Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist montanes. It is threatened by habitat loss.
The Gray-crowned Crocias is classified as Endangered (EN), considered to be facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.
rediscovered Gray-crowned Crocias, which we saw well on our last tour here. Near Hanoi, the lovely forests of Cuc Phuong NP, Vietnam's first national park, will provide us with a few days of exciting birding. Dramatic limestone outcrops punctuate the landscape, and a good road accesses the remote interior. We'll have nearly three full days to search for the likes of Silver Pheasant, Pied Falconet, Bar-bellied Pitta, White-winged Magpie, Ratchet-tailed Treepie, White-tailed Flycatcher, Rufous-throated Fulvetta, and many others. More
Gray-crowned Crocias Crocias langbianis single bird seen near Dalat Rufous-backed Sibia Heterophasia annectens recorded from Dalat Striated Yuhina Yuhina castaniceps recorded from Bach Ma and Tam Dao Whiskered Yuhina Yuhina flavicollis seen at Bach Ma Stripe-throated Yuhina Yuhina gularis recorded from Sa Pa White-collared Yuhina Yuhina diademata recorded from Sa Pa Black-chinned Yuhina Yuhina nigrimenta a pair seen at Tam Dao. More
the Dalat endemic Gray-crowned Crocias More
* Gray-crowned Crocias, Crocias langbianis * Spotted Crocias, Crocias albonotatus * Long-tailed Sibia, Heterophasia picaoides * Rufous Sibia, Malacias capistratus * Gray Sibia, Malacias gracilis * Black-headed Sibia, Malacias desgodinsi * Dark-backed Sibia, Malacias melanoleucus * White-eared Sibia, Malacias auricularis * Beautiful Sibia, Malacias pulchellus * Rufous-backed Sibia, Leioptila annectens More
(198213) Gray-Ellied Grass Mouse (198214) Gray-Haired Man (198215) Gray-Headed Thicket Rat (198216) Gray-New Gloucester High School (198217) Gray-Nicolls (198218) Gray-Tailed Narrow-Headed Rat (198219) Gray-and-buff (198220) Gray-and-chestnut (198221) Gray-and-chestnut Seedeater (198222) Gray-and-gold (198223) Gray-and-gold Tanager (198224) Gray-and-gold Warbler (198225) Gray-and-white (198226) Gray-and-white Tyrannulet (198227) Gray-asparagus (198228) Gray-asparaguses (198229) Gray-backed (198230) Gray-backed Fiscal (198231) Gray-backed Hawk (198232) Gray-backed Shrike (198233) Gray-backed Sparrow-Lark (198234) Gray-backed Sportive Lemur (198235) Gray-backed Storm-Petrel (198236) Gray-backed Tachuri (198237) Gray-backed Tern (198238) Gray-backed Thrush (198239) Gray-banded (198240) Gray-banded Munia (198241) Gray-barred (198242) Gray-barred Wren (198243) Gray-bellied (198244) Gray-bellied Antbird (198245) Gray-bellied Brucie (198246) Gray-bellied Caenolestid (198247) Gray-bellied Comet (198248) Gray-bellied Dunnart (198249) Gray-bellied Flower-piercer (198250) Gray-bellied Flowerpiercer (198251) Gray-bellied Goshawk (198252) Gray-bellied Night Monkey (198253) Gray-bellied Pencil-tailed Tree Mouse (198254) Gray-bellied Pygmy Mouse (198255) Gray-bellied Shrew Opossum (198256) Gray-bellied Shrike-Tyrant (198257) Gray-bellied Shrike-tyrant (198258) Gray-bellied Slender Mouse Opossum (198259) Gray-bellied Spinetail (198260) Gray-bellied Squirrel (198261) Gray-bellied Tesia (198262) Gray-bellied Tree Mouse (198263) Gray-bellied night monkey (198264) Gray-black (198265) Gray-blacks (198266) Gray-blue (198267) Gray-blues (198268) Gray-box (198269) Gray-box testing (198270) Gray-boxes (198271) Gray-breasted (198272) Gray-breasted Babbler (198273) Gray-breasted Crake (198274) Gray-breasted Flycatcher (198275) Gray-breasted Jay (198276) Gray-breasted Martin (198277) Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan (198278) Gray-breasted Parakeet (198279) Gray-breasted Partridge (198280) Gray-breasted Prinia (198281) Gray-breasted Sabrewing (198282) Gray-breasted Seedsnipe (198283) Gray-breasted Spiderhunter (198284) Gray-breasted Wood-Wren (198285) Gray-breasted Wood-wren (198286) Gray-breasted Woodpecker (198287) Gray-breasted martin (198288) Gray-brown (198289) Gray-browns (198290) Gray-capped (198291) Gray-capped Cuckoo (198292) Gray-capped Flycatcher (198293) Gray-capped Hemispingus (198294) Gray-capped Social Weaver (198295) Gray-capped Tyrannulet (198296) Gray-capped Warbler (198297) Gray-capped Woodpecker (198298) Gray-capped flycatcher (198299) Gray-cheeked (198300) Gray-cheeked Bulbul (198301) Gray-cheeked Flying Squirrel (198302) Gray-cheeked Fulvetta (198303) Gray-cheeked Mangabey (198304) Gray-cheeked Nunlet (198305) Gray-cheeked Parakeet (198306) Gray-cheeked Thrush (198307) Gray-cheeked Warbler (198308) Gray-cheeked mangabey (198309) Gray-cheeked thrush (198310) Gray-chested (198311) Gray-chested Dove (198312) Gray-chested Greenlet (198313) Gray-chested Illadopsis (198314) Gray-chinned (198315) Gray-chinned Hermit (198316) Gray-chinned Minivet (198317) Gray-collar (198318) Gray-collared (198319) Gray-collared Becard (198320) Gray-collared Chipmunk (198321) Gray-collars (198322) Gray-coral (198323) Gray-crested (198324) Gray-crested Cacholote (198325) Gray-crested Finch (198326) Gray-crested Helmet-shrike (198327) Gray-crested Helmet Shrike (198328) Gray-crested Helmetshrike (198329) Gray-crested Tit (198330) Gray-crowned (1983 More
recently rediscovered Gray-crowned Crocias is known. On this day, we will put a special effort into finding this globally endangered Dalat endemic. The excellent path through the sub-montane forest is good for many other rare and spectacular species, among them Red-vented Barbet, Indochinese Green Magpie, Blue-winged Minla, Rufous-backed Sibia and Red-headed Trogon. Night in Dalat. More