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This small passerine bird is a species found in wet sedge beds with vegetation shorter than 30 cm. Drainage has meant that this species has declined, and its stronghold is now the Polesie region of south Belarus, where 70% of the world's population breeds. 3-5 eggs are laid in a nest in low vegetation. This species is highly promiscuous, with most males and females having offspring with multiple partners .
The Aquatic Warbler is classified as Vulnerable (VU), considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.
The Aquatic warbler is a globally threatened bird species. We would like to make you familiar with the Aquatic Warbler on this home page. We also would like to show you what we are doing for the conservation of the Aquatic Warbler. More news ... More
The Aquatic Warbler, Acrocephalus paludicola, is an Old World warbler in the genus Acrocephalus. It breeds in temperate eastern Europe and western Asia, with an estimated population of 15,000 pairs. It is migratory, wintering in west Africa. After many years of uncertainty, the wintering grounds of much of the European population were finally discovered in Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary, Senegal , with between 5-10,000 birds present at this single site. More
The Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola is the rarest and the only globally threatened passerine bird found in mainland Europe. The species is classified as Vulnerable at global level and is listed as Vulnerable in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. At the European level it is classified as Endangered. It is also included into Annex I of the EU Wild Birds Directive, in Appendix II of the Bern Convention and in Appendix I of the Bonn Convention. More
songbird the Aquatic Warbler in Senegal. knowing where they are in winter now provides a starting point to mirror the successful European conservation efforts in Africa. said Lars Lachmann of RSPB (BirdLife in the UK) who co-organised the expedition to West Africa together with the BirdLife International Aquatic Warbler Conservation Team (AWCT) and the French organisation "Bretagne Vivante". More
Aquatic warbler visits east London = 03/09/2008 21:46:45birds/aquatic_warbler_rspb Aquatic warbler - Mike Lane (rspb-images.com). September 2008. An Aquatic warbler, one of Europe's most endangered migratory songbirds, has been seen at the RSPB's Rainham Marshes nature reserve to the east of London. The aquatic warbler is a rare UK visitor, occasionally dropping in on its unusual migration route between Eastern Europe and West Africa. More
The Aquatic Warbler Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was concluded in Minsk, Belarus, under the auspices of the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) and became effective on 30 April 2003. It aims to safeguard the Aquatic Warbler, a small migratory waterbird that is estimated to have declined sharply at a rate equivalent to 40 per cent in the last 10 years. More
The Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) is an Old World warbler who breeds in temperate eastern Europe and western Asia. It has an estimated population of 15,000 pairs. The Aquatic Warbler is a medium-sized warbler and is a slim bird with sandy coloured plumage with variable fine black streaking. Further identifying features are a sandy coloured crown and a spiky looking tail. Both males and females are similar in appearance, and juveniles lack streaking on the breast and flanks. More
Alexander Kozulin An estimated 95% of Aquatic Warbler habitat has been lost in the last century. Zoom In Aquatic Warbler given LIFE-line = 04-12-2006 A significant step has been taken toward the protection of key habitat for Europes rarest songbird. OTOP (BirdLife Poland) is embarking on a large-scale project to protect key sites for the Globally Threatened Aquatic Warbler in Poland and neighbouring Germany. More
note 1: number of Aquatic Warblers ringed in Spain. 1999 : 26 ; 2000 : 187 ; 2001 : 114 ; 2002 : 135 ; 2003 ; 43. - Combination of rings and 1 metal ring. Prof. Dr. Andrzej Dyrcz, Department of Avian Ecology, University of Wroclaw, Sienkiewicza 21, 50-335 Wroclaw, Poland. e-mail: dyrcz@biol.uni.wroc.pl note 1 : used colours are bright-blue, bright-green, dark blue, orange, red, white and yellow. More
Aquatic warbler wintering sites found for the first time = 17/05/2006 00:00:00February 2007. One of Europe’s last remaining ornithological mysteries has been solved finally, thanks to five years of detective work by an international team of researchers. An expedition team has pinpointed the wintering grounds of Europe’s most threatened migratory songbird – the aquatic warbler – in western Africa. More
The aquatic warbler is a small, slim bird with sandy coloured plumage with variable fine black streaking. Further identifying features are a sandy coloured crown and a rather spiky looking tail. The sexes are similar, and juveniles lack streaking on the breast and flanks (2). The eggs of the aquatic warbler are brown and densely spotted with a yellowish grey (4). More
Despite some very heavy rain the Aquatic Warbler was soon re found skulking in the tiny bushes that used to border the car park. Brian Brown and Andrew Easton arrived next and all five of us enjoyed good views of this stripy vagrant. It was a textbook individual, with a creamy central crown stripe, creamy mantle tramlines and a rufous rump. The warbler was notably different from any juvenile Sedge Warbler A. More
For the purposes of our bird news services, Aquatic Warbler is classed as Scarce: broadly speaking, species that are covered in British Birds' annual review of scarce species (and forms of similar rarity). More
The aquatic warbler is a globally threatened species What are we trying to achieve? The Government agreed a Biodiversity Action Plan for this species in 1995. The target for this plan is as follows: * Ensure all key passage sites are, and remain, protected. The aquatic warbler is a globally threatened species. It occurs in the UK on passage in small numbers. More
Aquatic Warblers are rare but regular in The Netherlands. They turn up in August-September and have a profound preference for sedge Carex. Observation is usually difficult as the birds skulk in thick coverage. Needless to say that a report of an Aquatic Warbler on the middle of a bone-dry area as De Maasvlakte was met with both astonishment and enthusiasm by Dutch birders. This bird stayed mostly in a 2x3 m patch of grass but sometimes came out to forage in low bushes of herbs nearby. More
* aquatic warbler in polen 20090:05 * Ajouter à la file d'attente Ajoutée à la file d'attente aquatic warbler in polen 200961 vuestrollebird * Singing idol - great reed warbler - acrocephalus arundinaceus0:43 * Ajouter à la file d'attente Ajoutée à la file d'attente Singing idol - great More
Aquatic Warbler on the Ławki marsh in the Biebrza valley michal151994 — 4 mai 2009 — wodniczka na bagnie Ławki nad biebrzą Aquatic Warbler on the Ławki marsh in the Biebrza valleyCatégorie : Animaux Tags :Aquatic Warbler wodniczka birds ptaki biebrza ławki bagna bagno polska poland park narodowy national maj may 2009 acrocephalus paludicola Chargement… J'aime Enregistrer dans Partager E-mail Skyrock Facebook Twitter MySpace Live Spaces Blogger orkut Buzz reddit Digg Chargement… Connectez-vous ou inscrivez-vous dès maintenant More
png Aquatic warbler on Wikipedia.Wikipedia Retrieved from "http://en.wiktionary. More
Aquatic warbler by Alexander Kozulin The aquatic Warbler - Lars Lachmann has been studying Europe's most threatened migratory songbird - the Aquatic Warbler * Download the audio here * Share this audio * Download our desktop widget Embed this code into your website or blog to display our audio player. More
Synonym of aquatic warbler in thesaurus Aquatic warbler Translation = More Languages: Aquatic warbler Translation On Other Language: English Spanish Croatian Aquatic warbler in English The Aquatic Warbler, Acrocephalus paludicola, is an Old World warbler in the genus Acrocephalus. It breeds in temperate eastern Europe and western Asia, with an estimated population of 15,000 pairs. It is migratory, wintering in west Africa. More
Aquatic Warbler Conservation Team First short Report on the 3rd Expedition to W-Siberia 19 June - 4 July 2001 Chelyabinsk, Tyumen' and Omsk Oblasts by Martin Flade General Information, Schedule The expedition could be successfully realised according to our previous plans. In the meanwhile, all participants of expedition arrived at home in good health. More
Singing Aquatic Warbler at Nagyivan, Hortobagyi National Park, Hungary. This is the one of the traditional breeding place in Hungary and Europe. More