals found in South-east Asia. (Full text)

Now it is recognized that colugos are probably remnants of an ancient specialized mammalian side-branch. (Full text)

The supposed link between plagiomenids and colugos is exclusively based on similarities of their dentitions, which have long been the only plagiomenid fossils. (Full text)

The intestinal tract of colugos ("flying lemurs") is specialized with a long cecum for: insectivory - herbivory - carnivory. (Full text)

Gliding in the African anomalurid flying squirrels, the Holarctic flying squirrels and the Dermoptera (colugos) is a a) homologous (synapomorphic) b) analogous (convergent) adaptation. (Full text)

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