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It appears to be particularly closely related to the Great and Short-tailed Shearwaters, all blunt-tailed, black-billed species, but its precise relationships are obscure
The Sooty shearwater is classified as Near Threatened (NT), is close to qualifying for or is likely to qualify for a threatened category in the near future.
Range of the Sooty shearwater in dark blue and breeding sites in yellow The Sooty Shearwater (Puffinus griseus) is a medium-large shearwater in the seabird family Procellariidae. In New Zealand it is also known by its Māori name tītī and as "muttonbird", like its relatives the Wedge-tailed Shearwater (P. pacificus) and the Australian Short-tailed Shearwater (P. tenuirostris). It appears to be particularly closely related to the Great ("P. More
The Sooty Shearwater is a medium shorebird which breeds on islands located in the south Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Typical ranges are found in New Zealand, the Falkland Islands and Tierra del Fuego. This species is migratory, following a circular flying route up through the western side of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, crossing Arctic waters, then flying south down the eastern side of the Pacific and Atlantic. Migration is conducted on an individual basis. More
Scientists have long known that sooty shearwaters breed in New Zealand and Chile and migrate to feeding grounds in the Northern Hemisphere. The details of this remarkable transequatorial migration have emerged from a study by a team of Californian, New Zealand and French scientists using electronic tracking tags to follow the paths of individual sooty shearwaters. Sooty shearwater Puffinus griseus Copyright More
This map shows the tracks of 19 sooty shearwaters tagged in early 2005 and tracked for an average of 262 days during their breeding period (light blue lines) and subsequent migration. Yellow lines show the shearwaters' northward migration from their breeding sites; orange tracks show the birds' activity in three northern Pacific foraging zones and their return trip southward. More
North American RangeThe Sooty Shearwater has a dark body with silvery underwings. It is similar in appearance to the Short-tailed Shearwater. Consult a field guide to distinguish between the two. More
The Sooty shearwater is a pelagic bird, that is, a bird that lives in open oceans and normally only come ashore to breed. Sooty Shearwaters are migratory birds common in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, where they range from the Antartic pack ice to North of the equator. They are commonly found at sea in flocks numbering over 20,000 birds feeding on anchovies, squid and small crustaceans. More
National Marine Sanctuaries Where Sooty Shearwaters Can Be Found: Olympic Coast Cordell Bank Gulf of the Farallones Monterey Bay Channel Islands Stellwagen Bank Gray's Reef Related Environmental Issues: Point Source - Oil Spills El Niño Plastics Bycatch Climate Change Activities Related to Sooty Shearwaters: Biodiversity 148 KB, pdf Students More
Infrequently heard in flight, the sooty shearwater is a noisy bird when ashore; its most common calls are a der-rer-ah or coo-roo-ah (3). - The sooty shearwater has an exceptionally wide distribution, being found in most major oceans except for northern parts of the Indian Ocean (3). It breeds on islands off New Zealand, Australia and southern Chile, as well as on the Falkland Islands (8). More
The Sooty Shearwater (Puffinus griseus) is a medium-large shearwater in the seabird family Procellariidae. In New Zealand it is also known by its Maori name titi and as muttonbird, like the Wedge-tailed Shearwater and the Australian Short-tailed Shearwater. It appears to be related to the Great and Short-tailed Shearwater, all blunt-tailed, black-billed species, but its precise relationships are obscure. These are among the larger species of shearwater which might belong into a separate genus, Ardenna. More
Sooty Shearwater (#1 of 2) Sooty Shearwater (#1 of 2) Sooty Shearwater (#2 of 2) Sooty Shearwater (#2 of 2) Sooty Shearwater Sooty Shearwater Sooty Shearwater (#1 of 3) Sooty Shearwater (#1 of 3) Sooty Shearwater (#2 of 3) Sooty Shearwater (#2 of 3) Sooty Shearwater (#3 of 3) Sooty Shearwater (#3 of 3) white-headed Sooty Shearwater white-headed Sooty More
This Sooty Shearwater is taking off with little wind forcing it to run further. After taking in a large amount of food, a bird may be unable to take to the air and may run on the water just to get away from the boat. More
"The Sooty Shearwater generally frequents the inland sounds in very large flocks: I do not think I ever saw so many birds of any other sort together, as I once saw of these behined the island of Chiloe. Hundreds of thousands flew in an irregular line for several hours in one direction. When part of the flock settled on the water the surface was blackened, and a noise proceeded from them as of human beings talking in the distance." Charles Darwin in The Voyage of the Beagle. More
Sooty shearwater in flight over sea Sooty shearwater in flight over seaPrint factsheet Facts - French: Puffin Fuligineux Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Aves Order Procellariiformes Family Procellariidae Genus Puffinus (1) Size More
Up to 15,000 adult Sooty Shearwaters may have been killed by the Command Oil spill in September 1998 during migration off the central California coast. The shearwaters ( More
young sooty shearwater chick, and found the tag.Scientists amazed at fish tag journey by Staff / AP NewsMore results Dictionary/thesaurus browser ? ? Full browser Sootiness Sootish sooty Sooty albatross sooty grouse sooty mold sooty mould sooty shearwater sooty tern sooty-black SOP sop up sop. More
Appearance: Sooty Shearwaters average 17 inches in length, with a wingspan of 40 inches, and weigh 1.7 pounds. In good light, this relatively large shearwater shows the uniformly dark chocolate-brown plumage which is responsible for its name. The bird's long, narrow dark wings sport distinctive silvery under-wing coverts, and the bill is relatively long and dark, compared with similar shearwaters. More
Sooty Shearwaters breed on small islands in the south Pacific and south Atlantic Oceans, mainly around New Zealand, the Falkland Islands, Tierra del Fuego and also in the Auckland Islands. Wingspan: 94-105 cm Length: 40-46 cm Weight: 650-950 g Mating/Breeding: They start breeding in November/December in self-excavated burrows, or cavities on well-vegetated slopes, principally on offshore islands. It lays one egg, incubated for about 50-56 days. More
Aspects of the topic sooty shearwater are discussed in the following additional content sources. * Magazines * A Seabird's Endless Summer. Science News for Kids, October 4, 2006 Expand Your Research: Try searching magazines and ebooks for "sooty shearwater". No results found. - Type a word or double click on any word to see a definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. More
The Sooty Shearwater is a seabird with populations estimated in the tens of millions, often visible from shore along the Pacific Coast during migration. More
Sooty Shearwater: Breeds on islands off southern South America and New Zealand. Spends summers in north Pacific and north Atlantic. Pelagic, only comes ashore to breed. Breeding and Nesting Sooty Shearwater: One white egg is laid in burrow lined with leaves and grass. Incubation ranges from 52 to 56 days and is carried out by both parents. More
Shearwater and especially Sooty Shearwater (Austin 1996, Heidrich et al. 1998). Alternatively (Austin 1996, Austin et al. 2004), it could be a monotypic subgenus (Ardenna sensu stricto), an Atlantic representative of the light-billed Hemipuffinus group (Pink-footed shearwater and Flesh-footed Shearwater). This species breeds on Nightingale Island, Inaccessible Island, Tristan da Cunha, and Gough Island. More
The sooty shearwater of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans is a muttonbird. It annually breeds on land in the Southern Hemisphere and each spring and summer migrates to the subarctic waters of the Northern Hemisphere. The shearwater family is Procellariidae; the shearwater genus is Puffinus. The sooty water is P. griseus. Related TopicsCahow Cahow, or Bermuda Petrel, an ocean bird that nests only in Bermuda. More
For the purposes of our bird news services, Sooty Shearwater is classed as Local: generally fairly regular or common species that a 'county lister' or a birding beginner might be interested in going to see. (Note that rarity levels are currently applied nationally and may not reflect local variations in abundance. More