The Cyornis rufigastra is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
* Cyornis rufigastra kalaoensis (Hartert) 1896 Novit.Zool. 3 no.1 p.172 * Cyornis rufigastra karimatensis Oberholser 1924 Proc.U.S.Natl.Mus. 64 no.2512 Art.22 p.3 * Cyornis rufigastra longipennis Chasen & Kloss 1930 Treubia 12 Livr.3-4 p.271 * Cyornis rufigastra marinduquensis duPont 1972 Nemouria no.7 p. More