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The Evening Grosbeak is a large finch. In the past, it was treated in a genus of its own as Hesperiphona vespertina, but is now usually placed in the same genus as the Hawfinch of Eurasia.
The Evening Grosbeak is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
The Evening Grosbeak (Coccothraustes vespertinus) is a large finch. In the past, it was treated in a genus of its own as Hesperiphona vespertina, but is now usually placed in the same genus as the Hawfinch of Eurasia. The breeding habitat is coniferous and mixed forest across Canada and the western mountainous areas of the United States and Mexico. It is an extremely rare vagrant to the British Isles, with just two records so far. More
The Evening Grosbeak is a terrestrial bird. This bird species is native to the United States, Miquelon, Saint Pierre, Mexico and Canada. It is also sometimes a visitor to the United Kingdom and Norway. The Evening Grosbeak has a range of nearly 4 million square kilometers. The population is estimated at around 6 million individuals. This bird species is currently evaluated as Least Concern as a result of its large population as well as its large range. More
flowery description of the Evening Grosbeak: “ a bird of the most distinguished appearance, whose very name of the ‘Vesper-voiced’ suggests at once the far-away land of the dipping sun, and the tuneful romance which the wild bird throws around the dimming light of day; clothed in striking color-contrasts of black, white and gold, he seems to represent the allegory of diurnal transmutation; for his sable pinions close around the brightness of his vesture, as night encompasses the golden hues of sunset, while the clear white space More
The vociferous Evening Grosbeak will breed in coniferous or mixed forest areas and in large flocks will consume vast amounts of sunflower seeds during winter. When a large number of Evening Grosbeaks (Coccothraustes vespertinus) converges onto a winter feeding area, the birds are extremely noisy and combative. Appearance of Evening Grosbeak To the novice birder, the Evening Grosbeak resembles an over-sized (7-inch) Goldfinch. More
Evening Grosbeaks can be attracted to your yard with food, water and landscaping. When I think of my favorite birds grosbeaks is near the top. Where I grew up in Montana we would get huge flocks of these colorful birds. We had quite a few fruit, berry, and maple trees, and the birds could not resist them. They seem to especially like the Mountain Ash berries. More
Large and brightly colored, the Evening Grosbeak is a noticeable winter visitor to bird feeders during irruption years. When a flock settles down to feed, it can clean out a surprisingly large amount of sunflower seeds in a short time. More
The evening grosbeak has a body length of about 7–8.7 in (18–22 cm) and weighs about 2.1 oz (60 g). It has a rather stout body, a short tail, and a stout yellow beak. The male is bright yellow, with black wings with a large white wing-patch, a black tail, and a black crown on the top of the head. Females are a duller gray and brown pattern, with white wing-patches. More
The Evening Grosbeak is 19-21 cm (7.75-8.5 in) long. The adult has a short black tail, black wings and a large pale bill. The adult male has a bright yellow forehead and body; its head is brown and there is a large white patch in the wing. The adult female is mainly olive-brown, greyer on the underparts and with white patches in the wings. Diet / Feeding: These birds forage in trees and bushes, sometimes on the ground. More
to 1890, Evening Grosbeaks were unknown east of the Great Lakes, whereas today they continue to expand their breeding range throughout the East. Listen to a recording of a Evening Grosbeak from the Library of Natural Sounds: Evening Grosbeak.wav male Evening Grosbeak by Larry McQueen Evening Grosbeaks are large, gregarious, nomadic finches that travel in raucous flocks. More
The evening grosbeak was first described by William Cooper (1925) from a specimen sent to him by Henry R. Schoolcraft from Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. The first words written about it were those Schoolcraft (1851) penned in his journal for Apr. 7, 1823: "During severe winters in the north, some species of birds extend their migrations farther south than usual. This appears to have been the case during the past season. More
The Evening Grosbeak (Coccothraustes vespertinus)photo of male Evening Grosbeak(detail) by William Paff slide# 647.1 breeds throughout the northern forests of Canada and Northeastern United States, as well as at higher elevations in the West into central Mexico. During certain winters, they move to more southerly latitudes in the East, or to lower elevations in the West. These winter irruptions typically begin in early October, and flocks of Evening Grosbeak are conspicuous where they regularly aggregate at bird-feeding stations. More
Unedited reports of Evening Grosbeak during the Winter of 1997-98. Click on the map to see an animated version. The 1997-98 Perspective: * Tennessee reported Evening Grosbeaks as early as mid-November. It is highly unusual for this species to be this far south at so early a date. More
A fairly common winter resident in Wisconsin, the evening grosbeak has a dull, gold body with black on its wings and a short tail. White wing patches are easily seen during its undulating (wavy, up and down) flight. Evening grosbeaks like oil-type and striped sunflower seeds at the feeder. Back to the Bird Poster . More
The Evening Grosbeak has a prominent thick, cone-shaped bill that is truly tremendous for a bird of its size. More
Evening Grosbeak male is a plump bird. Its beautiful plumage shows golden yellow body feathers, with a gold band across forehead. It has a conspicuous white patch on the upperwing. Underparts are yellow. Tail is jet black, as the flight feathers. Crown and neck feathers look like rich brown velvet, and show some glossy effect. Prominent bill is cone-shaped, pale yellow in winter and greenish yellow in spring. More
Description: The Evening Grosbeak is a plump, sturdy Finch with a thick, prominent, cone-shaped bill. Its bill is bone-colored during winter, but undergoes a dramatic change in pigmentation in early spring, matching the green of fresh deciduous buds and leaves, as well as the springtime needles that tip the spruce boughs around the bird's nesting site. Evening Grosbeaks can be found from the southeastern Yukon territory south to the mountains of northern California and into the Rocky Mountains and Mexico. More
The Evening Grosbeak is a plump, sturdy finch. Its body is about the size of a robin's, but its neck and its slightly forked tail are considerably shorter. Its prominent thick cone-shaped bill is truly tremendous for a bird of its size. The plumage of the adult male is spectacular, with golden yellow body feathers and a conspicuous gold band across the forehead. The underparts are yellow, and the crown and neck feathers resemble glossy, rich brown velvet. More