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The Spectacled Owl is 46 cm long and weighs 850 g. It is unmistakable with brown upperparts, head and upper breast, white facial markings and buff underparts. The eyes are yellow and the beak is pale. The juvenile is even more distinctive than the adult, being completely white apart from a chocolate brown facial disc.
The Spectacled Owl is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
Spectacled OwlThe Spectacled Owl (Pulsatrix perspicillata)- was named because of its facial markings that look like a pair of spectacles. These birds are dark brown with a whitish yellow belly and a dark brown collar with a white throat patch. Spectacled owls are large (18 inches tall and weighing about 25 ounces). They generally choose to live near water and are found in woodlands and tropical rainforests. More
The Spectacled Owl, Pulsatrix perspicillata, is a large tropical owl. It is a resident breeder from southern Mexico and Trinidad south to southern Brazil, Paraguay and northwestern Argentina. There are six subspecies. Contents - * 1 Description * 2 Behaviour * 3 References * 4 External links Description - Pulsatrix perspicillata. More
Home pageAdopt an Owl Spectacled Owl Adoption Spectacled Owl Adoption Detail view Spectacled Owl Adoption = Order no.: Adp.007 Product is in stock £30.00 Price, plus delivery Question about product Print view Shopping basket Your shopping basket is empty. More
The Spectacled Owl is dark brown with a yellow belly. There is a white patch on the neck and a brown belt across the chest. Their name comes from the big yellow eyes with white specs around them. They have strong beaks and feet. They are the largest of the tropical owls. The female is larger than the male. Average Adult Size * Height 16-18 inches * Weight - Male 1-1. More
The Spectacled Owl is a nocturnal species of mature forests. It nests in an unlined tree cavity, laying two white eggs. It preys on mammals, even the much larger three-toed sloth, large insects, and birds, including smaller owls. The call is a deep hooting BOO Boo boo boo boo becoming softer and faster. References - 1. ^ "Wild sloth killed by small spectacled owl in Panama". BBC News. * BirdLife International (2004). More
The Spectacled Owl is a distinctive large owl that lives from southern Mexico into South America. It is a beautiful large owl with a brown head and back, white face and underparts and large yellow eyes. This is our cute Birdorable version of the Spectacled Owl. More
Spectacled owls occupy large home ranges, or territories, in mature tropical forest from Mexico to Bolivia and Brazil. Pairs may forage over an area of 50–200 hectares (125–495 acres) or more, searching for small rodents, sleeping birds, or reptiles. Most hunting is done from a perch in the understory layer of the forest, where the owl may remain for several days and nights. Nests are placed in a large tree cavity, which is often formed when the top of a tree snaps off during a severe windstorm. More
Spectacled Owl Mother & Baby by Steve aka Crispin Swan.The Spectacled Owl, Pulsatrix perspicillata, is a large tropical owl. It is a resident breeder from southern Mexico and Trinidad south to southern Brazil, Paraguay and northwestern Argentina. There are six subspecies. This is a nocturnal species of mature forests. It nests in an unlined tree cavity, laying two white eggs. It preys on mammals and large insects, and will also take birds, including smaller owls. The Spectacled Owl is 46 cm long and weighs 850 g. More
This juvenile Spectacled Owl was somewhat of a pet at the Manu Wildlife Center where I was working more photos grooveyard * Rim Trail Tahoe * From: grooveyard * Deer Yosemite * From: grooveyard * Granite Yosemite * From: grooveyard More
Spectacled Owl Pictures, great pictures of spectacled owls in the outdoors = Here is our collection of spectacled owl pictures. This collection is going to get larger as the weeks go by. We love spectacled owl photos and we are going to increase the number of spectacled owl pictures in this section very soon. More
The Spectacled Owl is very distinctive and unlikely to be confused with any other Central American Owl. It can found in both Central and South America. Here you can find photos, a Central American range map and information to help identify and enjoy this beautiful owl. The Field Notes section includes information on nesting, habitat, behavior, vocalizations, description and identification. To jump immediately to any of these sections use the Page Jump Links below. More
These Spectacled Owls were photographed by Pete Morris in April 2002 in Carara, Costa Rica. Click here to return to the Spectacled Owl Multimedia page. More
Hunting & Food: Spectacled Owls eat small mammals including mice and the occasional possum or skunk, insects, spiders, many Caterpillars, bats, birds up to the size of Jays, crabs and frogs. They use a branch to perch on and scan the surrounding area. When prey is located, they drop with a swift pounce. Insects are snatched from foliage. Breeding: In Costa Rica, eggs are laid in the dry season, or at the start of the wet season. More
Spectacled owls are found in Central and South America. (From South Mexico to Argentina) Habitat They usually live in tropical rainforests but can sometimes be found in more open woodland and mangrove swamps. Feeding Their diet consists of small mammals, birds, frogs, large insects and crabs. A spectacled owl hunts by sitting on a branch and watching. More
Here are details of the spectacled owl we have at the sanctuary: Spectacled owls Name Sex Hatched Status Aztec Female 2007 Hand tame owl Screech Owl Sanctuary There's always something new and interesting going on at the sanctuary – why not have a look around our website at all the things we do here? On our site More
spectacled owl is active mostly at night. It’s an efficient hunter, feeding on mammals, insects, and other birds. Young spectacled owls (known as owlets) are mostly white with a dark face mask.They look so different from the adults they were once thought to be a separate species. Fun Fact The Saint Louis Zoo has hatched so many of these owls that they have gone to many other zoos around the world. More
The Spectacled owl lives in dense tropical forests, forest edges and savannas from southern Mexico to South America. Natural diet: This species feeds on small mammals, insects, smaller birds and frogs. Size / weight range: Spectacled owls reach 13 to 15 inches long. Adults are dark brown with a whitish belly, a white neck and white on the face. More
Please rate Spectacled Owl 1024x768 so that other users of our website can make a balanced choice between all available downloads. Select your rating in the dropdown form below and submit it. Note that a cookie will be set to forestall abuse of the rating mechanism. Wallpapers.org Wallpapers.org is a service mark of Topdownloads Networks. © Topdownloads Topdownloads Networks - All Rights Reserved. We are one of the original download sites since 1996. More
Spectacled Owl - Spectacled Owl information - Spectacled Owl facts Spectacled Owl ( Pulsatrix perspicillata ) SEARCH THIS SITE ANIMALS Insect (Insecta) Fish (Osteichties) & Sharks Amphibians (Amphibia) Reptiles (Reptilia) Birds (Aves) Abdim's Stork African Openbill African Penguin Avocet Australian Brush Turkey Bald Eagle Barn Owl More
You can also adopt a part share in a Spectacled Owl for just £25. Don't worry you don't need to find a friend to share it with and you will receive all the same 'goodies' as a full adoption! Don't forget to select which level adoption you would like from the drop down menu. Price:£50. More
* Spectacled owls are the largest of the New World tropical owls that inhabit the rain forest! * Many people falsely believe that owls can't see during the day or that being out in the sun is harmful to them! * Although the retina of their eyes is densely packed with rod cells that help them see in dim light, owls can also see well in daylight. More