Guianan Cock of the Rock

The Guianan Cock-of-the-rock is a stout-bodied bird with an extraordinary half-moon crest, an orange-tipped black tail, black, orange and white wings, and silky-orange filaments of the inner remiges. Additionally, this species also has an orange bill, legs and skin. The less conspicuous female is dark brownish-grey overall and possesses a yellow-tipped black bill and a smaller crest. It has a total length of approximately 30 cm and weighs 200-220 grams .

Picture of the Guianan Cock of the Rock has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution.
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The Guianan Cock of the Rock is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.

Does the Guianan cock of the rock bird live in Costa Rica? = * 2 years ago Report Abuse CR - Tiquicia (only) by CR - Tiquicia (only) Member since: June 28, 2006 Total points: 34377 (Level 7) * Add to My Contacts * Block User Best Answer - Chosen More

Female Guianan Cock of the Rock - on a nest. More

Order : Passeriformes
Family : Cotingidae
Genus : Rupicola
Species : rupicola
Authority : (Linnaeus, 1766)