This is a common bird in the undergrowth of mountain forests, second growth, bamboo clumps, and scrubby pastures from 2150 m altitude to the scrubby páramo at 3350 m. It is readily seen in favoured sites such as Cerro de la Muerte.
The Big-footed Sparrow is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
Big-footed Sparrow / Large-footed Finch: Noted at our brief stop near the summit on 28th. Yellow-thighed Sparrow/Finch: Noted on 2 days, TL. Rose-breasted Grosbeak: Noted on 4 days, SK, WIL & RN. Black-headed Saltator: Noted on 2 days, RN. Buff-throated Saltator: Noted on 6 days, Mirador on 28th, then at WIL, LAN & RN. Greyish Saltator: Noted at San Jos More