Its breeding habitat is swamps and similar wet areas across south Asia from the Indian subcontinent east to south China, Japan and Indonesia. It has been recorded as a vagrant from the Australian territory of Christmas Island. This crake nests in a dry location on the ground in marsh vegetation, laying 6-9 eggs. It is mainly a permanent resident throughout its range, but some northern populations migrate further south in winter.
The Ruddy-breasted Crake is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
The Ruddy-breasted Crake (Porzana fusca), or Ruddy Crake, is a waterbird in the rail and crake family Rallidae. In Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Its breeding habitat is swamps and similar wet areas across south Asia from the Indian subcontinent east to south China, Japan and Indonesia. It has been recorded as a vagrant from the Australian territory of Christmas Island. This crake nests in a dry location on the ground in marsh vegetation, laying 6-9 eggs. More
The Ruddy-breasted crake has a small body build and is about 23cm long. They have pale brown backs, white-barred tails and lower abdomens, grayish-black beaks, and red heads, necks, eyes, legs, and feet. Their name, Ruddy-breasted crake, is derived from the fact that most of their plumage is ruddy red in color. Behavior: Ruddy-breasted crakes are omnivores that feed primarily on tender shoots, berries, aquatic insects, and mollusks. More
Ruddy-breasted Crake Swinhoe's Snipe Swinhoe's Snipe Common Snipe Common Snipe Greater Painted-Snipe Click to view the next photo photographer Paul Huang. More
Ruddy-breasted Crake (Porzana fusca) is a common resident in India. More