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These 15 cm long birds have light yellow underparts and olive upperparts; they have a light eye ring, pink legs, a long tail, pale wing bars and a thin pointed bill. Males have a grey hood; female and immatures are more brown and have a whitish throat.
The Connecticut Warbler is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
The Connecticut Warbler Oporornis agilis is a small songbird of the New World warbler family. These 15 cm long birds have light yellow underparts and olive upperparts; they have a light eye ring, pink legs, a long tail, pale wing bars and a thin pointed bill. Males have a grey hood; female and immatures are more brown and have a whitish throat. More
* Connecticut Warbler Species Account - Cornell Lab of Ornithology * Connecticut Warbler - Oporornis agilis - USGS Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter * Connecticut Warbler Information - South Dakota Birds and Birding * Connecticut Warbler photo gallery VIREO This entry is from Wikipedia, the leading user-contributed encyclopedia. More
The uncommon Connecticut Warbler is a skulker of thickets, foraging primarily on or near the ground. It breeds in boreal forest and winters in northern South America. More
The Connecticut Warbler has greenish upperparts, a gray head, throat, and breast, a white eye ring, and pale yellow belly. Males have grayer heads than females. connecticut warbler Visit the Bent Life History page for additional information. Female - Females have greener heads than males. Seasonal change in appearance - Fall birds have greener heads. More
● Foraging & Feeding: Connecticut Warbler: Feeds on insects, spiders, snails, berries, and seeds. ● Breeding & nesting: Connecticut Warbler: Three to five white eggs, marked with brown, lavender, and black, are laid in a nest made of grass and concealed in a clump of moss. Incubation ranges from 11 to 12 days and is carried out by the female. ● Similar species: Connecticut Warbler: Female Mourning, MacGillivray's, and Nashville warblers are not as brown. Female Common Yellowthroat has pale gray belly. More
A Connecticut warbler is not a rare bird, but it's by no means common. It's also not a bird typical of Connecticut. The nineteenth century ornithologist, Alexander Wilson, named the bird for Connecticut because that's where he first saw the bird, probably during migration. I don't often have the chance to visit the places where the Connecticut warbler hangs out. The bird breeds in the early summer in the boreal forests of central Canada, northern Minnesota, and northern Michigan. More
The Connecticut Warbler is olive-green above, pale yellow below, a ring of yellowish-white around the eyes, sides greyish-green, ash-grey breast, head and throat. The female is similar except that there is a band across the breast that is tinged with brown. The bird is 5 1/2-6" in length. These birds generally bopp and skip around from one low bush to another, and among the tall reeds of the marsh, emitting an often-repeated tweet at every move. More
Connecticut Warbler, male on ground More
Bent Life History for the Connecticut Warbler - the common name and sub-species reflect the nomenclature in use at the time the description was written. CONNECTICUT WARBLER OPORORNIS AGILIS (Wilson) HABITS Wilson (1822) discovered this interesting warbler in Connecticut, described it, and named it for the State in which he first found it. He gave it the specific name agili&, because it "seemed more than commonly active, not remaining for a moment in the same position. More
Connecticut WarblerOporornis agilis Order PASSERIFORMES – Family PARULIDAE Issue No. 320 Authors: Pitocchelli, Jay, Julie Bouchie, and David Jones * Articles * Multimedia * References Courtesy Preview This Introductory article that you are viewing is a courtesy preview of the full life history account of this species. The remaining articles (Distribution, Habitat, Behavior, etc. More
Connecticut warbler remained almost unknown for many years until, September 7, 1870, I found it numerous in the fresh pond swamps of Cambridge. The bird thus rediscovered rapidly came into the limelight, and there are few eastern observers of the present day who are not tolerably familiar with the appearance and habits of this warbler. In fall it is common throughout eastern United States in low, swampy thickets. More
Connecticut Warbler - near Little Gap, Carbon County; October 1, 2006. Photo by Dustin Welch. Although not a rarity, this uncommon migrant is tough to get a look at and even tougher to photograph. Another photo of this bird can be found on Dustin Welch's 'Flickr' site. More
The Connecticut Warbler has a gray hood and a yellow-olive body. They have a complete white-eye-ring that makes the bird look like it is starring. Fall female and juveniles are duller in appearance. Voice A repeating chip-chup-ee, chip-chup-ee, chip-chup-eesugar-tweet, sugar-tweet, sugar-tweet. Habitat They can be found in poplar stands, jack pine stands, and mixed woods near water. More
* Species - Connecticut Warbler - Oporornis agilis Connecticut Warbler - Oporornis agilis Accidental Species Global Rank: G4 State Rank: SNA Agency Status USFWS: none USFS: none BLM: none FWP Conservation Tier: 4 PIF: none More
Comments (0) · translate to: Connecticut warbler in : View all » Examples - * " Almost the first specimen I saw was a Connecticut warbler perched in full view and exposing himself perfectly. More
Connecticut Warbler, Oporornis agilis Photo of Connecticut Warbler. Connecticut Warbler. Photographed in May 2007. This photograph may only be used for educational purposes. It may not be used for commercial purposes or in publications without permission. Rare spring migrant over most of the state, 2 May (1982) - 29 May (2001) with peak passage 14-28 May with numerous records during the second week of May. More
* Connecticut Warbler, Oporornis agilis * Mourning Warbler, Oporornis philadelphia * MacGillivray's Warbler, Oporornis tolmiei (R) * Common Yellowthroat, Geothlypis trichas * Hooded Warbler, Wilsonia citrina * Wilson's Warbler, Wilsonia pusilla * Canada Warbler, Wilsonia canadensis * Yellow-breasted Chat, Icteria virens Tanagers - Order: Passeriformes Family: Thraupidae More
Connecticut Warbler - Oporornis agilisA shy warbler of dense thickets and undergrowth, the Connecticut warbler is generally quite difficult to observe. They also are among the last warblers to migrate in the spring, and the earliest to migrate in the fall, and thus often go unnoticed. Connecticut Warblers forage with a slow and deliberate walk along the ground, a characteristic that by itself can be used to differentiate it from the similar Mourning Warbler. More
Connecticut Warbler in Central Park = falcoperegrinus82 28 vidéos S'abonnerModifier l'abonnement Chargement… 1024 vues 1024 vues falcoperegrinus82 — 10 novembre 2008 — This is a juvenile Connecticut Warbler filmed in September 2008 in the Pinetum of Central Park. It was extremely... falcoperegrinus82 — 10 novembre 2008 — This is a juvenile Connecticut Warbler filmed in September 2008 in the Pinetum of Central Park. More