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Like all flamingos it lays a single chalky white egg on a mud mound.
The Andean Flamingo is classified as Vulnerable (VU), considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.
The Andean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus andinus) is a bird species in the flamingo family restricted to the high Andes in southern Peru, Bolivia, northern Chile and northwestern Argentina. It is closely related to the smaller James's Flamingo, and the two are placed in the genus Phoenicoparrus. Like all flamingos it lays a single chalky white egg on a mud mound. Andean Flamingos, like all flamingos, feed by filtering small items from water with their specialised bills. More
James’s flamingo is smaller than the Andean flamingo and is 3 feet (90–92 cm) tall on average. They have a very long neck that is made up of 19 long cervical vertebrae allowing for a lot of movement and rotation of the head . Their long thin legs also characterize them. The knee is not visible externally but is located at the top of the leg. The joint at the middle of the leg, which most assume to be the knee joint is actually the ankle joint. More
Andean Flamingo chicks are rounded up in Laguna Colorada, Bolivia, for banding in April 2008. They now enjoy a protected area 25 times as large. La Paz, Bolivia: Celebrations here yesterday marked the recognition of an area of southern Bolivia as a Wetland of international Importance (or Ramsar Site), the largest declared in South America’s 7,000 km long Andes Mountains chain. More
The Andean Flamingo is the only species of flamingo that has yellow legs and feet. Its bill is yellowish as in James's Flamingo, but with a much more extensive black tip. The Andean Flamingo is at risk of extinction because of hunting, its long breeding cycle, and the low number of breeding sites around the world. More
It is estimated that the population of Andean flamingos has declined by as much as 24% since the mid-1980s (2). In the mid-20th century the collection of eggs was widespread and thousands were collected annually, with devastating results (2). Habitat deterioration in the form of mining activities and falling water levels, due to drought, have also played a part in the decline of this species (2). More
Andean FlamingoThe Andean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus andinus) is a bird species in the flamingo family that is closely related to the smaller James's Flamingo, and the two are placed in the genus Phoenicoparrus. Distribution / Range Its range is restricted to the high Andes in southern Peru, Bolivia, northern Chile and northwestern Argentina. Description Most of the plumage is pinkish white. More
The big, beautiful Andean flamingo is one of three flamingo species native to the Andes. A relatively long-lived bird, this flamingo can travel vast distances — from 200 to more than 700 miles in a single day. Its movement appears to be highly influenced by environmental factors, particularly the status of its preferred habitat in the high Andean wetlands, whose aquifers must be recharged every summer. Unfortunately, these wetlands — and the flamingo — face a variety of threats, including mineral extraction and water diversion. More
DESCRIPTION: The Andean flamingo is both the most rare and tallest of all six species of flamingo. It has a traditional pink coloration throughout its body, with a pale yellow face and black tail feathers. HABITAT: These flamingos prefer shallow wetlands at various elevations of the Andes Mountains. Most of these wetlands are endoreic, or “closed” bodies of water that do not drain into the sea, so they are prone to drying up, and are reliant on the summer rains to recharge them. More
Aspects of the topic Andean flamingo are discussed in the following places at Britannica. Assorted References * flamingos (in flamingo (bird)) ...Two smaller species that live high in the Andes Mountains of South America are the Andean flamingo (Phoenicoparrus andinus) and the puna, or James’, flamingo (Phoenicoparrus jamesi). The former has a pink band on each of its yellow legs, and the latter... More
A self-sustaining captive population of Andean flamingos exists at the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust at Slimbridge in the UK. These birds provide useful research subjects into behavioral aspects of this species. Andean miners kill Andean flamingos for their fat, believing it to be a cure for tuberculosis. The Moche people of ancient Peru worshipped nature, placing an emphasis on animals and often depicted flamingos in their art. Found in Songbird Remix Flamingos Retrieved from "http://www.empken.com/wiki/index. More
The Andean Flamingo Phoenicoparrus andinus is the largest South American flamingo and is found on the high Andean plateaus of Peru, Chile, Bolivia and Argentina. It is distinguised from all other flamingos by its yellow legs, pink-violet plumage and large amount of black visible when perching. It is most closely related to the James's Flamingo, and the two are the only members of the genus Phoenicoparrus. More
The Andean Flamingo is a large bird with a pale pink body and deep pink neck, yellow legs and a pale yellow and black beak. The black primary feathers of this species form a large triangle when it is perched. The Andean Flamingo lives in the high Andean Plateau of Peru, Chile, Bolivia and Argentina. The species breeds at only ten locations and numbers have declined sharply since the early 1990s. About 34,000 Andean Flamingos remain and breeding success is consistently low. More
The Andean Flamingo has pink wings and thin long legs that look like twigs. Their numbers have dropped to the point that they are in danger of extinction because people take their eggs and pollute the environment of their lakes. More
Conservation status: Andean flamingo is vulnerable Fun facts The flamingo’s pink color, which is very important for stimulating reproduction, comes from the food they eat, including algae, diatoms, and small aquatic insects and crustaceans. Flamingos like company! In East Africa, more than one million lesser flamingos may gather together—forming the largest flocks known among birds today. Standing on one leg really is their most comfortable resting position. More
The Andean flamingo is the only species that has yellow legs and feet. FLAMINGOS Long legs and a long, curved neck are characteristics of all flamingo species. C. Appendages. 1. Legs.LEG a. Adult flamingos' legs are long and spindled. More
Andean Flamingos have a loud honking call that is similar to that of a goose they also communicate using a wing salute, stretching up their neck and flipping up their tail. Habitat Andean Flamingos are found in the lakes and lagoons of the Andes mountains. They are highly gregarious birds and form flocks containing thousands of individuals. Diet Andean Flamingos are filter feeders and they mainly feed upon diatoms and algae. More
Andean flamingos have less than 50,000 individuals, and Puna or James’ flamingos number less than 100,000. Since the 1970s, most flamingo populations in South America have declined sharply. Human activity causes the most serious problems for flamingos, due to lithium mining, water diversion, egg harvesting, agriculture, industrial projects, tourism-related disturbances and fish introduction into lakes. Other birds and some mammals eat the eggs and chicks. However, there is hope for these beautiful birds. More