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The Cerulean Warbler, Dendroica cerulea, is a small songbird of the New World warbler family.
The Cerulean Warbler is classified as Vulnerable (VU), considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.
The Cerulean Warbler, Dendroica cerulea, is a small songbird of the New World warbler family. Adult males have pale cerulean blue upperparts and white underparts with a black necklace across the breast; they also have black streaks on the back and flanks. Females and immature birds have greyer or greenish upperparts, a pale stripe over the eye, and no streaking on the back and no necklace. All of these birds, regardless of their age, have wing bars and a thin pointed bill. More
Posted in Cerulean Warbler Weekend, Michigan Audubon, Otis Farm Bird Sanctuary | Comments Off * * www.michiganaudubon. More
Adopt an Animal and Help Save WildlifeThe Cerulean warbler is a small, sky-blue bird most often seen flitting around the upper canopy of mature deciduous eastern forests. As with most warblers, males and females look quite different from each other. Male cerulean warblers are bright blue above and white below. They have black streaks on their sides and back, two white wing bars and a black line, or “necklace”, across their front. Females are dull turquoise above with a pale blue crown and yellowish-white below. More
Cerulean Warbler Range MapView dynamic map of eBird sightings Field MarksHelp - * MalePopOutZoom In Male * © Bill Dyer/CLO * FemalePopOutZoom In Female * © Brian E. More
The Cerulean Warbler is our fastest declining neotropical migrant songbird. Among the many threats they face, their wintering habitat in the Northern Andes is dwindling rapidly. Cerulean Warblers depend on shade coffee plantations during the winter. This traditional farming technique is at risk as coffee prices fluctuate and pressure to switch to higher-yield sun coffee or other crops intensifies. These birds migrate to forested mountain areas in South America. More
support the Cerulean Warbler; land acquisition and protection by various agencies and local land trusts; and the Cerulean Warbler Atlas Project by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology that seeks to learn more about where Ceruleans are and their habitat needs. Land management that supports Ceruleans would involve maintaining forests with distinct canopy layers. Because the Cerulean is also an area-sensitive species, meaning that it requires a large tract of suitable forest cover, management at the landscape level also needs to be considered. More
Cerulean Warbler feeding young in nest. Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology Cerulean Warbler feeding young in nest. The Cerulean Warbler was once one of the most abundant breeding birds in the lower Mississippi valley. Unfortunately, their numbers have been declining due to loss of habitat. Though fewer in number, the Cerulean Warbler can still be found in Shenandoah National Park Physical Description Both male and female have thin pointed bills. More
The Cerulean Warbler, a Neotropical migratory bird of high conservation concern, is experiencing population declines in parts of its range. Due to the Ceruleans low population density and patchy distributions accurate population trends are difficult to estimate, therefore, in order to adequately protect this species more information is needed about its habitat requirements, breeding biology, and population status. More
Cerulean Warbler does best in large tracts with big deciduous trees in mature to older growth forest; its decline is related to habitat loss and fragmentation of these forest communities. However, as its prime nesting sites in old-growth bottomland forests and mesic upland forests have disappeared, the bird is occupying second-growth forest in landscapes once cleared for agriculture. More
Color Photo of CERULEAN WARBLERThe cerulean warbler is a light blue bird trimmed with black and white. This warbler lives in mature deciduous forests, often in floodplains. They have declined in number due to the destruction of bottomland forests. The species is listed as a WATCH LIST SPECIES by the Missouri Department of Conservation. Identification The cerulean warbler is 4 to 4.5 inches long, has a wingspan of 7.5 to 8 inches and an average weight of 3.2 ounces. More
Cerulean Warbler Atlas Project by the Cornell Lab of Orinthology Cerulean Warbler High above the trees is a creature you’re not likely to see. It’s the Cerulean warbler, a beautiful little bird in need of great big trees and the luch canopies they provide. Cerulean Warblers - The Cerulean warbler is a small, migratory songbird known for its bright blue coloring. Males and females are similar in size, but differ slightly in plummage. More
The Cerulean Warbler is currently rated as Vulnerable. The population of this species of bird has experienced a serious decline over the past few years due to loss of habitat. The Cerulean Warbler breeds in the region from eastern Canada and portions of southeastern United States. This is a migratory bird that travels to Mexico and portions of Central America. More
How did the Cerulean Warbler get on the endangered speice list? How long does an Cerulean Warbler baby spend with it's mother? What is the Temperature of habitat of Fisher Cerulean Warbler? Post a question - any question - to the WikiAnswers community: Copyrights: Animal Encyclopedia. Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia. Copyright © 2005 by The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved. More
* A Cerulean Warbler Singing in Ontario0:13 * Ajouter à la file d'attente Ajoutée à la file d'attente A Cerulean Warbler Singing in Ontario1497 vuesPetroglyph100 * Cerulean Warbler0:28 * Ajouter à la file d'attente Ajoutée à la file d'attente Cerulean Warbler1257 vuesfalcoperegrinus82 * IVORY-BILLED More
Adult Male Cerulean Warbler in the hand. © Jason Jones For many North American birdwatchers, the Cerulean Warbler is one of the most sought-after species during spring and summer. This elusive, azure-colored songbird is uncommon over most of its breeding range, and spends the majority of its time high in the forest canopy, giving it a reputation for being notoriously difficult to see. The renowned ornithologist A.C. More
The Cerulean Warbler is a passerine in the family parulidae. This family contains all of the species of wood warblers in the new world. It is in the genus Dendroica – consisting of northern warblers. The Cerulean Warbler is a small member of the parulid family at 11.5 cm and 8-10g. Its name Dendroica cerulean depicts this warbler’s rich blue color. The Cerulean Warbler has long pointed wings with a short tail. More
Threats: Cerulean Warblers have declined throughout their range by about 70% since 1966. Loss of mature forest bottomland habitat to logging, road building, and development during both the breeding and wintering seasons are attributed causes of its decline. What TNC is Doing: The Nature Conservancy's Pennsylvania Chapter and Fundación Ecológica Arcoiris in Ecuador have formed a partnership to protect both the breeding grounds in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania and the wintering areas in Podocarpus National Park in Ecuador. More
Thanksgiving is already producing Cerulean Warbler Conservation coffee produced from beans grown in a similar, nearby plantation. You can purchase this coffee today and help save the Cerulean Warbler. To Order Click Here Contact Us Employment About ABC Site Map Privacy Policy Copyright More
Cerulean warbler, Dendroica cerulea (Wilson), is a wood warbler in the Subfamily Parulinae of the Family Emberizidae, Order Passeriformes. No controversial or unsettled issues exist in the taxonomy of this bird. The numbers of cerulean warblers are declining at rates comparable to the most precipitous rates documented among North American birds by the cooperative Breeding Bird Survey. Recent evidence suggests that events on breeding, stopover, and wintering grounds are implicated in this decline. More
An article resulting from the 2005 Cerulean Warbler conference in Ecuador, co-authored by members of el Grupo Cer More
The cerulean warbler is a small migratory songbird that breeds in the forests of the central and eastern United States. What is a Cerulean Warbler? Appearance Named for the male’s unique blue color, the cerulean warbler is a small, migratory bird that weighs about 0.3 oz. The brightly colored male looks quite different from the female. More
As the cerulean warbler spends much of its time high in the canopy of forests, it can be difficult to spot, and so is best identified by the high-pitched song of the male: an accelerating series of short buzzes ending with a single longer, higher buzz (3). Range - The breeding range of the cerulean warbler extends from Quebec and Ontario, Canada, south to northern Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia in the USA. More
Bent Life History for the Cerulean Warbler - the common name and sub-species reflect the nomenclature in use at the time the description was written. CERULEAN WARBLER DENDROICA CERULEA (Wilson) HABITS This heavenly-blue wood warbler was first introduced to science, figured, and named by Wilson in the first volume of his American Ornithology. Only the male was figured and described from a specimen received from Charles Willson Peale and taken in eastern Pennsylvania. More
Cerulean Warbler range mapLakes region to southern Ontario, southwestern Quebec, and western New England, south to northern Texas, Arkansas, northern Alabama, and northern Georgia. Most abundant in the Cumberland Plateau and surrounding regions; rare east of the Appalachian Mountains. male Cerulean Warbler by James Coe Winter: Primarily on the eastern slopes of the Andes from Colombia and Venezuela through Ecuador to Peru. More
The Cerulean Warbler is a woodland warbler that breeds in mature, deciduous, upland and bottomland forests in association with both emergent canopy trees and small canopy gaps. This Neotropical migratory bird breeds in eastern North America and primarily in the Ohio Hills and Cumberland Plateau physiographic areas. However, sizable populations may exist in the Central Hardwoods Bird Conservation Region (CHBCR), especially the Missouri and Arkansas Ozarks. The U.S. More
CerwsillThe Cerulean Warbler (Dendroica cerulea) is a bird in trouble. It breeds in the eastern U.S. and winters in South America, and populations have been on the slide in recent decades - faster than any other eastern warbler. It is on the Audubon WatchList and is listed as vulnerable by BirdLife International. Primary threats are loss of habitat both on the breeding grounds as well as their wintering areas in the tropics, where an estimated 64% of its habitat has vanished. More
The Cerulean Warbler is a summer resident in Tennessee, arriving in mid-April and departing by the end of August. It prefers large areas of mature forest for nesting and breeds from northernmost Alabama to southern Ontario and west to the Great Plains. Cerulean Warbler densities, however, are not even across this range. The area of highest concentration, where 80% of the population can be found, stretches from the Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee to the mountains of West Virginia. More
Cerulean Warbler (Dendroica cerulea) Surveys in Western Putnam County, Tennessee, 2004–Present Each year I conduct a nonstandard driving survey for Cerulean Warblers in western Putnam County, Tennessee; sometimes other observers join me for this bird-monitoring activity and sometimes not. More
Cerulean Warbler in Silver Maple swamp (by Petroglyph, on Flickr) Cerulean Warbler in Silver Maple swamp (by Petroglyph, on Flickr - CC BY-NC-SA license) “Wee, wee, wee, wee, bzzz” sings my favorite yard bird. For two months most years — mid-May to mid-July — the male cerulean warbler sings his monotonous song from dawn until dusk. The first year this happened, back in 2002, I worried that he hadn’t found a mate. More