Coraya Wren

It is found in Amazonian northern and northwestern South America, the northern Amazon Basin and the Guianas, of Guyana, French Guiana, Suriname, and Amazonian southeast Colombia, eastern Ecuador, and north and central Peru; also the southeastern Orinoco River Basin of Venezuela.

The Coraya Wren is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.

The Coraya Wren (Pheugopedius coraya) is a species of bird in the Troglodytidae family, the wrens. Contents - * 1 Overview * 1.1 Synoptic description * 2 Distribution * 2. More

The Coraya Wren (Thryothorus coraya) is a species of bird in the Troglodytidae family, the wrens. Overview It is found in Amazonian northern and northwestern South America, the northern Amazon Basin and the Guianas, of Guyana, French Guiana, Suriname, and Amazonian southeast Colombia, eastern Ecuador, and north and central Peru; also the southeastern Orinoco River Basin of Venezuela. More

* Individual of Coraya Wren in hand An individual in hand French Guiana maxcobigo 25 October 2009 20 weeks ago 3. More

I made some sound recordings of Coraya Wrens soon after dawn one morning. This species engages in antiphonal duetting where both sexes contribute alternative phrases in quick, coordinated succession to produce a More

generally allopatric with Coraya Wren and occurs south of the Amazon river and (mainly) east of the Ucayali river. The Coraya Wrens around Tarapoto are difficult to observe but the facial plumage actually looks more like Moustached! At this site they keep well hidden in dense scrub in long-cleared secondary growth. More

The Coraya Wren can be found on Ilha de Marajo at the Amazon River's outlet. Source - BirdLife International 2004. Thryothorus coraya. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Downloaded on 27 July 2007. More

Order : Passeriformes
Family : Troglodytidae
Genus : Thryothorus
Species : coraya
Authority : (Gmelin, 1789)