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The petrel was formerly found on all the main Hawaiian Islands except Niʻihau, but today it is mostly restricted to Haleakalā crater on Maui; smaller populations exist on Mauna Loa on the island of Hawaiʻi, Waimea Canyon on the island of Kauaʻi, Lānaʻihale on Lānaʻi, and possibly Molokaʻi.
The Hawaiian Petrel is classified as Vulnerable (VU), considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.
tropical Pacific, the Hawaiian Petrel nests only on the Hawaiian Islands. Although once lumped together with the Galapagos Petrel and known as Dark-rumped Petrel, recent work has shown that both are distinct species. The introduction of exotic predators to the Hawaiian Island breeding grounds poses a severe threat to the species, which is now endangered throughout its range. Identification Birds can sometimes be seen nearshore at dusk and dawn especially near Kauai. More
The 'bird of the trip' was a Hawaiian Petrel some 9 nmi west of Pt. Pinos. Below is the sketch I did as soon as returning home, and my field notes written up that evening. Hawaiian Petrel Pterodroma sandwichensis 17 Sep 2005 9.17 nmi west of Pt. Pinos MTY, CA People will expect this to be written up as More
The Hawaiian Petrel has been declining rapidly. There are small populations on Maui, Hawaii, Lanai (and maybe Molokai); its world population is estimated at 19,000 birds (3750-4500 breeding pairs plus subadults; Spear et al. 1995). With this decision (apparently to be published formally in July 2002), California birders will inquire which species of 'Dark-rumped Petrel' has occurred off California. More
Scientists know that the Hawaiian Petrel's modern habitat is not what it used to be. Where previously these seabirds nested throughout the islands, now they are relegated to mostly isolated, high elevation habitats. More
A Hawaiian petrel returns to its burrow where a feral cat looking for eggs invaded earlier in the night, Darcy Hu More
(See also Hawaiian Petrel, from which this species was split.) The local people in the Galápagos Islands often call this species the "patapegada." The Galapagos Petrel is an endemic marine bird that nests in areas of high humidity in the highlands (generally above 200 m elevation) of five islands of the Galapagos Archipelago (islands San Cristóbal, Santa Cruz, Santiago, Floreana, and Isabela). In the past, the petrel population was severely affected by introduced mammals. More
The Hawaiian petrel or ʻUaʻu (Pterodroma sandwichensis) is a large, dark grey-brown and white petrel that is endemic to Hawaiʻi. Contents - * 1 Distribution * 2 Behavior * 2.1 Feeding * 2. More
Hawaiian Petrel, click the link below for a PDF document. Hawaiian Petrel Fact Sheet Save Our Seabirds 'Ua'u are migratory seabirds. They fly over land at night and are believed to navigate by stars. These, and other seabirds that fly at night, sometimes become confused by lights. The seabirds fly around the lights, become tired and fall to the ground. Here's what to do if you find a grounded seabird. More
Hawaiian petrel camera on Mauna Loa at HAVOA biologist sets up a camera device to capture the Hawaiian petrel (Pterodroma sandwichensis) on film at night on the slope of Mauna Loa Description & Rational Birds currently form a significant component of the native terrestrial vertebrate fauna for islands in the PACN. Prior to human colonization, seabirds nested widely and in enormous numbers on all network islands. More
HAWAIIAN PETRELS IN NW CALIFORNIA & OREGON Hello, Seabirders, Three sightings of HAWAIIAN PETRELS on Shearwater Journey's August 8, 2008 pelagic trip from Fort Bragg thrilled seabirders with repeated passes as close as 50 feet to the boat! Other highlights of this day included two XANTUS' MURRELETS, sitting on the water providing excellent views of this small alcid that rarely reaches northern California; a BLUE WHALE just outside of the harbor, over 90 BLACK-FOOTED ALBATROSSES; great views of More
Monday Reads: The Hawaiian Petrel Edition = Subscribe Follow Friend Share this post: Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Digg Share on Delicious Share on Reddit View Shirley Hao's blog posts 12 February 2010, 6:38 PM Shirley Hao Monday Reads: The Hawaiian Petrel Edition - A petrel primer: three tantalizing tidbits Hawaiian petrel. Photo: Josh Adams / USGS. More
The Hawaiian Petrel, which nests only in the Hawaiian Islands, was once lumped with the Galapagos Petrel and known as the Dark-rumped Petrel. Once common as a breeding species at several sites on all the main islands in the archipelago, it was recorded few times from 1910 to the 1940s, and some orthnithogists thought it was near extinction. This decrease was brought about by habitat modification, introduction of predators, and diseases transmitted by mosquitoes. More
Images Adult Hawaiian petrel in flight Adult Hawaiian petrel in flight Species related by - * Family group * Habitat * Conservation status * * View image slideshow * Link to this image * Email to a friend * * MyARKive More
The Hawaiian petrel is an endangered seabird that resides in the central subtropical Pacific Ocean and is known to breed only within the major Hawaiian Islands. This mysterious, rarely seen petrel is among the ocean's most wide-ranging marine species. Locally known as ‘ua‘u for its haunting, nocturnal call, the bird is an attractive, large, dark gray-brown and white petrel, easily distinguished by its prominent black hood and striking white forehead. More
The Hawaiian Petrel (Pteredroma sandwichensis) breeds in the Hawaiian Islands on Kaua'i, Maui, Lana'i and Hawai'i and possibly on O'ahu and disperses to adjacent seas. The population on Maui has long been considered the largest population in Hawai'i, but recent studies show that Kaua'i probably has the larger population. During the non-breeding season the species distribution is poorly known but is suspected of dispersing north to the boreal zone and west of Hawai'i, with very little movement to the south or east. More
Apparently Hawaiian Petrels eat a higher proportion of fish than other petrel species elsewhere. Ten different prey types were obtained from 3 classes of marine organisms from samples collected at Haleakala nesting colony on Maui. Squid were estimated to constitute 50-75% of total volume of samples collected. The total list includes 1.Fish: Flying fish (Exocoetidae), Squirrelfish (Holocentridae), Goatfish (Mullidae), Lantern fish (Mycotophidae), Skipjack tuna (Scombridae Katcuwonus pelamis), Hatchet fish (Sternoptychidae) 2. Mullusks-Squid (Cephalopoda): Mollusks (Loliginadae), Common. More
Hawaiian petrel in flight. Photo by Jim Denny.Special Agent Swindle on his way by helicopter to Lehua Islet, October 2004Newell's shearwater, close-up Left: Hawaiian petrel in flight. Photo by Jim Denny. Center: Special Agent Swindle on his way by helicopter to Lehua Islet Right: Newell's shearwater close-up. USFWS photo. Keith Swindle, a U.S. More
Hawaiian Petrel / Pterodroma sandwichensis / ‘Ua‘u Hawaiian petrel The ‘ua‘u has a dark gray head, wings, and tail, and a white forehead and belly. It has a stout grayish-black bill that is hooked at the tip, and pink and black feet. This bird measures 16 inches in length and has a wing span of three feet. It has a distinctive call during breeding season that sounds like “oo ah oo. More
on the endangered Hawaiian Petrel and go probing in lava tubes for extinct and endangered bird bones. James has made a career of walking and crawling her way through lava tubes and sinkholes, identifying the biodiversity treasures Hawaii once held. From a large flightless goose to the Hawaiian 'O'o, James and her colleagues have been putting together Hawaii's natural history with bird bones as the pieces. Altogether, they have identified around 40 extinct bird species, with more to come. More
accommodate the Hawaiian petrel, whose population on the slopes of Maui's Haleakalā would have been nesting around the time the demolition of old analog facilities were taking place. Here, KWOL takes a closer look at Hawai'i's little-known, little-seen and only endangered seafaring bird. If you don't spend much time at sea, the black and white Hawaiian petrel might not be a familiar sight. More
The Hawaiian Petrel ( More