Three-toed Jacamar

It is endemic to Brazil. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical dry forests, subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests, and plantations. It is threatened by habitat loss.

The Three-toed Jacamar is classified as Vulnerable (VU), considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.

The Three-toed Jacamar (Jacamaralcyon tridactyla) is a species of bird in the Galbulidae family. It is monotypic within the genus Jacamaralcyon. It is endemic to Brazil. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical dry forests, subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests, and plantations. It is threatened by habitat loss. References - * BirdLife International 2004. Jacamaralcyon tridactyla. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. More

During the last few weeks our Three-toed Jacamar record has been broken...twice! The Three-toed Jacamar is a south-east Brazilian endemic, found only in sections of dry fragmented forest near a small town called Sumidouo. On our excursion to look for the Jacamar we have devised a circular route that covers several different habitats and gives the opportunity of seeing anything between 65-100+ species in a day. More

The Three-toed Jacamar excursion record hás been broken again! A group from Birdseekers managed to record a total of 123 species during the day! Highlights included 1 Aplomado Falcon, great views of Ash-throated Crake, 3 Blue-winged Macaws,1 Red-legged Seriema on the nest, 4 Three-toed Jacamars, 2 Toco Toucans, 1 Green-barred Woodpecker, great views of both the rarely recorded Lineated and Robust Woodpeckers, 1 Red-eyed Thornbird, 2 Firewood Gatherers, 1 Serra Antwren, 1 Southern Antpipit (first record for this excursion), 2 More

The three-toed jacamar (Jacamaralcyon tridaetyla), however, lacks the rear (first) toe. A jacamar has a long tail, with 10–12 graduated tail feathers. The short wings have 10 primaries, and contour feathers have a short secondary shaft (except in the genus Malacoptila). Males and females have similar plumage, although females of some species may have less striking colors on the head and neck. More

Three-toed jacamars are protected in the Caratinga Reserve in Brazil. SIGNIFICANCE TO HUMANS None known. Home of Wiki & Reference Answers, the world’s leading Q&A siteReference AnswersEnglish▼English▼ Deutsch Español Français Italiano Tagalog * * Search unanswered questions... * Browse: Unanswered questions | Most-recent questions | Reference library Enter a question here... More

color photo of the Three-Toed Jacamar BirdTridactyla - of the Tridactyla species - and lists its size, weight, and number in existence at the time of the advertisement. Open woodland near rivers in southern Brazil are stated as the animal's habitat range. Luiz Claudio Marigo is the photographer. Price: $10. More

Stamps showing Three-toed Jacamar Jacamaralcyon tridactyla Three-toed Jacamar Jacamaralcyon tridactyla Bargain of the day! Three-toed Jacamar Links will open countrypage in new window - Tanzania 15.11. More

Three-toed Jacamar Jacamaralcyon tridactyla = Described by: Vieillot (1817) Alternate common name(s): None known by website authors Old scientific name(s): None known by website authors Photographs near Sumidoro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Nov 23, 2003 More

is one member of this family, the three-toed jacamar, that does not have the zygodactyl feet found in most birds in the Piciformes order. The three-toed jacamar has three toes facing frontwards and one toe facing backwards, unlike the rest of the birds in the family that have two toes facing frontwards and two toes facing backwards. Most species have iridescent blue or green feathers on their back and wings and iridescent bronze feathers on their breasts. More

Only one jacamar species, the three-toed jacamar, is classified as Endangered. This species prefers lowland tropical rainforest, plantations, tropical monsoon, and dry forest. The three-toed jacamar used to thrive in southeast Brazil, including eastern Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Paraná. Development and agricultural land use have destroyed much of its habitat. The remaining population, restricted to Rio Paraíba valley in Rio de Janeiro and the dry regions of Minas Geraís, is small and fragmented. More

Spot-billed Toucanet (above) at Guapi Assu and Three-toed Jacamar in the Soumidouro Valley. Long time no blogging! Two great trips to South America in quick succession leave little time at the computer except for work. The first trip wa to Brazil with a head-spinning combination of Atlantic Forests, the Amazon and the Pantanal. An optional add-on took us to the Cerrado of Chapada dos Guimaraes. To be honest Guapi Assu (or REGUA, as it is also known), was a little quiet. More

Three-toed Jacamar, Brazil, Atlantic rainforest January 2007 © Simon Knight - check out new Brazil gallery Three-toed Jacamar - Three-toed Jacamar, , Brazil April '07 © Mark Sutton Endemic to SE Brazil Three-toed Jacamar - Three-toed Jacamar, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro August 07 © Colin Bushell - Toucan Birding Tours NEW Toucan Birding Tours website. More

The Three-toed Jacamars were easy and the Blue-winged Macaws flew over on schedule. A nice addition was Sooty Grassquit - not exactly a stunning bird, but not recorded very often either. I can't blame Mike for lingering to look at the Red-legged Seriemas before running down to get the grassquit just in time. More

Three-toed Jacamar - Jacamaralcyon tridactyla - UNEP-WCMC logo WWF logo Chevron logo Three-toed Jacamar - Jacamaralcyon tridactyla IUCN STATUS CATEGORY Endangered HABITAT Recorded in wood-edge habitats, often associated with river banks (and sometimes road banks) that provide nesting habitat, within a variety of forest or woodland types. More

Three-toed Jacamar (Jacamaralcyon tridactyla) by Nick Athanas. More

Order : Piciformes
Family : Galbulidae
Genus : Jacamaralcyon
Species : tridactyla
Authority : (Vieillot, 1817)