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The Mountain Bluebird is migratory. Their range varies from Mexico in the winter to as far north as Alaska, throughout the western US.
The Mountain Bluebird is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
The Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides) is a medium-sized bird weighing about an ounce, with a length from 15–20 cm (6–8 in). They have light underbellies and black eyes. Adult males have thin bills are bright turquoise-blue and somewhat lighter beneath. Adult females have duller blue wings and tail,fake grey breast, grey crown, throat and back. In fresh fall plumage, the female's throat and breast are tinged with red-orange; brownish near the flank contrasting with white tail underparts. More
The Mountain Bluebird has a large range, estimated globally at 4,400,000 square kilometers. Native to Canada, the United States, and Mexico, this bird prefers grassland, forest, and shrubland ecosystems. The global population of this bird is estimated at 5,200,000 individuals and does not show signs of decline that would necessitate inclusion on the IUCN Red List. For this reason, the current evaluation status of the Mountain Bluebird is Least Concern. More
Mountain Bluebird Printer friendly versionPrinter friendly version Sialia currucoides - A Male Mountain Bluebird sitting on a stump, credit Michael SeraphinDescription: The Mountain Bluebird has blue plumage all over. The male has a dark-blue head and wings, with a sky-blue chest, throat, and belly. This distinguishes it from the Western Bluebird, which has a rust-colored throat. The female Mountain Bluebird has a gray-blue head and wings, with a gray chest and belly. More
larger Mountain Bluebird Nestbox which will accommodate both birds. Chickadees, titmice, wrens, nuthatches and downy woodpeckers may use this box. Mount bluebird houses 3 to 6 feet high on a post in woodland clearings, shelter belt edges bordering fields, among scattered trees, or pasture fence lines. On fence lines mount houses on the sides of posts facing the next post. The recessed position helps avoid cattle or other large animals that like to rub against them. More
Mountain Bluebird, Allan Brooks, Birds of Western Canada, P.A. Taverner, 1926 Allan Brooks Inhabits the Rocky Mountains and higher elevated plains throughout most of western North America from southern Alaska, the Yukon, above Alberta in the Northwest Territories around the Great Slave Lake area, as far east as Manitoba, south to northern Mexico, overlapping both the Western and Eastern Bluebird ranges. Migrates to the U.S. and Mexico. More
the male Mountain Bluebird is a breathtaking brilliant sky blue. It prefers more open habitats than the other bluebirds and can be found in colder habitats in winter. More
The Mountain Bluebird is migratory. Their range varies from Mexico in the winter to as far north as Alaska, throughout the western U.S. and Canada. Northern birds migrate to the southern parts of the range; southern birds are often permanent residents. Some birds may move to lower elevations in winter. They inhabit open rangelands, meadows, generally at elevations above 5,000 feet. Contrary to popular belief, Mountain bluebirds are not a species of concern in the United States. More
Mountain Bluebird has a blue breast (see also female). Voice: A short pew or mew. Also a hard, chattering note. Range: Breeds from s. British Columbia, western U.S. to mountains of cen. Mexico. Map . Habitat: Scattered trees, open conifer forests, farms; in winter, semi-open terrain, brush, deserts. More
(ergo fluffed) Mountain Bluebirds for comparison of shape. MOBLfMT14Oct00072a.jpg (43923 bytes) Female Mountain Bluebird, Montana, 14 October 2000. EABLm21feb03958a.jpg (52776 bytes) Male Eastern Bluebird, New York, 1 February 2003. MOBLfMT14Oct00344a.jpg (66543 bytes) Female Mountain Bluebird, Montana, 14 October 2000. EABLf28jan01538a.jpg (41606 bytes) Female Eastern Bluebird, New York, 28 January 2001. This is the palest female Eastern Bluebird I've ever seen. More
The mountain bluebird is slightly larger and slimmer in appearance than the other bluebirds, with longer wings and tail. It has a beautiful, rich sky-blue head, back, tail and wings. It has blue on the chest and a very light blue or white lower underside. Some male mountain bluebirds show traces of red on the throat and chest. mountain bluebird Mountain Bluebird - male The female is grayish with a white belly. More
Mountain BluebirdMountain Bluebird Unlike other bluebird species, male Mountain Bluebirds have no chestnut red on their bodies. The head, back, wings, and tail are a bright sky blue. Males are light blue from the chin to the belly, and grayish-white on the belly and undertail coverts. Females have brownish gray upperparts. The wings, rump, and tail are a pale or light blue. More
The mountain bluebird is larger than the western bluebird, and both are slightly smaller than robins. The male mountain bluebird has a bright blue back, and is paler blue below. Its belly is whitish. The female is grayish brown with a trace of blue on wings, rump and tail. The male western bluebird has dark-blue head, wings and tail. Its breast and back are rusty red. The female is brownish with a rust- colored breast. More
The Mountain Bluebird male is a bright azure-blue with throat and breast of a lighter blue. More
The Mountain Bluebird is a little larger than a House Sparrow but smaller than an American Robin. The back, wings, and tail of the male are a bright azure-blue, and the throat and breast are a lighter blue, which fades to white on the abdomen. On the female, the flight feathers and tail are pale blue and the head and back are a mixed wash of blue and grey. The throat is brownish-ash, blending to white on the lower breast. More
Mountain bluebirds at Lake Anita State Park. Iowa Bird Life 61:119-120. STEVENSON, B. H. 1932. Early nesting of bluebird and mockingbird. Auk 49:353. STEWART, P. A. 1971. An automatic trap for use on bird nesting boxes. Bird-Banding 42:121-122. _____. 1976. Movements of cavity-hunting starlings and eastern bluebirds. Bird-Banding 47:274-275. _____. 1976. Plastic jugs for nesting bluebirds. More
That the Mountain Bluebird (Sialia arctcia) is hereby designated and declared to the the state bird of the State of Idaho." About the Idaho State Bird - Habitat: The mountain bluebird nests in nearly all timber types of the Rocky Mountain region, and is reported from 800 to 11,000 feet elevation in Idaho (Burleigh 1972). More
Mountain BluebirdThe mountain bluebird is six to seven inches in length. It has a small, pointed black bill and black legs and feet. The male is a deep sky blue above and a paler blue below with a white stomach. The female is a duller blue-gray on her wings with a gray throat, back and crown. More
The Mountain Bluebird is the official state bird of Nevada. As their name implies, Mountain Bluebirds breed in the foothills and mountains of western North America, preferring grassland and sage shrubland habitats adjacent to deciduous and coniferous woods. Unlike other bluebird species, male Mountain Bluebirds have no chestnut red on their bodies. The head, back, wings, and tail are a bright sky blue. Males are light blue from the chin to the belly, and grayish-white on the belly and under-tail coverts. More
Mountain Bluebird egg cup in nest. Somewhat paler than usual. Photo by Bet Zimmerman Species: There are three bluebird species: Eastern (Sialia sialis), Mountain (S. currucoides) and Western (S. mexicana.) There are no recognized subspecies of the Mountain Bluebird . (See more info and differences between species). The alpha code for the Mountain Bluebird is MOBL. It may interbreed with Eastern Bluebirds where their ranges overlap. Historically, Mountain Bluebirds were referred to as the Arctic Blue-bird (S. More
A nesting study of the mountain bluebird in Wyoming. Condor 50:216- 219. Harrison, C. 1978. A field guide to the nests, eggs and nestlings of north American birds. W. Collins Sons and Co., Cleveland, OH. 416pp. Jewett, S. G., W. P. Taylor, W. T. Shaw, and J. W. Aldrich. 1953. Birds of Washington State. Univ. Washington Press, Seattle. 767pp. Marti, C. D., and C. E. Braun. 1975. More
The lovely mountain bluebird (Sialia arctcia) was designated the official state bird of Idaho in 1931 (also the state bird of Nevada). Idaho recognizes two bird symbols )the peregrine falcon is the official state raptor). The male Mountain Bluebird is a breathtaking brilliant sky blue, the female is gray with blue on wings and tail. Mountain bluebird video courtesy of birdcinema. More
of the thrush family, the mountain bluebird lives in Nevada's high country and sings with a clear, short warble. Mountain bluebird video courtesy of birdcinema.com The mountain bluebird is a small thrush found on ranchland and other open areas of the American West. It prefers more open habitats than other bluebirds and can be found in colder habitats in winter. Only the female bluebird builds the nest. More
Mountain Bluebird is in a constant struggle for nesting sites. These birds have benefited by the placement of birdhouses. Their song is Robin-like with a pitch slightly higher than the eastern species. Description - The Mountain Bluebird is 6 to 7 1/2 inches in length. The male has bright blue all over. The female is grayish. Her wings and tail are blue. More