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The Greenish Warbler and Green Warbler are widespread leaf-warblers throughout their breeding range in northeastern Europe and temperate to subtropical continental Asia. This warbler is strongly migratory and winters in India. It is not uncommon as a spring or early autumn vagrant in Western Europe and is annually seen in Great Britain. In Central Europe large numbers of vagrant birds are encountered in some years; some of these may stay to breed, as a handful of pairs does each year in Germany.
The Greenish Warbler is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
Wintering bird (probably Western Greenish Warbler) in Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh, India) Conservation status Least Concern (IUCN 3. More
proposed by Ticehurst (1938), that greenish warblers were once confined to the southern portion of their range and then expanded northward along two pathways, evolving differences as they moved north. When the two expanding fronts met in central Siberia, they were different enough that they do not interbreed. Ecology and body shape/size Given the differences between the two northern forms viridanus and plumbeitarsus in plumage, songs, and genetics, we might expect them to also differ in ecological and morphological traits. More
The Greenish Warbler, Phylloscopus trochiloides, is a widespread leaf-warbler throughout its breeding range in northeast Europe and northern Asia. This warbler is strongly migratory and winters in India. This species occurs as a spring or early autumn vagrant in western Europe and is annual in Great Britain. It breeds in lowland deciduous or mixed forest. The nest is on the ground in low shrub. More
The Greenish Warbler Phylloscopus trochiloides is an abundant insectivorous Palearctic migrant breeding from eastern Europe across a broad swathe of the Boreal zone as far east as the Chinese coast. Birds winter in a far narrower area of the tropical deciduous forests of India, Sri Lanka, and east Asia. A small, slender, insectivorous species found in most wooded habitat, including parks and gardens, it forages actively and restlessly in the canopy, but will on occasion drop down to lower levels. More
The Greenish Warbler occurs in the north-west Indian foothills and plains mainly as a common passage migrant between its breeding grounds in the Himalayas and its wintering grounds in central, eastern and southern India. However, a few individuals do overwinter. It is a small, slender, sometimes quite elongated, warbler found in wooded habitat, including parks and gardens, foraging mainly in the canopy, but will on occasion drop down to lower levels. More
The Greenish Warbler has rather dull upperparts, pale underparts and a neat little pale wingbar which separates it from the Willow Warbler. The Arctic Warbler though also has a similar wing-bar but is a bigger bird with a stouter bill, paler legs and a longer more prominent eyestripe. Habitat Breeds in mixed woodland with a preference for areas of birch. More
The greenish warbler may provide the evidence Darwin lacked By BBC News Online science editor Dr David Whitehouse Scientists may be witnessing one of the fundamental forces of evolution: the divergence of one species into two. More
The Greenish Warbler, Phylloscopus trochiloides , is a widespread leaf warbler throughout its breeding range from northeast Europe and northern Asia. It breeds in lowland deciduous or mixed forest. The nest is on the ground in low shrub. Like most Old World warblers, this small passerine is insectivorous. This warbler is strongly migratory and winters in India. This is a typical leaf warbler in appearance, greyish-green above and off-white below. More
in their study of the greenish warbler, a songbird that breeds in forests throughout much of temperate Asia, Irwin and his colleagues More
The first Greenish Warbler Phylloscopus trochiloides recorded in Ireland was in 1952; within the next twenty years, however, over twenty records were accepted as being of this species. This sudden regularity was not at the time considered surprising since (1) there was evidence from northern Europe that Greenish Warbler was rapidly expanding its breeding range westwards (Valikangas 1951) and (2) field ornithology was just beginning to get off the ground in Ireland (cf. More
Greenish Warbler at Church Cove, Lizard Below are some images of the Greenish Warbler seen in Church Cove, Cornwall yesterday. The identity of this bird has changed daily since it was found mid week. Birdguides has reported it as both Green (?) and Greenish. Pirate Birder has done some good spade work though and managed to get a recording of its' call. A sonogram of the call has been confirmed by bird vocabulary expert Magnus Robb as a Greenish Warbler. More
Greenish Warbler status in Cornwall Greenish Warbler is a rare vagrant in Cornwall with just four records. It breeds in north and eastern Europe and has expanded its breeding range westwards during the last century. Migrates south east to winter in S. Asia. 1984: Nanquidno, 30th Sep to 1st Oct. Found by Dave Flumm. Paul Semmens, Lawrie Williams, Stuart Hutchings and Graham Hearl were also named as co-finders. More
GREENISH WARBLER it is - on call - but not in field characters I, along with 250 others, made the journey down to Church Cove on The Lizard today. Both Alan Lewis and Ilya Maclean obtained good sound recordings of the bird before I arrived on site at 0715 hours and after listening to Alan's tape, I could hear that the bird was clearly making a short, quick disyllabic note, repeated quickly in succession. More
Greenish Warblers – at Filey In 1996 following the occurrence of the 9th and 10th records of Greenish Warbler at Filey, the recorder wrote, “Filey remains a prime site for this species”, which was the signal for a series of blank years. He came to his conclusion following a run of records from 1987, with the first bird being recorded in 1976 just prior to the groups’ formation. More
Greenish Warbler, Shetland, Skaw, Unst 22/08/07 © Dougie Preston The first to make landfall in Norfolk was on Blakeney Point, where before darkness fell on 21st, some FIVE birds had been located (with singles at Far Point, the Plantation and 3 in the vicinity of the Watch House). All five remained in attrocious conditions on 22nd, with none showing for more than a few seconds in the near gale force northerly winds. More
Greenish Warblers are regular winter visitors in the Kolkata and surrounding areas. However, we usually meet the nominate - Phylloscopus trochiloides trochiloides, a drab green bird with a darkish bill. Yesterday, I came across the attached bird which initially looked like a Tickell's Leaf Warbler as it flitted through the overhead foliage. More
The Greenish Warbler Phylloscopus trochiloides viridanus is the western subspecies of Greenish Warbler P. t. trochiloides. The taxonomy of the Greenish complex is, er, complex. But basically 'our' viridanus spreads east to western Asia where it meets the eastern race plumbeitarsus which you may know as Two-barred Greenish Warbler (or that gap on your tick list between Greenish and Arctic). Although these two overlap they behave as good species and show no signs of intergradation. Hence, good species right? Hang on. More
Greenish Warbler site, a bit of luck came my way and the bird showed just about long enough for me to point the camera at it, focus and press the shutter. Red-footed Falcon, Wicken Fen, Cambs RFF#01This immature male visitor to Wicken Fen was also quite mobile , but eventually settled within range, after spending long periods hunting the numerous dragonflies on the reserve . More
Greenish Warbler is much more even for its entire length, right up to the bill and would have been rather prominent (as it is in some of the other species described below) and therefore more noticeable. Bare Parts: The bird had a dark eye and a typical Phylloscopus insectivorous, mainly pale bill. More