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The adult has a black head, back, wings and tail, white forehead, throat, belly and rump. The eyes are white. The adult male has a red cap starting at the forehead, whereas females have a black area between the forehead and the cap. The white neck, throat and forehead patches are distinctive identifiers.
The Acorn woodpecker is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
The Acorn woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus) is a medium-sized woodpecker, 21 cm long with an average weight of 85 g. The adult has a black head, back, wings and tail, white forehead, throat, belly and rump. The eyes are white. The adult male has a red cap starting at the forehead, whereas females have a black area between the forehead and the cap. The white neck, throat and forehead patches are distinctive identifiers. More
The clown-faced Acorn Woodpecker is a common bird of western oak forests. It lives in extended family groups, and all members of the group spend hours and hours storing thousands of acorns in carefully tended holes in trees and telephone poles. More
Male Acorn Woodpecker with "Granary Tree" full of acorns Acorn hoarded by Acorn Woodpecker Food and homes - Acorn woodpeckers, as their name implies, depend heavily on acorns for food. In some parts of their range (e.g., California), the woodpeckers create granaries or "acorn trees" by drilling holes in dead trees, dead branches, telephone poles and wooden buildings. The woodpeckers then collect acorns and find a hole that is just the right size for the acorn. More
The Acorn Woodpecker's status has changed slightly over the last two decades, moving from a status of Low Risk to Least concern. This species calls a wide range home and can be found in countries such as the United States as well as Mexico, Honduras, Costa Rica and El Salvador. The global population is estimated to be nearing 4 million individual birds. More
North American RangeThe Acorn Woodpecker has a black back and chest, white belly with black lateral stripes, white rump, and white wing-patches. Its head is patterned in a striking and distinctive 'clown pattern,' with a white forehead, yellowish to white throat, black about the bill, a stripe of black surrounding the eyes and running down to join the black of the nape and back, and white irises that make its eyes especially prominent. More
Acorn Woodpecker: The Clown of the Oak Woodlands PDF Print E-mail Written by Clark Moore Part I - The Bird - When the Tehachapi Mountains Birding Club was discussing what species to adopt as a club logo and mascot bird, these harlequins came close to being chosen. What else could we do in this oak woodland country? However, Tulare County Audubon already claimed this clown as its own. More
Bent Life History for the Acorn Woodpecker - the common name and sub-species reflect the nomenclature in use at the time the description was written. CALIFORNIA WOODPECKER BALANOSPHYRA FORMICIVORA BAIRDI (Ridgway) HABITS The above common name is well chosen, as this is one of the commonest and most conspicuous birds throughout its range in California. More
The Acorn Woodpecker is described by nearly all bird guides as “clown-like,” a reference to its bold yellow, red, black, and white head and face pattern and general physical bearing. It looks like a clown drawn by a caricaturist artist. Its behavior further invites the observer to anthropomorphize it as a clown. The Acorn Woodpecker lives in a family group year round. Its name come from its favorite food - acorns. More
ACORN WOODPECKER DRAFT CONSERVATION PLAN California Partners in Flight Corinna Lu October 1998 SPECIES: Acorn woodpecker (melanerpes formicivorus) STATUS: No special status MANAGEMENT STATUS: No special status range map: I. Historical distribution and abundance: II. Current breeding distribution: The acorn woodpecker breeds from western North America to northern South America. More
Acorn WoodpeckerDescription The Acorn Woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus) is a small to medium sized woodpecker, averaging about 9 inches (23 cm) in length. The adults have black heads, back wings and tails, white chest and facial markings and large white eyes. The adult male has a red cap starting at the forehead; females have a black area or stripe between the forehead and the cap. More
The acorn woodpecker, found from Oregon to Colombia, is remarkable for its habit of drilling a series of holes in tree trunks in which to store acorns for future use. Try FrontPage so easy to use ,anyone can use it. More
The Acorn Woodpecker is mostly black, with a white rump, belly, and white encircling the face, red crown, and white irises. Males have more extensive red on the head. acorn woodpecker Female - Sexes similar, although females have less red on the head. Seasonal change in appearance - None. Juvenile - Similar to adults but less glossy. More
The Acorn woodpeckers (Melanerpes formicivorus) live in the western oak forests of the United States and even along the western coast of Central America. They are about eight inches long. His distinctive marking of red, white and black often lead people to call him the clown woodpecker. From the oaks, he gathers and stores the acorns, thousands of them, in his nest that is usually a tree but can also be a telephone pole near his habitat. More
Product Details Acorn Woodpecker Holes in the Trunk of an Oak Tree, Sequoia National Park, California Photographic Poster Print by Phil Schermeister, 24x32 by AllPosters.comBuy new: $79.99 In stock. Processing takes an additional 2 to 3 days.Home & Garden: See all 20 items 7. Product Details Social organization and behavior of the acorn woodpecker in central coastal California (Ornithological monographs) by Michael H Macroberts (Unknown Binding - 1976) - ImportCurrently unavailableBooks: See all 96 items 8. More
Acorn woodpeckers will also peck holes in the wooden siding of buildings to use as granaries, which makes their activities unpopular with homeowners. The call of the acorn woodpecker sounds like laughter. Their distinctive calls can most often be heard during the early part of the day and in the evening. Old acorn woodpecker granary tree. Photo copyright by Kim A. Cabrera 2008. This piece of wood was found on the forest floor. More
One of many images of Acorn Woodpecker activity in the nest box today. Acorn Woodpeckers can deter other species from trying to use this nest for breeding. * http://warbler.ornith.cornell.edu/nest-cam-highlights/2007_photo_highlights/AZ-huachuca/huachuca2007Apr07-14.50.52.jpgVisiting Bluebird Sat Apr 07 00:00:00 EDT 2007- The Eastern Bluebird is another visitor to this nest location. More
The acorn woodpecker lives in colonies and stores acorns in holes drilled by generations of woodpeckers,as seen in this photo. They will later eat the acorns and also eat the insects which feed on the acorns. Pine Ridge. April 1976. Photos copyright More
The Acorn Woodpecker is a small to medium-sized, black and white "clown-faced" bird. The distinguishing features of this bird is its red-crowned, glossy black and white head, white eyes, and white rump and wing patches. There usually is some yellow and occasionally one or more red-tipped feathers on the throat. The wing length of the woodpecker ranges between 13-15 cm. (Koeing 1995). Habitat "The Acorn Woodpecker prefers pine-oak woodland habitat where oak trees are plentiful. More
An acorn woodpecker with an acorn in its beak is working on this tree. The acorn woodpecker has red cap Another acorn woodpecker working on this tree. You see many holes with acorns inside on the tree bark There are many deep holes with acorns inside these holes on the tree barks in this area near Jenks Lake. Another view of the tree with many holes and acorns on its barks. More
The Acorn woodpecker will use a telephone pole for a nest cavity, a granary, or a perchAcorn woodpecker Melanerpes formicivorus = When I visited A friend's house, I noticed a wonderfully designed stencil on the top of all their exterior walls. Thank goodness I looked a little closer before I complemented them. More
Where to Find: Around Las Vegas, look for Acorn Woodpeckers in urban areas with oak trees during winter. Acorn Woodpeckers are common in the oak belts of California, Arizona, and New Mexico, southward into Central America. Birds occasionally come to Las Vegas during the winter. Comments: Acorn Woodpeckers are social birds that live in colonies. During fall and winter, they collect acorns and store them in holes pecked in trees (granaries) for times when acorns are scarce. The entire colony works to guard the granary. More
Acorn woodpeckers do eat other things besides acorns including bugs and fruit. Posted by Ecobirder at 5:46 PM Labels: Acorn Woodpecker, Camera Critters 10 comments: KaHolly said... He's a beaut! You were able to get a nice, clear shot of him. With that eye of his, he doesn't look real. More
* acorn woodpecker at bird feeder0:46 * Ajouter à la file d'attente Ajoutée à la file d'attente acorn woodpecker at bird feeder1295 vuesjamiebirds * Hard-hitting Evolution9:54 * Ajouter à la file d'attente Ajoutée à la file d'attente Hard-hitting Evolution2187 vuesInReasonWeTrust * Territorial More
The Acorn Woodpecker is shown with a Bamboo Grove Teahouse Feeder Identification Tips: * Length: 8 inches * Medium-sized woodpecker * White eye * Black head * Black area surrounding bill is in turn surrounded by white lower face, forhead and throat * Black chest, nape, back and wings * WHite More
Behavior of the Acorn Woodpecker in Central Coastal California. Lawrence, KA, The American Ornithologists' Union. Mumme, R. L., W. D. Koenig, et al. (1983). "Mate Guarding in the Acorn Woodpecker: Within-Group Reproductive Competition in a Cooperative Breeder." Animal Behaviour 31: 1094-1106. Mumme, R. L., W. D. Koenig, et al. (1988). "Costs and Benefits of Joint Nesting in the Acorn Woodpecker." The American Naturalist 131(5): 654-676. Mumme, R. L. and F. A. Pitelka (1990). More
my deck, an Acorn Woodpecker showed up at my feeder. Luckily I had my telephoto on my lap and got a few nice pics. My pics created quite a stir with the local audubon society as Acorn woodpeckers are RARE in our area. They are so good at stashing their acorns in nice columns up and down the side of trees...amazing to see. I love their RED "caps"....beautiful birds. Well done. Posted 18 months ago. More