It is found only in the Philippines.
The White-browed Tailorbird is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
Trogon, a vocal White-browed Tailorbird (which whilst skulking was easier to set eyes on than its Yellow-breasted cousin) and a Naked-faced Spiderhunter in another bird party. We spent some time at Zardo’s stake-out for Little Slaty Flycatcher but there was to be no response to the tape. As the temperature rose we headed to the pool along road 1 where we were soon admiring the intricate plumage of a Silvery Kingfisher at its traditional, and seemingly highly reliable stake-out. More
White-Sobieski White-Spectacled Warbler White-Tailed Emerald White-Tailed Goldenthroat White-Tailed Hillstar White-Tailed Hummingbird White-Tailed Mountain Vole White-Tailed Ptarmigan White-Tailed Rat White-Tailed Starfrontlet White-Tailed Warbler White-Tailed deer White-Throated Bear White-Throated Canary White-Throated Francolin White-Throated Guenon White-Throated Hummingbird White-Throated Oxylabes White-Throated Woodrat White-Tipped Sicklebill White-Toothed White-Toothed Brush Mouse White-Toothed Melomys White-Toothed Mouse White-Toothed Tuco-tuco White-Tufted Sunbeam White-Vented Plumeleteer White-Vented Violet-Ear White-Washing Race: The Myth of a Color-blind White-Westinghouse White-Williams Scholars White-Winged Grosbeak White-Winged Scrub-Warbler White-Winged Serotine White-Wolf White-alder White-alder family White-and-blue White-ankled White-ankled Mouse White-anting White-backed White-backed Duck White-backed Fire-eye White-backed Magpie White-backed Mousebird White-backed Night-Heron White-backed Night-heron White-backed Night Heron White-backed Pelican White-backed Stilt White-backed Swallow White-backed Thrush White-backed Tit White-backed Vulture White-backed Woodpecker White-backed Woodswallow White-backed duck White-backed mousebird White-backed vulture White-banded White-banded Awl White-banded Carpet White-banded Flat White-banded Line-blue White-banded Mockingbird White-banded Plane White-banded Royal White-banded Swallow White-banded Tanager White-banded Tyrannulet White-banded bubble White-banded tanager White-barred White-barred Piculet White-beaked White-beaked Dolphin White-beaked dolphin White-bearded White-bearded Antshrike White-bearded Bulbul White-bearded Flycatcher White-bearded Greenbul White-bearded Hermit White-bearded Manakin White-bearded Wildebeest White-bearded manakin White-bellied White-bellied Antbird White-bellied Antpitta White-bellied Big-eared Bat White-bellied Black Woodpecker White-bellied Blue-flycatcher White-bellied Blue Flycatcher White-bellied Blue Robin White-bellied Brush-furred Rat White-bellied Bushchat White-bellied Bustard White-bellied Caique White-bellied Canary White-bellied Chachalaca White-bellied Cinclodes White-bellied Crested-Flycatcher White-bellied Crested-flycatcher White-bellied Crested Flycatcher White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike White-bellied Dacnis White-bellied Dolphin White-bellied Drongo White-bellied Duiker White-bellied Emerald White-bellied Erpornis White-bellied Fantail White-bellied Fat-tailed Mouse Opossum White-bellied Fish-eagle White-bellied Fish Eagle White-bellied Flowerpecker White-bellied Free-tailed Bat White-bellied Frog White-bellied Go-away-bird White-bellied Goshawk White-bellied Grass Mouse White-bellied Green-pigeon White-bellied Green Pigeon White-bellied Heron White-bellied Hummingbird White-bellied Imperial-pigeon White-bellied Imperial Pigeon White-bellied Kingfisher White-bellied Korhaan White-bellied Lesser House Bat White-bellied Luzon Tree Rat White-bellied Martin White-bellied Minivet White-bellied Mosaic-tailed Rat White-bellied Mountain-gem White-bellied Munia White-bellied Musk Deer White-bellied Nothura White-bellied Pangolin White-bellied Parrot White-be More