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The Chaffinch's large double white wing bars, white tail edges and greenish rump easily identify this 14–16 cm long species. The breeding male is unmistakable, with his reddish underparts and a blue-grey cap. The female is drabber and greener, but still obvious.
The Chaffinch is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
Chaffinches may reuse the nest for subsequent clutches but others will build a new nest. More details on finch nests and a selection of finch nest photos can be located on the "nests", "finch nests" and "finch nest photos" web pages. Click on "Up" then "nests" then "finch nests" and "finch nests photos" in the navigation bars. Breeding: Egg Colour Greyish with spots. Clutch/s per year 2 - 3. Eggs per nest 3 - 5. Incubation approx. 13 days. More
John begins with John Chaffinch whose will was recorded in Caroline County, Maryland in 1796. William begins with William Chaffinch who was born about 1817 and is recorded in Caroline County censuses. As yet, no connection has been made to the previously mentioned John. The third begins with Charles who is recorded in Baltimore records around 1800 to 1810. More
chaffinch pronunciation /ˈtʃæf ɪntʃ/ Show Spelled Show IPA –nouna common finch, Fringilla coelebs, of the Old World, often kept as a pet. Use chaffinch in a SentenceSee images of chaffinchSearch chaffinch on the Web - Origin: 1400–50; late ME chaffynche, OE ceaffinc. See chaff1, finch Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2010. More
* Chaffinch Find chaffinch at Great Prices. www.Pronto.com ( What's this? ) ADVERTISEMENT * Home| * Career Center| * School Match| * Articles| * Reference| * Site Map| * Help Copyright ©2009 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. More
The Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs), also called by a wide variety of other names, is a small passerine bird in the finch family Fringillidae. More
The Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs), also called by a wide variety of other names, is a small passerine bird in the finch family Fringillidae. Description The Chaffinch's large double white wing bars, white tail edges and greenish rump easily identify this 14 More
Common Chaffinch: Eats mainly seeds and insects; forages in trees and bushes. Readily Eats Safflower, Apple Slices, Suet, Millet, Peanut Kernels, Fruit, Commercial Mixed Bird Seed Vocalization Common Chaffinch: Song is a bold, warbling "fyeet, fyeet, lya-lya-vee, chee-yew-keak." Call is "pink-pink"; has flight call of "cheup." Similar Species Common Chaffinch: None in range. . More
Chaffinchedit this page = From Psychology Wiki Assessment | Biopsychology | Comparative | Cognitive | Developmental | Language Personality | Philosophy | Methods | Social | Statistics | Clinical | Educational | Industrial Comparative Psychology: Animal models · Add More · Categories here - ?Chaffinch Conservation status: Least concern File:Fringilla coelebs chaffinch male edit2. More
English: Canary Islands chaffinch, Teydefinch; French: Pinson bleu; German: Teydefink; Spanish: Pinzón Azul. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS The body length is about 5.9 in (15 cm). The male is uniformly slate-blue, darker on the back than on the belly, and whitish beneath the rump. It has faint wing-bars and a whitish eye-ring. The female is more drably gray-blue. DISTRIBUTION The blue chaffinch is endemic to the Canary Islands off northwestern Africa. More
English: Common chaffinch; French: Pinson des arbres; German: Buchfink; Spanish: Pinzón Común. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Chaffinches are 5.5–7.1 in (14–18 cm) in body length, have a wingspan of similar length, and weigh 0.7–0.9 oz (20–25 g). They have a white patch on the shoulder, a white wing-bar, and white markings on the tail. Males have a slate-blue back of the head, a pink to deep-red face and breast, and a gray-blue tail. More
The chaffinch is one of the best-known and most common of all British birds. Both sexes can be easily identified in flight when they reveal double white flashes on the wings and white tail-sides. In summer the males have colourful plumage, with a ... More
Chaffinch eggs in nest© Graham Wren / www.osfimages.com Male chaffinch feeding chicks at nest© Mark Hamblin / www.osfimages.com Male chaffinch at nest with chicks© Dennis Green/SAL / www.osfimages.com Female chaffinch feeding young at nest© Jim Hallett / naturepl.com Juvenile chaffinch© Barry Walker / www.osfimages.com Male chaffinch © Laurie Campbell / lauriecampbell. More
Chaffinch determination Similar species Fringillidae Arctic Redpoll | Blue Chaffinch | Brambling | Bullfinch | Canary | Chaffinch | Citril Finch | Evening Grosbeak | Fire-fronted Serin | Goldfinch | Greenfinch | Hawfinch | Lesser Redpoll | Linnet | Parrot Crossbill | Pine Grosbeak | Red Crossbill | Redpoll | Rosefinch | More
The male Chaffinch is distinctively coloured, especially in spring when the dull outer edges of his feathers wear away to reveal the striking blue head and pink breast. In all plumages though, Chaffinches are easily told by their unique combination of two broad white wing bars and obvious white outer tail feathers. Habitat Breeds in woodlands, parks, gardens and hedgerows. Winters in gardens and farmland, especially stubble fields. More
* Chaffinch on Facebook * Chaffinch on MySpace * Chaffinch on Twitter * Chaffinch RSS feed Friends of Chaffinch * Anthony Reynolds * Burnt Island * Charlotte Greig * Early Songs * Immigrant * James William Hindle * More
to my back yard, a female chaffinch has found a peanut left behind by the jackdaws. One of Britains most abundant birds there were approximately 7 million breeding pairs in 1991, though the use of pesticides in gardens and farmland has seen a reduction in their numbers in recent years. More
The Chaffinch is our commonest finch and has striking double white wing bars. The wing bars are formed by white patches on the wing coverts, and primary and secondary wing feathers. Its summer plumage is brighter that its winter plumage. The male Chaffinch has a pink breast and cheeks, blue-grey crown and nape, and chestnut brown back. In summer, its bill is grey-blue, turning to pale brown in the winter. More
Common and familiar, the Chaffinch lives close to humans in the most part of its range. Adult male is relatively large. Upperparts are soft reddish-brown on back, whereas the rump is green. Upperwing is black with two conspicuous white bars, and buffy-white edges to flight feathers. The tail is black with white outer rectrices. Underparts are pinkish-brown. Vent and undertail coverts are whitish. On the head, forehead is blackish. More
Chaffinch is perhaps my favorite finch. I wish we had them over here. More
The RSPBJuvenile chaffinchOak woodland, HaweswaterAdult male chaffinch feeding on grain * A * B * C * D * E * F * G * H * I * J * K * L More
Origin: The Chaffinch originated in Europe, Asia and North Africa. Mutations/Sub-species: Although I do not know of any mutations of the Fringilla Coelebs. There are different Chaffinch and Fringilla species. More
The chaffinch is the most common finch in the UK and, although rarely seen gracing the bird-feeder, is often seen foraging on the ground and under the hedges of parks and gardens. A bright, colourful visitor that really cheers up the garden. Description - The male chaffinch has a pink breast and face with a grey-blue crown and nape. More
lodgings gay as a chaffinch, and affable toward his master. More
The Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs, as named by Linnaeus in 1758) is a small graceful bird who is quite common in many parts of Europe. As well as Europe, its habitat includes North Africa western Asia and the Canary Islands, where they live in each case in forests, gardens and parks. In addition some live in mountains up to approximately 1,500 meters high. More
Chaffinch has colonised twice, giving rise to the the endemic species known as the Blue Chaffinch and a distinctive subspecies. In each of the Azores, in Madeira, and in the rest of the Canaries there is a single species on each island. It was introduced from Britain into a number of its overseas territories in the 18th and 19th centuries. In New Zealand it is a common species. More
Comments (0) · translate to: chaffinch in : View all »Definitions (5) - American Heritage Dictionary (1) 1. noun A small European songbird (Fringilla coelebs), the male of which has predominantly reddish-brown plumage. Century Dictionary (2) 1. A common European bird of the genus Fringilla, F. More
chaffinch - use in sentences = chaffinch sentence examples * After the walk we headed for Chorros de Espina and found two Chaffinch. * A female Chaffinch was seen once at the weekend on the ground in the garden, she has not been seen at the feeders. * This male chaffinch was waiting for his turn at the bird feeder. More
vues benandkate — 20 avril 2007 — newly born chaffinch birds living in our garden shack benandkate — 20 avril 2007 — newly born chaffinch birds living in our garden shackCatégorie : Animaux Tags :chaffinch nest birds Chargement… J'aime Enregistrer dans Partager E-mail Skyrock Facebook Twitter MySpace Live Spaces Blogger orkut Buzz reddit Digg Chargement… Connectez-vous ou inscrivez-vous dès maintenant ! Publier un commentaire * Gilda71 il y a 1 mois This is the chaffinch female! Gilda71 il y a More
* Chaffinch takes his time (15,000 views?!)1:20 * Ajouter à la file d'attente Ajoutée à la file d'attente Chaffinch takes his time (15,000 views?!)16226 vuesjameswildlife * Ray the Chaffinch0:31 * Ajouter à la file d'attente Ajoutée à la file d'attente Ray the Chaffinch4434 vuesurbnjnglz More