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The summer male Cape May Warbler has a brown back, yellowish rump and dark brown crown. The underparts are yellow, streaked black, giving rise to the bird's scientific name. The throat and nape are bright yellow and the face is chestnut with a black eyestripe. There is a narrow white wing bar.
The Cape May Warbler is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
The Cape May Warbler, Dendroica tigrina, is a small New World warbler. It breeds in northern North America. Its breeding habitat spans across all but the westernmost parts of southern Canada, and into the Great Lakes region and New England. It is migratory, wintering in the West Indies. This species is a very rare vagrant to western Europe. Cape may WARBLER X.jpg The summer male Cape May Warbler has a brown back, yellowish rump and dark brown crown. More
The Cape May Warbler breeds across the boreal forest of Canada and the northern United States, where the fortunes of its populations are largely tied to the availability of spruce budworms, its preferred food. Striking in appearance but poorly understood, the species spends its winters in the West Indies, collecting nectar with its unique curled, semitubular tongue. More
Cape May Warblers nest in dense foliage near the trunk of a conifer, commonly a Black Spruce, and lay 4-9 eggs in a cup nest. This species is insectivorous, and lays larger clutches in years when Spruce Budworm is abundant. It picks insects up from the tips of conifer branches or flies out to catch insects in flight. The Cape May Warbler also feeds on berry juice and nectar in winter, and has, uniquely for a warbler, a tubular tongue to facilitate this action. More
Bent Life History for the Cape May Warbler - the common name and sub-species reflect the nomenclature in use at the time the description was written. CAPE MAY WARBLER DENDROICA TIGRINA (Gmelin) HABITS This is the bird that made Cape May famous. Dr. Stone (1937) suggests that it has "served to advertise the name of Cape May probably more widely than has been done in any other way. More
Cape May Warbler Habitat Model go to: USFWS Gulf of Maine Watershed Habitat Analysis go to: Species Table Draft Date: October, 2002 Species: Cape May warbler, Dendroica tigrina Use of Study Area Resources: Reproduction. "... More
The Cape May Warbler is currently evaluated as Least Concern. It is primarily known to breed in northern regions of North America. This bird tends to winter in the West Indies. On occasion this bird has been known to rarely show up in Western Europe. At the current time there is no concern that the population of the Cape May Warbler may be in danger due to its large range and extensive population. More
* Does the cape may warbler have a crest or a cap? * How do you say honey in tigrina? * I need the meaning in tigrina? * Cape May lighthouse? » More Mentioned in * Cape May Warbler * Dendroica * List of birds in Mont-Tremblant National Park * New World warbler More
outbreaks, male Cape May Warblers can be quite aggressive chasing larger warblers, such as Yellow-rumped and Bay-breasted. Cape May Warblers commonly feed on nectar or fruit during the non-breeding season. Because of this dietary preference, they are commonly found in gardens or shade coffee plantations, where flowering plants are abundant. Cape May Warbler's have strikingly narrow bills for inserting into flower corollas, or puncturing the sides of flowers to rob nectar. More
The Cape May Warbler gets its name from the fact that the first specimen was collected at Cape May, New Jersey, where it is sometimes a common migrant. In breeding plumage, the male is yellow below with a conspicuous chestnut cheek patch, yellow neck patch, white wing patch, yellow rump and heavy black streaks on underparts. The female is much duller, with a greenish-yellow patch on its neck. The song of the Cape May Warbler is four or more high thin notes without change in pitch or volume, seet-seet-seet-seet. More
Cape May Warblers nest in dense foliage near the trunk of a conifer, commonly a Black Spruce, and lay 4-9 eggs in a cup nest. Diet / Feeding This species is insectivorous, and lays larger clutches in years when Spruce Budworm is abundant. It picks insects up from the tips of conifer branches or flies out to catch insects in flight. More
The Cape May Warbler (Dendroica tigrina) is one of the more distinctively colored Wood-Warblers, and an elusive one in our home area of Calgary. The Cape May Warbler spends the summer in the northern part of Alberta, the Northwest Territories, and much of the rest of Canada to the east. Typically we see them in Calgary only rarely, during migration. According to most of the guides I have, this species is not well understood. More
The Cape May Warbler has chestnut cheeks, yellow rump, black crown, yellow underparts with black streaks. The female is similar, but lacks the distinct chestnut cheeks found on the male and she is paler. The best field marks are the white wing patch. Both male and female in the fall are duller. The Cape May measures 5 - 5 1/4" in length with a wingspread of 7 1/2-8 1/2". More
● Foraging & Feeding: Cape May Warbler: Diet consists mostly of caterpillars, spruce budworms, ants, flies, small bees, spiders, and crickets; also drinks juices of grapes by poking a hole in the grape with bills. Sometimes catches insects on the wing. ● Breeding & nesting: Cape May Warbler: Six to nine gray or brown spotted, creamy white eggs are laid in a bulky, compact, twig-and-moss nest lined with grass, fur, and feathers. Incubation ranges from 11 to 13 days and is carried out by the female. More
The song of the Cape May Warbler is a simple repetition of high tsi notes. The call is a thin sip. This bird usually sings from high perches. More
Despite its name, the Cape May Warbler is only a migrant through Cape May, New Jersey as it heads from its boreal forest breeding grounds to Mexico and the Caribbean and back each year. Alexander Wilson first described the Cape May Warbler from Cape May, but the next record of the species there was over 100 years later. Cape May Warblers typically forage in the tops of trees on their breeding and wintering grounds, but during migration they sometimes come to hummingbird feeders or grape vines. More
Cape May warblerCape May warbler - North American wood warbler; olive green and yellow striped with blackDendroica tigrinaNew World warbler, wood warbler - small bright-colored American songbird with a weak unmusical songDendroica, genus Dendroica - a genus of Parulidae How to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, add the site to iGoogle, or visit webmaster's page for free fun content. More
The Cape May Warbler breeds in boreal coniferous forests, where it sings, feeds, and nests high in the spruce canopy. During winter it is confined almost exclusively to islands of the West Indies, where it occurs in a variety of habitats. One of the most striking Dendroica warblers, the Cape May male in Alternate plumage has a yellow breast streaked with black, a yellow rump, white wing-patches, and chestnut ear-patches. Females and immatures are less boldly colored. More
Cape May Warbler lays 3 or 4 eggs, it is now known that larger clutches are laid by this species in response to the rich food supplies available during outbreaks of the spruce budworm. Field identification is aided by noting its yellow rump, although this mark is obscure on autumn immatures. Only two other warblers known to occur regularly in Nova Scotia More
Above and below: Cape May Warblers in Prince George's Co., Maryland (9/19/2009). The male above is stunning, but these drab females might sneak around in the late fall Myrtle flocks on Assateague. Below: Another one for the undertail collection - male Cape May Warbler. Below: A Cape May Warbler found along the edge of Jug Bay, Prince George's Co., Maryland (9/20/2008). More