

Order : Cetacea
Suborder : Mysticeti
Family : Balaenopteridae


Animals in the family Balaenopteridae

Minke whale
Sei whale
Bryde's whale
Blue whale
Fin whale
Humpback whale
Facts about the family Balaenopteridae, the rorquals

Rorquals are named for the furrows or pleats on their undersides.

(references)Non-English Usage: "Balaenopteridae" is also a word in the following language with English translations in parentheses.

Although its position within the clade of Eschrichtiidae + Balaenopteridae is uncontentious (Messenger and McGuire, 1998), previous mtDNA studies contradict the sister arrangement of Megapterinae + Balaenopterinae.

Balaenoptera Megaptera Rorquals are the largest group of baleen whales, with nine species in two genera.

BalaenopteraMegaptera Rorquals are the largest group of baleen whales, with 8 species in two genera.

Diving behavior of rorquals: is dive duration shorter than predicted?

Megaptera Rorquals are the largest group of baleen whales, with nine

Of the baleen whales, the rorqual family Balaenopteridae is represented in the Caribbean with two genera and six species, and the right whale family Balaenidae with one species (Table 1).

Rorquals are the largest group of baleen whales, with 8 species in two genera.

Rorquals are the largest group of baleen whales, with nine species in two genera.

The best field diagnostic to identify Fin Whales from all other rorquals is the asymmetrical coloration of the head.

The Family Balaenopteridae is part of the sub-order Mysticeti, that includes all the filter feeding baleen whales.

Megaptera Rorquals are the largest group of baleen whales, with nine species in two genera. (Wiki)

The head of the Blue whale forms up to a quarter of the total body length and compared with other rorquals is very broad. (Full text)

Main Entry: balaenopteridae balaenopteridae is one of more than 1,000,000 entries available at Merriam-WebsterUnabridged. (Full text)

Click here for a bigger Image The head of the Blue whale forms up to a quarter of the total body length and compared with other rorquals is very broad. (Full text)

The head of the Sei whale forms up to a quarter of the total body length and compared with other rorquals is slender with a slightly arched forehead. (Full text)

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