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This species breeds in temperate regions of Europe and Asia. It is migratory, wintering in tropical Africa and southern Asia. It is a bird of open woodland and orchards. On migration it is frequently seen in sandy areas, where it forages for ants.
The Wryneck is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
The wrynecks (genus Jynx) are a small but distinctive group of small Old World woodpeckers. Like the true woodpeckers, wrynecks have large heads, long tongues which they use to extract their insect prey and zygodactyl feet, with two toes pointing forward, and two backwards. However, they lack the stiff tail feathers that the true woodpeckers use when climbing trees, so they are more likely than their relatives to perch on a branch rather than an upright trunk. More
Wryneck, also called twisted neck or torticollis, is a deformity in which the neck is twisted and held at an angle to one side. A congenital (present at birth) form called congenital torticollis is the most common type of wryneck seen in children. Description The sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle runs down either side of the neck. One end is attached to the occipital bone of the skull. More
Acute wryneck is the most common type. It develops suddenly, often for no apparent reason, and causes painful spasms that make the individual tilt the neck at an angle. The condition lasts one to two weeks, then symptoms disappear on their own without medical intervention. This type of wryneck is seen most often in older children and adults. Adults can also develop spasmodic torticollis with head tilt and jerky head movements. More
wryneck pronunciation /ˈraɪˌnɛk/ Show Spelled Show IPA –noun1.Informal. a.torticollis. b.a person having torticollis. 2.any of several small Old World climbing birds of the subfamily Jynginae, of the woodpecker family, noted for the peculiar habit of twisting the head and neck. More
Traction Facial Exercise Wryneck, or Torticollis as it is medically known, is where a child’s hear or neck is contorted or twisted in an abnormal position. Untreated it can lead to a permanent mobility issues or a facial deformity. Causes of wryneck include congenital muscular torticollis, Klippel-Feil syndrome, or inflammation due to an illness or injury to the neck or head. Congenital Muscular Torticollis is the most common reason for wryneck in children under five years of age. More
wryneckhereditary condition in guinea pigs; the young are born with varying degrees of torticollis; less severely affected animals may appear normal after a few days. More
Description: Wryneck, is a twisting of the neck that causes the head to rotate and tilt at an odd angle. Wryneck is caused by irritation to cervical nerves, which results in spasm of the neck muscles. More
Description: Wryneck, Cervical Dystonia, Torticollis or Stiff Neck is a musculoskeletal condition which is characterized by painful neck movements. Twisting and repetitive movement of the neck muscles lead to these muscles becoming agonized and move into a spasm. This leads to the pain experienced during Cervical Dystonia. Cervical Dystonia or Wryneck can affect a muscle or a group of muscles around the neck region. Symptom includes “Tremors, voice problems or a dragging foot”. More
Wryneck, a contracted state of the cervical muscles, producing torsion of the neck. The deformity may be congenital, or secondary to pressure on the accessory nerve, to inflammation of tissues in the neck, or to muscle spasm. Wikipedia: Torticollis - Top Home > Library > Miscellaneous > Wikipedia For the bird, see wryneck. Question book-new.svg This article needs additional citations for verification. More
wryneck, common name for a primitive, unspecialized bird of the genus Jynx. The name is said to derive from their habit of twisting their necks when disturbed. Unlike other members of the family Picidae, which includes the woodpeckers woodpecker, common name for members of the Picidae, a large family of climbing birds found in most parts of the world. More
Wryneck, the name of a group of climbing birds, related to the woodpeckers, found in Europe and Asia. The name refers to the bird's habit of writhing its neck as it licks up insects from the bark of trees. Another name is snakebird, from the hissing sound made by the female when disturbed on the nest. Unlike woodpeckers, wrynecks do not have stiff tail feathers to use as props, and do not bore holes in trees. Their feet are adapted to climbing. More
The wryneck is still a regular autumn migrant in small numbers to sites in eastern and southern coasts, and a few are seen each spring. Occasionally seen in gardens in autumn. When to see them Best looked for on autumn passage in August and September but can be seen in spring, usually May. More
The wryneck is an unusual-looking bird, at times resembling both a large warbler and a small bird of prey. Both male and female birds are alike, having a mottled brown and grey upper body, and a rather dirty white underside. The plumage is barred irregularly with dark brown markings and the bird has a noticeable dark line running from the base of the bill, through the eye and down the side of the neck, virtually to the shoulder of the wing. More
Congenital muscular torticollis, also called wryneck, is usually discovered in the first 6 to 8 weeks of life. The infant keeps his or her head tilted to one side and has difficulty turning the head to the opposite side. If the infant is examined in the first month, a mass, or "tumor," may be felt in the neck. This is nontender and soft. It is attached to the muscle in the neck on the side to which the head is tilting. More