Indian House Crow

In the dry parts of South Asia and Iran the subspecies C. s. zugmayeri is found and this has a very pale neck collar. The nominate race is found in India, Nepal and Bangladesh and has a grey neck collar. In southern India, the Maldives and Sri Lanka, the subspecies C. s. protegatus is darker grey. The darkest form however is the Myanmar form C. s. insolens and lacks the grey collar.

The Indian House Crow is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.

As an avian invader, the Indian House Crow is undesirable for a host of reasons. It is an aggressive and opportunistic feeder, and has a devastating impact on indigenous bird populations by eating eggs and chicks, and mobbing other birds that might compete with it. It threatens the local wildlife by preying heavily on frogs, lizards, small mammals, fish, crabs and insects. The crow was introduced to Malaysia as a biocontrol agent of rhino beetles in oil palm estates. More

the populationof Indian House Crow is increasing as you compere over the last three years. Initially, the House crows were common at the sea port where some of them do roosting in the mangrove stands. Currently, at the sea port seems the population is not high but some of them have managed to penetrate further inland. The population at Chake-chake is also growing and some crows are mainly come from Wesha sea port. More

As the Indian House Crow is omnivorous and highly destructive to nestlings, it presumably intended to eat the squirrel. As the bird was not nesting in the tree, territorial defense can be ruled out.-S. N. S GrpT^, Department of Zoology, University o/ Calcutta, Calcutta, 19, W. B., India. More

the Indian House Crow Corvus splendens in Mombasa, Kenya. Scopus, 16(1): 1-8 Ryall, C (1992). The pest status of the Indian House Crow Corvus splendens in Mombasa and a survey of its expansion of range in coastal Kenya; In: L. Bennun (Ed). Proc. VIIth Pan. African Ornith. Congr. Nairobi, Aug 1988 Ryall, C (1990). Notes on nest construction by the Indian House Crow Corvus splendens and other aspects of its breeding biology in Mombasa, Kenya. More

The Indian House Crow is an invasive species in the region. It is a very clever and aggressive species. They chase away and eat the nestlings or fledglings of local species creating an imbalance in the environment and endangering the populations. Over the past two years there has been an increase in the number of attacks by House Crows on children and elderly people. More

Indian House CrowThe first is the Indian House Crow. They are extremely bold and curious. I have seen them hitching rides on trucks and lorries. They have also been spread around various parts of the world by their habit of hitching rides on ships. There is even a very small colony in Holland having been brought there by American warships. More

Picture of Corvus splendens above has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial.
Original source: Stepanka Nemcova
-Stepanka Nemcova -Author: Stepanka Nemcova
Permission: Some rights reserved
Order : Passeriformes
Family : Corvidae
Genus : Corvus
Species : splendens
Authority : Vieillot, 1817