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The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker is part of the New World sapsucker genus Sphyrapicus, which is within the woodpecker family Picidae. The genus also includes the Red-naped Sapsucker, Red-breasted Sapsucker, and Williamson's Sapsucker.
The Yellow-bellied sapsucker is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius) is a medium-sized woodpecker found in North America, Central America and the Caribbean. Contents - * 1 Taxonomy * 2 Description * 2.1 Vocalization * 2. More
Although most non-birders believe that the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker is a fictitious bird created just for the humorous name, in fact it is a widespread species of small woodpecker. Its habit of making shallow holes in trees to get sap is exploited by other bird species, and the sapsucker can be considered a "keystone" species, one whose existence is vital for the maintenance of a community. More
The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker is part of the New World sapsucker genus Sphyrapicus, which is within the woodpecker family Picidae. The genus also includes the Red-naped Sapsucker, Red-breasted Sapsucker, and Williamson's Sapsucker. More
Many people think the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker is a mythical bird because its name is often used to parody bird names. It is not only real, it is in some ways a keystone species. Like all woodpeckers, it excavates nest cavities that subsequently are used by a wide variety of animals, from other birds to squirrels and spiders. Sapsuckers also drill sap wells from which other animals obtain nutritious sap and the insects attracted to it. More
Bugs Bunny, the yellow-bellied sapsucker’s moniker aptly describes its appearance and habits. Both males and females indeed have a pale yellow underside, and tree sap constitutes a large portion of this woodpecker’s diet. In fact, sapsuckers have mastered the difficult craft of making sap flow abundantly from trees. This rare ability makes these hard-working, master craftsmen a desirable neighbor for many other sap-loving animals. More
The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker has an an enormous range reaching up to generally 4.5 million square kilometers. This bird can be found throughout North America and in many areas of Central America and the Carribean. There are also vagrant colonies in Greenland and the United Kingdom as well. This is a species that prefers forested areas including boreal, temperate, tropical and subtropical locations. It also frequently appears in pastureland, urban areas and rural gardens. More
the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Sphyrapicus varius, is different from that of most woodpeckers, softer and not as long as, for example, that of an industrious Red-bellied or Downy. We imagine the sapsucker is a much louder 'pecker up north when excavating a nest hole or drumming out his territorial signal to rival males or prospective mates, but here in the Carolinas we've not observed the kind of incessant tapping we hear from other woodpeckers when they're after beetle grubs hiding in dead snags. More
The yellow-bellied sapsucker is common in Tennessee during wintering months which for this bird spans September through May. This female visited me on our sunny and warm Thanksgiving day. Above, you can see her relative size, about 9", compared to the pine trunk she's feeding on. Males have a red throat patch while the females' throats are white. She landed fairly close to me without a sound and immediately began her work, steadily pecking, so that my presence seemed of little concern. More
male Red-naped x Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and at worst, it's an atypical male Red-naped. While it took me 45 minutes to find the bird (or more properly, for the bird to find me), after I finally saw it, I studied it from about 4-5:30 p.m. with a scope sometimes as close as 50 feet (17 of my paces) and only 18 feet high in an aspen, and with binoculars while standing only 30 feet away. More
Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers breed in the northern forests of Canada and across the northern U. S. from the eastern Dakotas to New England and south through the Appalachian Mountains of Pennsylvania, West Virginia and northern Virginia. During the winter, Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers migrate to the forests of the southeastern US. Please look at range maps in a field guide such as the Peterson or Sibley guides to see extent of the northern breeding and southern wintering range of this species. More
The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker is the only woodpecker that has a vertical white stripe down its side. It has a very striking red crown and forehead with a black border. The face is striped with black and white and the back is black with whitish barring. The upper chest is also black and there's black barring on the side of the belly. The Yellow bellied Sapsucker gets it name from its yellow belly, back, and top part of the chest. More
Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers have been found to tap over 250 species of trees and vines. Sap composes up to 20 percent of their diet and is especially important in late summer and autumn, or any time when other food sources are scarce. During the breeding season, they forage in the manner of typical woodpeckers, flaking off bark chips or excavating insects in dead wood. They also sally from perches to catch flying insects in the manner of flycatchers. More
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker is a distinctive series of 5 rapid taps followed by slowing taps. Similar Species: * No other woodpeckers have a vertical white stripe on the side. Habitat: * Breeds in young forests and along streams, especially in aspen and birch. * Winters in a variety of forests, especially semi-open woods. Diet: Sap, fruit, arthropods. Also eats tree cambium. More
Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers nest in a large cavity excavated in a deciduous tree, often choosing one weakened by disease; the same site may be used for several years. They will mate with the same partner from year to year, as long as both birds survive. They sometimes hybridize with Red-naped Sapsuckers or Red-breasted Sapsuckers where their breeding ranges overlap. More
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker is a medium-sized woodpecker. DIET: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker feeds on insects. Most common are beetles, ants, moths and dragonflies. When insects are not abundant, sap is an important food source. During autumn and winter, it feeds on berries and fruits. Frequently, the bird may adopt a tree, and feeds on it year after year, especially birches. More
for long migration, the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker is strongly migratory, wintering in the southeastern U.S. down through Central America, and summering in the northern U.S. and Canada. Similar Species: Red-naped Sapsucker, Williamson's Sapsucker Feeders: Fruit, will use hummingbird feeders for nectar, occasionally suet. Conservation Status: Populations are generally stable and may be on the increase. More
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker ID TipsIdentification tips for the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Yellow-bellied Sapsucker SoundsCall and drumming of Yellow-bellied Sapsucker © The Macaulay Library of Natural Sounds at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithica, New York. Recordist: P. Kellogg Range Map: (Click map to enlarge. More
The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius) is a medium-sized woodpecker. Adults are black on the back and wings with white bars; they have a black head with white lines down the side and a red forehead and crown, a yellow breast and upper belly, a white lower belly and rump and a black tail with a white central bar. Adult males have a red throat; females have a white throat. More
Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers drill a series of small holes around a tree trunk. 2. WAIT: They return a few hours later after the holes have filled with sap. 3. INSERT TONGUE-TIP: They insert their brushy, absorbant tongue-tips into the sap-filled holes. 4. SUCK TONGUE-TIP: Finally, hours after they drilled the hole, they get to suck the sap from the tip of their tongues. These small holes shouldn't cause damage to the tree. More
DISTRIBUTION: The yellow-bellied sapsucker is completely migratory. It ranges throughout mid and eastern North America and migrates southward as far as Panama. Summer breeding grounds are northward from North Carolina to Canada and westward into Alaska. HABITAT: Open forests and orchards are important winter habitats. Breeds mostly in young forest stands in nest cavities constructed in snag trees and dead branches. In the north, the yellow-bellied sapsucker shows a strong preference to nest in live aspens which have soft heart wood. More
Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers range in size from 18 to 22 cm (7 to 9 in.). Their wingspan is 34 to 40 cm (13 to 16 in.). More Images Photo: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Sphyrapicus varius. Photo: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Sphyrapicus varius. Looking for photos? The Canadian Museum of Nature has thousands of unique images reflecting the diversity of the natural world More
The influence of Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers on local insect community structure. Wilson Bull. 107(4): pp. 746-752. YBSS important keystone species impacting dozens of insect species for resource concentration. * Tate, J. Jr. 1973. Methods and annual sequence of foraging by the Sapsucker. Auk 90: 840-856. More
The yellow-bellied sapsucker makes holes in the sides of trees looking for sap. They make two types of holes. The first is a round, deep hole looking for sap. They also make rectangular holes that are much shallower and must be maintained in order to continue to let sap flow. This is also when yellow-bellied sapsuckers will eat part of the cambium layer of the tree. More
The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Sphyrapicus varius, is a medium-sized woodpecker. pets No yellow-bellied sapsucker pets yet! pictures No yellow-bellied sapsucker pictures yet! videos No yellow-bellied sapsucker videos yet! owners No yellow-bellied sapsucker owners yet! blogs No yellow-bellied sapsucker blogs yet! This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. More
The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker is of moderate conservation importance, because of its low overall density and dependence on snags and appropriate trees for nesting. As a primary cavity nester throughout the northern hardwood and Appalachian forests, this species is important for supplying nest sites for many other forest species. Overall populations appear to be stable or increasing, but the distinctive birds of the high Appalachians are of local conservation concern. More
Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers live in northern deciduous and mixed coniferous forests in summer. During winter they live in forests and various semi-open habitats. Status A common winter resident in the metro Atlanta area. More
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker in one area of the Cherokee National Forest (south). Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Cherokee National Forest Appalachian Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers (Sphyrapicus varius) of the Tellico District, Cherokee National Forest with a 1996 nesting record Nathan Klaus, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Nongame-Endangered Wildlife Program, 116 Rum Creek Drive, Forsyth, GA 31029 naklaus@mindspring. More