
The ʻelepaio is the first native bird to sing in the morning and the last to stop singing at night; apart from whistled and chattering contact and alarm calls, it is probably best known for its song, from which derives the common name: a pleasant and rather loud warble which sounds like e-le-PAI-o or ele-PAI-o. It nests between January and June.

Picture of the Elepaio has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike.

The Elepaio is classified as Vulnerable (VU), considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.

Elepaio are still fairly common and widespread on Hawaii and Kauai, especially in forested areas at higher elevations, but the situation on Oahu has deteriorated significantly. There the population survives in 7-8 small fragments, with the total population estimated at 1200-1400 birds. Ecology During an extended nesting season, Elepaio construct cup-like nests among the branches of any of a wide variety of trees, including both native and introduced species. More

elepaio pronunciation /ˌɛl əˈpaɪ oʊ/ Show Spelled Show IPA –noun,plural-pai·os.a small brown-backed or gray-backed Hawaiian flycatcher, Chasiempis sandwichensis, having white wing bars, a white rump, and a blackish cocked tail. Use elepaio in a SentenceSee images of elepaioSearch elepaio on the Web - Origin: < Hawaiian ʿelepaio Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2010. More

behavior of Elepaio in Hawaiian forests of different structure. Auk 111(4): 917–932. DjVu fulltext PDF fulltext * VanderWerf, Eric A. (2001): Two-Year Delay in Plumage Maturation of Male and Female ʻElepaio. Condor 103(4): 756-766. DOI:10.1650/0010-5422(2001)1032.0.CO;2 HTML abstract * VanderWerf, Eric A. & Freed, Leonard A. (2003): ʻElepaio subadult plumages reduce aggression through graded status-signaling, not mimicry. More

Hawaii Elepaio: Found on Hawaii in most forested areas above 2000'. More common in wet and mesic forests. Three subspecies are found on the big island, C. s. sandwichensis in mesic forest, C.s. ridgwayi in rainforest, and C. s. bryani in mamane-naio dry forest on the west slope of Mauna Kea. Breeding and Nesting Hawaii Elepaio: One to three white eggs with red-brown markings are laid in a woven cup-shaped nest built in ohia and other trees. More

Kauai Elepaio: Forages in trees and on the ground for a wide variety of arthropods, most commonly insects and spiders. , Kauai Elepaio: Forages in trees and on the ground for a wide variety of arthropods, most commonly insects and spiders. Vocalization Kauai Elepaio: A loud whistled "el-e-pai-o" song, chattering contact calls, and "chit-chit" or "whee-oo" alarm calls. . More

Elepaio (Chasiempis sandwichensis) = Species information - * Facts & Status * Description * Range & Habitat * Biology * Threats & Conservation * Find out more * Glossary & References * All * More

The elepaio belongs to the large family of monarch flycatchers, but is the only species to successfully colonise the Hawaiian Islands naturally (3). It possesses a distinctive, long, brownish-black tail that is often cocked upright, a conspicuous white rump, white tips on the tail feathers and white spots on the wing coverts. There are five subspecies, which all differ slightly in their plumage (2). More

Picture of Chasiempis sandwichensis above has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial.
Original source: Caleb Slemmons
-Caleb Slemmons -Author: Caleb Slemmons
Permission: Some rights reserved
Order : Passeriformes
Family : Monarchidae
Genus : Chasiempis
Species : sandwichensis
Authority : (Gmelin, 1789)