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The Winter Wren , also known as the Northern Wren, is a very small bird, a member of the mainly New World wren family Troglodytidae. It is the only one of nearly sixty species in the family that occurs in the Old World; in Anglophone Europe it is commonly known simply as the Wren, and is the originator of the name. It is noteworthy among songbirds both because of its long and complex songs and because it is one of the few passerine species that has a distribution spanning both North America and Eurasia. It is also highly polygynous, an unusual mating system for passerines
The Winter Wren is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
“It is the Winter Wren, chiefly, which gladdens the depths of the ancient forest with music.” Dawson (1923: 681) The Winter Wren creeps mouselike around the forest floor, next to, into, and out of large logs and other tangles, and sings loudly from favorite perches. A superb songster, and more often heard than seen, this small, brown, cryptically colored wren generally inhabits dark, moist conifer forests in North America, although some breed in hardwoods or on cliff faces on treeless islands. More
zone between two divergent subspecies of winter wren in North America (Troglodytes troglodytes hiemalis in Eastern North America and Troglodytes troglodytes pacificus in Western North America), which differ substantially in song and genetics, found strong evidence for reproductive isolation and suggested that the pacificus subspecies be promoted to the species level designation of Troglodytes pacificus . More
it is called the Winter Wren in North America. The name wren has been applied to other, unrelated birds in Australia and New Zealand. They wrens are mainly small and inconspicuous, except for their loud and often complex songs. These birds have short wings and they cannot see at night. Several species often hold their tails upright and sleep on the ground. Wrens are insectivorous, eating insects and spiders but they will also eat fish, small rodents and lizards. More
The Winter Wren has a very large range reaching up to roughly 5.43 million square kilometers. This bird has an enormous amount of coverage including all of North America, most of Europe and Northern Africa, parts of the Middle East and extensive portions of Asia. It also is known to have a vagrant population in Kuwait. This bird prefers temperate forests and shrublands and is also found in rural gardens and even in many urban areas. More
Winter Wren Range MapView dynamic map of eBird sightings Field MarksHelp - * AdultPopOutZoom In Adult * © 2004 Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Long Island, New York, April 2000 Similar Species - * House Wren has a longer tail and lighter color, especially on the More
disputed subspecies orii, the Daito Winter Wren, became extinct around 1940 – if it is indeed a valid taxon and not merely based on an anomaly. Thus in the British Isles, in addition to the typical bird, T. t. indigenus, there are three distinct insular forms; one, T. t. hirtensis, is confined to the island of St Kilda, another, T. t. zetlandicus to Shetland, and the third T. t. fridariensis to Fair Isle. More
The Winter Wren is a very small bird, a member of the mainly New World wren family Troglodytidae. It is the only wren which occurs in the Old World. In Europe it is commonly known simply as the Wren. The scientific name, meaning "cave-dweller", refers to its habit of disappearing into cavities or crevices whilst hunting arthropods or to roost. More
On a per-pound basis, the winter wren generates more song for its weight than any other North American songbird. This stubby-tailed, chocolate-brown mouse of a bird frequents wooded streamside habitats and coniferous forests, both in winter and summer. The long burbling song can be given from an exposed treetop perch in spring, or from inside a jumble of logs and tree roots when the wren takes a break from foraging. More
Seeing Winter Wrens a Treat - 02/16/07 - Dear Bird Folks, - I really don't have a question for you, but I'd like to share a wonderful birding experience that I just had. I have recently moved into senior housing in Orleans and have missed the birds that I once had in my yard in Eastham. More
North American RangeThe Winter Wren is a tiny woodland bird whose song is as elaborate as its plumage is drab. This wren is dark brown and mottled overall, with a buff eye-line. It has a short tail that it holds upright. back to top Habitat - Winter Wrens are found most often in closed-canopy conifer forests at all elevations, although they also live in other forest types as long as there is dense understory. More
is the exact relationship of the Winter Wren to the central American Timberline Wren (T. browni)? On the basis of song there seems to be a close affinity. Could further research elucidate this? There are five other species in this genus - the House Wren (T. aedon), the Tepui Wren (T. rufulus), the Mountain Wren (T. solstitalis) the South ern House Wren (T. musculus) and the Ochraceous Wren (T. ochraceous). More
The song of the Winter Wren is clear, rapid, and very high in pitch, often with notes beyond the range of human ears. The wren sings along at 16 notes a second, stringing beautiful, tinkling passages into long pieces. It sings over the sound of surf on remote Alaskan islands, where it nests on cliffs and rocky slopes near the shore. More
seventh-ever Winter Wren banded at Hilton Pond Center-that we would capture our eighth this week and be prompted to write a longer essay about this tiniest of North American wrens. Herein we also provide a different view-in more ways than one-of this uncommon cold-weather visitor to the Carolina Piedmont. More
The Winter Wren breeds in northern forests, high mountains, and Pacific coastal forests— from Maine and the Maritime provinces across Canada to the Pacific coast. Winter Wrens also breed at high altitudes in the Appalachian Mountains, as far south as Georgia (see range map). Winter Wren Song, Normal Speed & Slowed Down: Here is a single Winter Wren song played at normal speed: One song of a Winter Wren played at normal speed. More
Winter Wren is a minuscule, almost uniform dull brown bird. The upperparts are reddish-brown, finely barred with dark brown on wings, tail and rump. The short tail is rounded, chestnut or reddish-brown, finely streaked with dark brown. The underparts are paler on chin, throat and breast. Flanks and belly are heavily streaked with reddish and brown or blackish. Head and nape are darker than upperparts, more uniform, almost without streaks. More
In North America, the Winter Wren is primarily a denizen of the cool northern coniferous forests found in the northern United States and Canada. Winter Wren populations occur in the higher altitudes of the Appalachians, in the dense spruce forests of the Rocky Mountains, and in the rugged stream beds and redwood forests of the Pacific Coast. Throughout most of its range, Winter Wren habitats are characterized by deep shade and forest floors littered with rotting stumps and fallen moss-covered logs. More
The Winter Wren is the only species of wren that occurs outside of the western hemisphere. It is holarctic, and is abundant in Europe, North Africa, Asia, and Japan as well as North America. In some years, it may be one of the most abundant winter birds in the UK. The genus name, Troglodytes, comes from the Greek meaning More