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Bachman's Sparrow, Aimophila aestivalis, is a small American sparrow that is endemic to the southeastern United States. This species was named in honor of Reverend John Bachman.
The Bachman's sparrow is classified as Near Threatened (NT), is close to qualifying for or is likely to qualify for a threatened category in the near future.
RSS → Subscribe Bachman's SparrowWhere fashion and the Conscious Consumer collide. More
Bachman's SparrowAimophila aestivalis Order PASSERIFORMES – Family EMBERIZIDAE Issue No. 038 – Revised: January 1, 2006 Authors: Dunning, John B. Revisors: Dunning, John B. * Articles * Multimedia * References Courtesy Preview This Introductory article that you are viewing is a courtesy preview of the full life history account of this species. The remaining articles (Distribution, Habitat, Behavior, etc. More
Bachman's Sparrow, Aimophila aestivalis, is a small American sparrow that is endemic to the southeastern United States. This species was named in honor of Reverend John Bachman. Adults have rufous brown upperparts and crown with grey and black streaking on the nape, back and primaries. The face is gray with a rufous brown eyestripe. It has buff colored breast and whitish belly. Their breeding habitat is open pine forests. More
all breeding habitat selected by Bachman's Sparrows in the Region, the following description of territories of Bachman's Sparrows in Ohio is worth repeating, as Mengel believed it to be pertinent to many sites with breeding Bachman's in Kentucky (Mengel 1965: 492 ): The choicest locations are about fifty to one hundred yards down from the ridge tops in old deserted fields. More
BACHMAN'S SPARROW - Aimophila aestivalis - image of Bachman's SparrowThe Bachman's sparrow is a large sparrow with a flat forehead, a long, dark, rounded tail, and a thin dark line extending back from the eye. Its gray upperparts are heavily streaked with chestnut or dark brown. This sparrow can be found in areas with scattered scrubby vegetation and a dense understory, with or without a tree overstory. Its decline is thought to be from habitat loss. More
Bachman's sparrow (it being endangered), but most sparrows have the same behavior patterns about nesting, searching for food, and protecting their young. I ran into problems with finding information on Bachman's sparrows. That's probably because they're endangered and, therefore, aren't common. I found quite a bit of information on sparrows in general, but had trouble in finding very much information on the Bachman's sparrow in particular. Description - Sparrows are little birds. More
DISTRIBUTION: In Texas, the Bachman's Sparrow occurs only in the far eastern portion of the state (Oberholser 1974, T. O. S. 1995). The TBBAP data indicate that the breeding range of this species is within an area bound by I-30 to the north, the Trinity River to the west, I-10 to the south and the Louisiana border to the east. Within this area, this sparrow inhabits areas described as either open, mature pine (Pinus sp. More
Bachman's SparrowAimophila aestivalis WatchList 2007 Status: http://web1.audubon.org/filerepository/science/speciesprofiles/watchlist/Red. More
Bachman's Sparrow: Breeds in southeastern U.S. north to Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, but only very locally. Spends winters chiefly in southern Atlantic and Gulf coast states. Inhabits dry open pine or oak woods with a scattering of scrub; also frequents overgrown weedy fields and pastures. More
RSS → Subscribe Bachman's SparrowWhere fashion and the Conscious Consumer collide. Lets take it to the next level = March 9th, 2010 → 10:01 am @ Maria 28 Basic grey leggings: boring, boring, boring! Basic grey leggings: boring, boring, boring! A few months ago I purchased these light grey leggings from Urban Outfitters. More
Carolina, where Bachman's sparrows may be heard singing in every sizable patch of pines, it is inexplicable that so keen an observer as John Bachman had to go far afield to discover them. Perhaps, as by his own admission he had mistaken the song for that of the towhee (Pipilo erythrophthalmu.s), he had consistently overlooked them nearer to home. More
Home Guide to Birds of North America Bachman's Sparrow Description Description - BREEDING MALE - The Bachman’s Sparrow has a gray supercilium, gray to buffy breast, a rufous crown, and gray and rufous upperparts. It is a rather large sparrow with a long, rounded tail. bachman's sparrow Female - Same as male. More
The Bachman's Sparrow (Aimophila aestivalis) is one of the very few species of birds that is an endemic to the United States. It occurs only in pine forests of the southeastern U.S. While never considered common, it's song is often characteristically heard in May and June in the correct habitat. The bird at left was photographed near Venus, Okeechobee Co., Florida in April, 1996, with a hand-held Canon T-90 and a FD 400 mm F 4.5 lens with a 1.4X extender on Fuji Sensia 100. More
I spent two summers surveying Bachman's Sparrow in SE Louisiana and have another couple years of experience with them as a birder. To me, this bird looks better for a Swamp Sparrow and wrong for Bachman's. For one, the gray supercilium appears to contrast with the auriculars, which is a better feature for Swamp. More
Bachman's sparrow is shy and secretive, also crepuscular, making it difficult to study *01,05,07,09,11,17*. Limiting factors: Appropriate habitat *04,15*. Population parameters: No information. - MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Beneficial: * Maintaining undisturbed/undeveloped areas * Maintaining natural areas and nature preserves * Maintaining unique or special habitat features (wetlands, snags, caves, cliffs, talises, etc. More
America, but Bachman's sparrow is one solitary songster that most of us have not observed or recognized. Most of us have heard, however, the old hymn written by Civilla D. Martin in 1905, "His Eye Is on the Sparrow." "His eye is on the sparrow-ow-ow-and I know-ow He watches over me." The sparrow song is based on the Bible text, "Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? And one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. More
“The Bachman's sparrow project incorporates our focus on rare or threatened habitats and species prioritized within the Wildlife Action Plan,” said Ryan Myers, a survey biologist with the Cooperative Upland habitat Restoration and Enhancement program (CURE). “This research is part of our biological evaluation of grassland or shrub land bird responses to habitat improvements,” he said, explaining how land management programs benefit songbirds and other species. More
Bachman's sparrow is listed as a Species of Special Management Concern by the Partners in Flight program and the U.S. Forest Service. Population health in this secretive sparrow is closely tied to ground cover conditions, and one focus for the Vertebrate Ecology lab is investigating the relationship between ground cover conditions and population demographics. More
The Bachman's sparrow is a large sparrow with a large bill, and a fairly flat forehead. It has a long, dark rounded tail. The chest is gray and heavily streaked with chestnut or dark brown. The sides of the head are buffy-gray with a thin dark line extending back from the eye. This sparrow is more reddish in Missouri-the northwestern part of the range-and grayer and darker in the south. More