Its natural habitat is temperate grassland. It is threatened by habitat loss.
The Mallee Emu-wren is classified as Endangered (EN), considered to be facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.
The Mallee Emu-wren (Stipiturus mallee) is a threatened, narrow-range passerine endemic to south-eastern Australia. To inform future conservation measures for this poorly known species, we used ecological niche factor analysis, habitat suitability modelling and distance sampling to determine landscape-scale habitat requirements and estimate the population size. More
The Mallee Emu-wren (Stipiturus mallee) is a bird species in the family Maluridae. It is endemic to Australia. Its natural habitat is temperate grassland. It is threatened by habitat loss. Formerly classified as a Vulnerable species species by the IUCN, recent research shows that its numbers are decreasing more and more rapidly. It is consequently uplisted to Endangered status in 2008. Footnotes - 1. More
The Mallee Emu-wren is one of Australia's smallest birds. It weighs only 6.5gm and is a tiny 13cm to 14.5cm long. With a tail of 8cm to 9.5cm in length its body size is only 5cm to 6cm. It is this distinctive tail, with has six long emu-like feathers, which gives the Mallee Emu-wren its name. The Mallee Emu-wren has a back and upper wings which are a grey-brown colour with dark streaks. Its underparts are an orange-buff colour. More
The Mallee Emu-wren, Stipiturus mallee, is currently listed as a Vulnerable Species on Schedule 2 of the Threatened Species Conservation Act. 2. At the time of listing, the Mallee Emu-wren was believed to occur in south-western New South Wales (NSW). It has since been brought to the attention of the Scientific Committee that no records are known for the species from NSW and no museum specimens exist for NSW. More
The Mallee Emu-wren, one of Australia More
Click to listen to sound samples Mallee Emu-wrens have a very restricted distribution in N.W. Victoria and far eastern S.A. and even though national parks and reserves cover much of this area, recent surveys suggest that numbers are declining, possibly because of prolonged drought. Nearly everybody heads for the same place at Hattah-Kulkyne National Park to see Mallee Emu-wrens; such concentrated activity could eventually lead to an over use problem and result in that area being put off limits. There are other alternatives. More
The Mallee emu-wren's status was elevated from "vulnerable" to "endangered". Bird experts warned that the species' hold was so fragile that a big bushfire could wipe it out. Birds Australia conservation manager Chris Tzaros said the wrens' numbers could be down to as few as 1500. The bird is found in the Victorian and South Australian border regions. Mr Tzaros said climate change was forcing the birds to adapt to plants' new flowering times and changes in water availability. More
been informed that Mallee Emu-wren, and another of our target species More