The scientific name commemorates the Australian naturalist George Bennett.
The Dwarf Cassowary is classified as Near Threatened (NT), is close to qualifying for or is likely to qualify for a threatened category in the near future.
* Casuarius bennetti, Dwarf Cassowary or Bennett's Cassowary, found in New Guinea, New Britain, and on Yapen, mainly in highlands. * Casuarius unappendiculatus, Northern Cassowary or Single-wattled Cassowary, found in the northern and western New Guinea, and Yapen, mainly in lowlands. More
The Dwarf Cassowary is distributed throughout mountain forests of New Guinea, New Britain and Yapen Island, at elevations up to 3,300 m (10,800 ft). In areas without other species of cassowaries, it will live in the lowlands also. Its diet consists mainly of fallen fruits and small animals, and insects. A solitary bird, it pairs only in breeding season. More
English: Dwarf cassowary, little cassowary, mountain cassowary; French: Casoar de Bennett; German: Bennettkasuar; Spanish: Casuario Menor. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Height 39–53 in (99–135 cm); weight 39 lb (about 18 kg). A small cassowary with a flat, low casque and a less colorful neck than the other species. A distinctive form lives on the west side of Geevink Bay, West Irian, and may merit recognition as a species, C. papuanus. More
The dwarf cassowary, although the smallest of the three cassowary species, is hardly deserving of its name as it stands at 80 centimetres to the top of its back (6). It is largely black, except for the bare skin on the throat and neck which is coloured a brilliant blue, with striking red stripes running down the sides of the neck (6). More
The dwarf cassowary occurs on the island of New Guinea, and the surrounding, smaller islands of New Britain, Ceram and Japen (6). - Like other cassowaries, this species is an inhabitant of forest, occurring from sea level up into the mountains, to the treeline at around 3,600 metres (8). More
food, and often being kept in captivity, the Dwarf Cassowary is evaluated as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, with an occurrence range of 258,000 km2 (100,000 sq mi). References * Avibase * Bennett, George (1860), Gatherings of a naturalist in Australasia, John Van Voorst, London * BirdLife International (2008). Casuarius bennetti. 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. More
The Dwarf Cassowary (Casuarius bennetti) in the Birds. Damisela. More
know that both the southern and dwarf cassowary can produce very low frequency sounds, called booms, which help them communicate through the dense rain forest, so perhaps the casque helps in some way. (Listen to a dwarf cassowary's greeting: you'll hear the low boom and then the sounds of preening.) Females tend to have larger casques than males. More
Known generally as the dwarf cassowary, it is also called the Bennett's, mountain or little cassowary. It is the only cassowary without wattles, but does have a red, or purplish, round spot where the wattles join the neck in the other cassowaries. Its helmet is black, more triangular in form, and gives the impression of having been flattened by a blunt instrument from behind. The head and face are black sometimes with a pink cheek patch. The neck is deep blue and the shoulders red or violet. More
Northern Cassowary and Dwarf Cassowary, but is the largest of the three. Read on for more information, pictures, links and facts about the Southern Cassowary! Southern Cassowary photo by Manfred Werner under GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1. More
Cassowary in middle latitudes, and the Dwarf Cassowary in the mountain rain forest. However there are overlaps to the Habitats and no sharp dividing lines; In areas in which the other species do not occur, the Dwarf Cassowary can descend all the way down to sea level. Appearance of the Cassowary Cassowary are large birds, adults being between 1.2 and 1.8 metres in size. More
Cassowary has is a single wattle and the dwarf Cassowary has none at all. The Female Cassowary lays three to eight large eggs that are a deep turquoise color. These eggs are quite large, measuring from 3 to 5½ ins in diameter. It is only Ostrich and Emu eggs that are larger, which are the largest eggs in the world. More