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The Worm-eating Warbler is a small New World warbler. It is the only species classified in the genus Helmitheros.
The Worm-eating Warbler is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
neighboring states, the Worm-eating Warbler is a rather inconspicuous ground-nesting warbler that prefers steep hillsides. Forest fragmentation on its breeding grounds increases the bird's exposure to nest predation and cowbird parasitism, while deforestation of broadleaf forest on the species' wintering grounds in the Caribbean and Central America could also lead to population declines. More
The Worm-eating Warbler (Helmitheros vermivorus) is a small New World warbler. It is the only species classified in the genus Helmitheros. It is 13 cm long and weighs 13 g. It is relatively plain with olive-brown upperparts and light-coloured underparts, but has black and light brown stripes on its head. It has a slim pointed bill and pink legs. In immature birds, the head stripes are brownish. This bird breeds in dense deciduous forests in the eastern United States, usually on wooded slopes. More
Tennessee, the Worm-eating Warbler is present from mid-April through early September primarily in East and Middle Tennessee. Description: This stocky, flat-headed, overall buffy-olive warbler has distinct black crown stripes, and a black stripe through eye. The male and female look the same. Length: 5.25" Wingspan: 8.5" Weight: 0.46 oz Voice: The song is an insect-like flat, dry, rapid trill. More
* The Worm-eating Warbler was first described in 1789 by Johann Friedrich Gmelin, a German naturalist, botanist and entomologist. * Late in incubation the female sits so tight on her nest that only touching her will flush her. Her cryptic coloring makes immobility a safe strategy. * Despite its name, it only rarely, if ever, eats earthworms. More
forests, the Worm-eating Warbler is often found on steep slopes with dense understory. True to its name, it feeds largely on caterpillars ("worms"). Come watch nesting birds at Nestcams. More
Worm-eating Warblers eat insects, usually searching in dead leaves or bark on trees and shrubs, also picking through dead leaves on the forest floor. Despite their name, they rarely if ever eat earthworms. The male's song is a short high-pitched trill. This bird's call is a chip or tseet. Worm-eating Warblers have disappeared from some parts of their range due to habitat loss. They are vulnerable to nest parasitism by the Brown-headed Cowbird where forests are fragmented. More
worm-eating warbler can be a misinterpretation. For one, they don't eat worms for their entire meal. While they might eat it if it's available, as an alternative, the worm-eating warbler will eat caterpillars most of the time, which certain people say look like worms. The worm-eating warbler is a petite bird, and will only develop up to a couple of inches, and doesn't weigh a great deal. Actually, you undoubtedly wouldn't really feel it if they perched on your shoulder. More
* Worm-eating Warbler Information - South Dakota Birds and Birding * Worm-eating Warbler Species Account - Cornell Lab of Ornithology * Worm-eating Warbler - Helmitheros vermivorus - USGS Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter * Birds of Nova Scotia Copyright: Wikipedia. This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from Wikipedia. More
Worm-eating Warbler range mapprimarily in the Appalachian and adjacent states, from northeastern Kansas and southeastern Nebraska east to southern New England, south to northeastern Texas, southern Gulf Coast states, northwestern Florida, northern Georgia and South Carolina. Expanding its distribution on the Atlantic and Gulf coastal plains. Worm-eating Warbler by James Coe Winter: Southern Mexico (Oaxaca, Chiapas, Veracruz, and Yucatan Peninsula) south along the Caribbean slope (uncommon on Pacific slope) of Middle America to central Panama. More
Worm-eating Warblers are found almost exclusively in undisturbed forests in their winter range. They depend on a well-developed layer of leaf litter, where they employ their unique style of feeding by probing and opening rolled leaves. The highest winter population densities are reached along the Caribbean slope of Central America and in the Greater Antilles. Unfortunately, forest destruction in these regions is a serious threat to this species. Worm-eating Warblers arrive along the U.S. More
The Worm-eating Warbler (Helmitheros vermivorus), is a small New World warbler. It is the only species classified in the genus Helmitheros. It is found in dense forests in the eastern United States, usually on wooded slopes. It migrates to southern Mexico and Central America in winter. It is 5.11 inches long and weighs 0.45 ounces. It is relatively plain with olive-brown upperparts and light-colored underparts, but has black and light brown stripes on its head. More
Worm-eating Warbler is a misnomer since this bird rarely feeds on earthworms More
* Worm-eating Warbler Best Habitat Model * Worm-eating Warbler Validation Plot * Download ESRI grid: MB . More
Photo by Dennis Malueg Worm-eating Warbler by Dennis MaluegWorm-eating Warbler distribution map Status/Protection * Global Rank: G5 Key to global and state ranks * State Rank: S1B * WBCI Priority: SGCN, State Endangered Population Information Federal BBS information can be obtained at http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/bbs/bbs.html by clicking on Trend Estimates and selecting the species in question. All estimates are for 1966-2005. More