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These birds are migratory, wintering in Central America, the West Indies, and northern South America . They are very rare vagrants to western Europe.
The American Redstart is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
American Redstart - What Is an American Redstart * Most Popular * Latest Articles Add to: * iGoogle * My Yahoo! * RSS * Advertising Info * News & Events * Work at About * SiteMap * All Topics More
North American RangeThe American Redstart is a unique warbler. The male is black with orange patches on each wing, on the sides of its breast, and at the base of its tail on either side. The male's throat is black, but its breast and belly are white. The female is gray where the male is black, and yellow where the male is orange. The female also has a white eye-ring. More
A small, lively paruline warbler, the American Redstart is unforgettable for its conspicuous pirouettes, acrobatic fly-catching sorties, and bright orange-on-black plumage—yellow-on-gray in females. The brightly colored “flash patterns,” which the redstart displays while fanning its tail and drooping its wings, appear to flush prey from vegetation. Flattened beak with well-developed rictal bristles and proportionately large wing and tail area enable in-flight pursuit of insect prey. More
The American Redstart, Setophaga ruticilla, is a New World warbler. They breed in North America, across southern Canada and the eastern USA. These birds are migratory, wintering in Central America, the West Indies, and northern South America (in Venezuela they are called "candelitas"). They are very rare vagrants to western Europe. Male American Redstart This species is unrelated to the Old World redstarts. More
high, whereas the American Redstart's is higher than wide (Harrison 1975). More
American Redstart - The breeding male has glossy black upperparts and hood, distinct orange-red patches on wings and shoulders, a long fanned tail, and white underparts. American Redstart American Redstart Female - The female has olive-gray upperparts, a gray head with a white eye-ring, white underparts, yellow wing patches, and a yellow edged tail. American Redstart Female American Redstart 1st Spring - In the spring the male displays olive-gray upperparts, lores are usually black, and the breast has some black spotting. More
The American Redstart was named for its resemblance to the European Common and Black Redstarts. The "start" in the name comes from Anglo Saxon steort for tail. Laura Erickson (lle24@cornell.edu) 8/18/2008 3. I found this article to be excellent. I'm a beginning birder. More
The American Redstart is conspicuous both for its stunning appearance and its acrobatic fly-catching behavior. The male's orange and black plumage, and even the female's yellow and gray plumage, is among the most striking of any warbler. The American Redstart is built somewhat like a flycatcher, with a flat bill and bristles on the sides of the mouth to aid in catching flying insects. It is very active while foraging, frequently fanning its tail and flicking its wings to flush insect prey. More
American Redstart: 1st Summer Default description American Redstart: 1st Summer American Redstart: Female Default description American Redstart: Female American Redstart: Breeding Adult Default description American Redstart: Breeding Adult American Redstart: 1st Spring Default description American Redstart: 1st Spring Related Birds Yellow-rumped Warbler Black-throated Blue Warbler Painted Redstart Baltimore Oriole Eastern Towhee Slate-throated Redstart Colima Warbler More
* The American Redstart is not particularly closely related to the Painted Redstart and the other redstart warblers of the Neotropics. They all are similarly patterned and forage in similar ways, flashing their tails and wings to startle insect prey. More
American Redstarthome site map Site for sale - serious 'end user' type offers only please. More
The American Redstart is 12 cm long and weighs 8.5 g. The breeding males are unmistakable, jet black above apart from large orange-red patches on their wings and tails. Their breast sides are also orange, with the rest of their underparts colored white. In their other plumages, American Redstarts display green in their upperparts, along with black central tails and grey heads. The orange patches of the breeding males are replaced by yellow in the plumages of the females and young birds. More
June 13, 2009 - Even though the American Redstart is considered the most common and widespread breeding warbler in the state of New York, we were very excited to have our first one in the backyard. At first glance we thought we saw a female, but further study of the bird books and the photos showed that our bird was a first year juvenile. He won't get his orange and black Halloween colors until next year. More
Bent Life History for the American Redstart - the common name and sub-species reflect the nomenclature in use at the time the description was written. SOUTHERN AMERICAN REDSTART SETOPHAGA RUTICILLA RUTICILLA (Linnaeus) HABITS CONTRIBUTED BY ALFRED OTTO GROSS The southern redstart is one of the commonest warblers in New England, perhaps second in abundance only to the yellow warbler. More
analysis) for the American Redstart are available on the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center web site. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - The U.S. Fish and Wildlife service develops and maintains management plans for most game and non-game bird species found in the United States. Their work includes the development of a list of Birds of Conservation Concern. The American Redstart is NOT currently on the list. More
The American Redstart male is black with bright orange patches on wings and the tail. The female is olive brown with yellow flash-patches on the wings and tail. This warbler is 12-14 centimeters and weighs 9-11 grams. Habitat/Diet The American Redstart can be found in moist deciduous woods with abundant shrubs. Their primary food source is insects that they will find on trees. They will also eat small berries and fruit in late summer. More
The American Redstart male is black with bright orange patches on wings and tail; the belly is white. Females and young birds are dull olive-brown above, white below, with yellow wing and tail patches. This is one of the most abundant birds in North America, because its favorite habitat—second-growth woodland—covers such vast areas of the continent. The American Redstart has a distinctive habit of dropping down suddenly in pursuit of a flying insect, then fanning its brightly marked tail from side to side. More
Note that aside from AHY/ASY males, American Redstarts can be challenging to age and sex, and it is recommended to use several features to come to a conclusion Ageing and sexing guidelines: January - July: ASY - M Black and orange plumage over most of the body ASY - F Lacking any black plumage; wing uniformly adult SY - M More
American Redstart - Photo Copyright Ward Cameron 2003 - Click to view a larger image American Redstart - Photo Copyright Ward Cameron 2003 - Click to view a larger image American Redstart - Photo Copyright Ward Cameron 2003 - Click to view a larger image American Redstart - Photo Copyright Ward Cameron 2003 - Click to view a larger image Click on an image (if available) to see a larger version Site Directory = MountainNature Home Ward Cameron Ent. More
American Redstart ID TipsIdentification tips for the American Redstart Range Maps: (Click map to enlarge.) American Redstart Breeding Map American Redstart Winter Map USGS Breeding Map Winter Map (CBC) Additional information: Chipper Woods Bird Observatory Close-up photos and information about migration, behavior, nesting behavior, and conservation status. More
American redstart is a small song bird. PROTECTION / THREATS / STATUS: American redstart declines in some areas, but still widespread and abundant because its favoured habitat, second growth woodlands, covers such extensive areas of the continent. American redstart declines from nest parasitism and habitat destruction in tropical wintering grounds. More
The male American Redstart is a small black bird with bright orange patches on the wings and tail Females and immatures are olive brown above with yellowish patches on the wings and tail. The lower parts of the female are white including the breast and throat. Males do not attain their adult plumage for a full year. Their song is a high pitched "Tse-tse-tse" or "wee-see, wee-see, wee-see". More
The American Redstart is a Neotropical migrant resident in Central America, northwestern South America and the West Indies. It feeds flycatcher-like, sallying forth to catch insects, or gleaning them from vegetation. The rictal bristles around a broad based bill attest to this flycatcher-like behavior (Fig. 9). In the spring, they cross the Gulf of Mexico on their migration to northern and eastern North America, usually arriving on their breeding grounds in early to mid April. More
American redstart is a bird of the forest edge. In Latin America, the redstarts are known as "mariposas," or butterflies. Habitat and conservation: Nesting areas are in forest of the midwestern and northern U.S. and southern Canada. American redstarts winter from Mexico to the West Indies and northwestern South America. More