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Plotus anhinga Linnaeus, 1766
The Anhinga is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
zahraničních hostů, Anhinga zde bude prezentovat své výrobky se zaměřením na technické potápění. Těšíme se na setkání s vámi na Techmeetingu! - Anhinga na Hlubině 2010 Výstava HLUBINA 2010 Ξ únor 2010 | Aktuality | Stejně jako loňský rok se i letos koná výstava Hlubina 2010. More
The Anhinga Roost is the home of Dale Crider - here you will find information about Dale, his music, and his work with helping preserve Florida's rich environment. Closer Look at the Roost DIHOSTING-diagram_final Go Solar Now! Green Antidote Anhinga Web Links | This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. More
Anhinga @ Taylor lake Park in Largo.jpgAnhinga @ Taylor lak... 1,005,996 bytes Anhinga anhinga - Hilton Head.jpgAnhinga anhinga - Hi... 3,464,672 bytes Anhinga anhinga -Everglades National Park -USA-8.jpgAnhinga anhinga -Eve... 864,525 bytes Anhinga anhinga -Peru -female-8.jpgAnhinga anhinga -Per... 2,575,219 bytes Anhinga anhinga 2.jpgAnhinga anhinga 2.jpg 399,010 bytes Anhinga anhinga 3.jpgAnhinga anhinga 3.jpg 333,791 bytes Anhinga anhinga Female 1.jpgAnhinga anhinga Fema... More
The Anhinga is a member of the darter family, Anhingidae, and is closely related to Indian (Anhinga melanogaster), African (A. rufa), and Australian (A. novaehollandiae) Darters. Unlike ducks, the Anhinga is not able to waterproof its feathers using oil produced by the uropygial gland. Consequently, feathers can become waterlogged, making the bird barely buoyant. However, this allows it to dive easily and search for underwater prey, such as fish and amphibians. It can stay down for significant periods. More
anhinga) is also known as Anhinga. It is called "water turkey" in the southern United States for little clearly apparent reason; though the American Darter is quite unrelated to the wild turkey, they are both large, blackish birds with long tails that are sometimes hunted for food. "Anhinga" is derived from the Tupi ajíŋa (also transcribed áyinga or ayingá), which in local mythology refers to a malevolent demonic forest spirit; it is often translated as "devil bird". More
patbean wrote 1 month ago: An anhinga trying to swallow a fish too large for its throat. - Photo by Pat Bean “Letting go doe … more → Tags: Birds, Nature, Travel, Anhinga Trail, Everglades Everglades National Park - Cormorants and Anhingas — 3 comments Life On The Edges wrote 2 months ago: Everglades National Park, Homestead, Florida Similar, but different. More
The Anhinga is native to many different countries around the world, including Belize, Brazil, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, the United States and Venezuela. The Anhinga has also been found in a variety of other countries, such as the Cayman Islands, Canada, Haiti and Martinique. The range of the Anhinga is quite expansive, reach up to 15 million square kilometers. The current global population of this bird species has not been precisely quantified but it is not believed to be in any current danger. More
to the Anhinga Trail in Everglades National Park brought delightful discoveries all along the 0.8 mile paved trail and boardwalk. I have captured a few of them to share with you. Great Blue Herons fished along the trail-side canal. Great Blue Heron Often they would take to the skies with huge graceful wings pumping air as they flew. More
AnhingaThe anhinga is a large bird that is about three feet in length. It has a a long, S-shaped neck and a long pointed bill. It has large wings with silver-white feathers on the top side. The male has grayish-black feathers with a greenish shine to them. The female has a tan head, neck, and chest and a black stomach. Both the male and the female have long, fan-shaped tail feathers. More
A bird of southern swamps, the Anhinga is known as the Water-Turkey for its swimming habits and broad tail, and also as the Snake-Bird for its habit of swimming with just its long head and neck sticking out of the water. More
The Anhinga category contains 39 itemsPoster/Print (23) Pre-Framed (16) 12 More Posters An American Anhinga or Darter Bird Calls from a Branch Photographic Print An American Anhinga or Darter Bird Calls from a Branch Photographic Print An American Anhinga or Darter Bird Calls from a BranchPhotographic Print 18 x 24 in $49. More
For nearly thirty-five years, Anhinga Press has brought fine literature to readers around the world. Our site is simple to navigate: * For our newest titles, from this page simply click on the book cover below. * The most recent Anhinga Press news is at the bottom of this page. * For all other information, use the drop-down menus at the top of any page. More
The Anhinga Prize for Poetry - 2010 Contest Winner Announced The Anhinga Prize for Poetry has been offered annually since 1983 for a manuscript of original poetry in English. The competition is open to writers from all regions. The winner will receive $2000, the winning manuscript will be published by Anhinga Press, and the winner will be offered a reading tour of Florida after the book comes out. More
Anhingas live in small colonies along lakes and rivers in tropical to warm temperate regions except in Europe. They swim nearly submerged; the head and neck show above water, darting snakelike from side to side. For more information on anhinga, visit Britannica.com. Word Tutor: snakebird - Top Home > Library > Literature & Language > Word Tutorpronunciation IN BRIEF: n. More
anhinga (ănhĭng'gə), common name for a very slender, black water bird very closely related to the cormorant. It frequents the wooded borders of freshwater lakes, rivers, and swamps in tropical and warm temperate regions-in America, from the SE United States to Cuba and Argentina; in Africa, S of the Sahara desert; in Asia, in the southern regions; and also in Australia and New Guinea. More
Anhingas are met with in numbers proportioned to the extent of the favourable localities. It is very seldom indeed that any are seen on rapid streams, and more especially on clear water, a single instance of such an occurrence being all that I have observed. More
Back To Artist Anhinga : Morning Log in to add to your wishlist As the world drifts away, breathe in the spiritual sounds and experience the peaceful inspiration and lively spirits of exquisite Native American Flute and guitar.Genre: World: Native American Release Date: 2007 Related Items - Recommended if you like * Krishna Das * Paul Horn * R. More
Anhinga anhinga Anhinga anhinga - This is the same male anhinga as in the above photo, sunning its wings to dry them. Edward Ball Wakulla Springs State Park Wakulla Springs, FL March 16, 2002 Photo contributed by Josh Hillman Full-sized photo: 214 kB Photo added to site: Jun 9 2002 Anhinga anhinga Anhinga anhinga - Note the bright blue ring around this male anhinga's eye. This appears during mating season. More
Anhinga Photos and Information = I love Anhingas, they are so interesting! They actually fly down into water and swim around after fish. Then they come back up to a tree to dry out! They hold their wings out from their body to allow them to air-dry. Anhinga Here's one drying its wings after a swim. Anhinga The anhingas go into their mating colors in January and February. More
Anhinga in tree Anhinga Anhinga spreading its wings Anhinga spreading its wings We visited Boyd Hill Nature Park in St. Petersburg and saw what we thought was an unusual brown and grey cormorant. Later, we identified it as an anhinga, also known as the snake bird. We should have known something was different, this bird is much more vocal than the normally silent cormorant and spends more time in trees. More
Anhinga is the common name for members of the bird species Anhinga anhinga of the darter family, Anhingidae. Also known as snakebird, darter, and water turkey, the anhinga is a large bird found in freshwater environments in tropical, subtropical, and warmer temperate zones of the Americas. Anhinga is also the genus name comprising several species of long-necked birds with sharp, pointed bills found in warmer environments around the globe. More
AnhingaThe anhinga is a large bird with a long S-shaped neck and a long pointed bill. The male has grayish-black feathers with a greenish shine to them. They have large wings with silver-white feathers on the top side. Females have a light tan head, neck and chest and a black stomach. Both the male and the female have long fan- shaped tail feathers and sometimes the anhinga is known as the water turkey. More
Anhinga male has dark plumage with green iridescence, with glossy pale grey feathers on upper back and half part of wings. Those are bordered with long white feathers. It has relatively small black head spotted and streaked, as an extension of its very long neck. As other Anhingas, its neck has some vertebrae forming a kind of hinged-mechanism, allowing dashing suddenly its head forwards to jab its prey, with its long sharp bill. It has a small black crest. More
Adult anhingas usually weigh around three pounds and have long necks most often carried in an “s-shaped” posture. Their heads are small with long pointed beaks. Anhingas’ tails are long and loosely jointed with feathers which can be spread wide like a fan. Male anhingas’ plumage is greenish black overall but is accentuated by silver-gray plumes scattered across the upper back and a black crest on the head. Their wings are edged with long white feathers as well. More
Displaying male Anhinga, Jefferson Island, Louisiana, 4/07. Flying female Anhinga, Lacassine NWR, Louisiana, 4/07. Anhinga, Sabal Palms, Texas, 3.05. Anhinga, Sabal Palms, Texas, 3.05. All photographs copyrighted by the author. Publication-quality 300dpi versions and prints of many of the images contained in this web site are available- inquiries welcomed- email bill@schmoker. More
anhingaanhinga - fish-eating bird of warm inland waters having a long flexible neck and slender sharp-pointed billdarter, snakebirdpelecaniform seabird - large fish-eating seabird with four-toed webbed feetgenus Anhinga - type genus of the AnhingidaeAnhinga anhinga, water turkey - blackish New World snakebird of swampy regions How to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, add the site to iGoogle, or visit webmaster's page for free fun content. More
The anhinga genus is found all over the world in warm shallow waters. The American Anhinga has been subdivided into two subspecies - A. a. anhinga and A. a. leucogaster - based on their location. A. a. anhinga can be found mainly east of the Andes in South America and also the islands of Trinidad and Tobago. A. a. leucogaster can be found in the southern United States, Mexico, Cuba, and Grenada. More