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Gallinula brodkorbi McCoy, 1963 Gallinula galeata
The Common Moorhen is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
The Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) is a bird of wetlands. It is easily recognised from its red bill and prominent shield against a blackish plumage (above). The juvenile is dark brown and pale below, with an olive bill and without the prominent shield (below). Allan Teo recently spent over three hours in a rice field in Malaysia observing a family of Common Moorhens. More
Common Moorhens in the paddy fields of Malacca, Malaysia (below). The parent birds were feeding the chicks with apple snails that were collected from the shallow areas. Only small snails were selected, the larger ones were not taken. Weng Chun thinks that the shell of the smaller snails is probably softer than that of the bigger ones. Input by Allan Teo and Cheong Weng Chun. Images by Weng Chun (top two and bottom) and Allan (the rest). More
Common Moorhen in North and Middle America. Widespread in the Americas, with a striking appearance and a variety of loud and unusual calls, the Common Moorhen is a rail the size of a small duck, with short tail and wings, long toes, and (in the adult) a short, bright-red-and-yellow bill. Sexes are similar in plumage. This species is ecologically and behaviorally intermediate between the American Coot and the rails, and it resembles the Purple Gallinule in certain respects. More
The Common Moorhen, or Common Gallinule, (Gallinula chloropus) is a bird in the Rail family with an almost worldwide distribution. An older alternative name, Common Waterhen, is a more descriptive because the bird lives around well-vegetated marshes, ponds, canals, etc., and is usually not found in moorland. The bird is not found in the polar regions, or many tropical rainforests. But elsewhere the Common Moorhen is likely the most commonly seen Rail species to most people, excepting the Coot in some regions. More
The Common Moorhen in particular migrates up to 2,000 km from some of its breeding areas in the colder parts of Siberia. Those that migrate do so at night. The Gough Island Moorhen on the other hand is considered almost flightless—it can only flutter some meters. As common in rails, there has been a marked tedency to evolve flightlessness in island populations. Moorhens can walk very well on strong legs, and have long toes that are well adapted to soft uneven surfaces. More
The Common Moorhen is found around the world, except for Australasia, polar or tropical climates, and deserts. This species may also be referred to as a “waterhen”. These birds prefer to live and breed in wetlands, which may be marshy areas or lakes. Those populations which reside in southern Canada, the northern United States and eastern Europe migrate during the winter months to more temperate climates. This species forages for food while swimming, eating vegetation and aquatic insects. More
Common Moorhen - Gallinula chloropusThe Common Moorhen is a widely spread bird, found on every continent except Australia and Antarctica. They are often found with their close relative, the American Coot, but are usually more shy and retiring. They are generally just casual migrants and visitors to the state. Habitat: Prefers freshwater marshes with some open water. More
Common Moorhen Range MapView dynamic map of eBird sightings Field MarksHelp - * AdultPopOutZoom In Adult * © William L. Newton / CLO Similar Species - * Adult Purple Gallinule has blue body plumage, green wings, and a blue frontal shield, and lacks white flank stripe. More
Common Moorhen feet have no webbing It is a distinctive species, with dark plumage apart from the white undertail, yellow legs and a red facial shield. The young are browner and lack the red shield. It has a wide range of gargling calls and will emit loud hisses when threatened. This is a common breeding bird in marsh environments and well-vegetated lakes. More
Common Moorhen or Common Gallinules = Common MoorhenThe Common Moorhen aka Common Gallinule (Gallinula chloropus) belongs to the rail family. Distribution / Habitat: Despite loss of habitat in parts of its range, this Moorhen remains common and widespread. In fact, they have a nearly worldwide distribution outside Australasia, and can also be found in desert, many tropical rainforest, and the polar regions. More
Like other marsh birds, the Common Moorhen is local in its distribution, depending on the availability of its preferred habitat. Dense aquatic vegetation such as cattails or bulrushes is important for Common Moorhens, though the surrounding landscape can be either natural or urban. Large feet enable the moorhen to walk across soggy marsh vegetation. It does not have webbed feet like ducks, but is still able to swim quite capably. More
Common Moorhenhome site map Site for sale - serious 'end user' type offers only please. More
Common Moorhen Illustration Copyright More
The Mariana Common Moorhen or pulattat (G. c. guami) is very rare nowadays due to destruction of habitat. Only some 300 adult birds remained in 2001, and it is listed as Endangered both federally (since 1984) and locally (Takano & Haig 2004). In addition to the extant subspecies listed below, there are two Pleistocene paleosubspecies known from fossils. More
The Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) is a bird in the rail family with an almost worldwide distribution outside Australasia as well as desert, many tropical rainforest, and the polar regions. In North America it is often called the Common Gallinule, and in Europe it is generally simply referred to as "the Moorhen". This is a common breeding bird in marshy environments and well-vegetated lakes. It is often secretive, but can become tame in some areas. More
The adult common moorhen has a gray front, a brown back, a white patch on its tail, and white shoulder patches. It has long yellowish-green legs and a red bill with a yellow tip. It also has a bright red forehead shield. The nonbreeding bird has a dark gray head and the breeding bird has a black head. The young common moorhen has a light gray head, a white throat, and a brown bill and forehead shield. More
Common Moorhen ID TipsIdentification tips for the Common Moorhen Range Maps: (Click map to enlarge.) Common Moorhen Breeding Map Common Moorhen Winter Map USGS Breeding Map Winter Map (CBC) Additional Information: Aquatic Environments Photo of Common Moorhen, description, distribution, reproduction, ecology, behavior, vocalization. More
Common MoorhenThe common moorhen is a meduim-sized member of the rail family found in aquatic environments. It is 12-15 inches in length and has a wingspan of a little under two feet. It has gray-black feathers and a red bill with a yellow tip. It has white stripes on its sides. It has long chicken-like toes that help it walk on the top of floating vegetation and the mud. Males and females are similar, but males are a little larger. More
Common MoorhenIn the western United States, the common moorhen breeds in California, New Mexico, Nevada, and Arizona. In the eastern United States and Canada, it breeds from Minnesota to New Brunswick and south to the Gulf Coast and Florida. In the United States the moorhen winters in California and Arizona, along the Gulf Coast and on the east coast from Virginia to Florida. It is also found in South America, Europe, and parts of Asia and Africa. More
As the name implies, the common moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) is a common member of the rail family. This marsh bird is present worldwide with the exception of the continents of Australia and Antarctica. In Alabama, the common moorhen is present statewide during the spring and summer months. The common moorhen is a year round resident of Alabama’s Gulf Coast wetlands.The common moorhen is also known as “chicken-foot coot,” “red-billed mud hen,” “water hen,” and “water chicken.” These local names result from the common moorhen’s appearance. More
The Common Moorhen, rarely seen in Northern Virginia, is a striking bird with a bright red and yellow bill that is about the size of a small duck. Moorhen's frequent habitats that are rapidly declining, such as marshes, and open swamps. In Virginia, the Common Moorhen is listed as a state species of special concern. Read more... More
habitat in parts of its range, the Common Moorhen remains plentiful and widespread. The nest is a basket built on the ground in dense vegetation. Laying starts in spring, between mid-March and mid-May in N hemisphere temperate regions. About 8 eggs are usually laid per female early in the season; a brood later in the year usually has only 5-8 or even less eggs. Nests may be re-used by different females. Incubation lasts about three weeks. Both parents incubate and feed the young. More
The Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) is a bird in the Rail family with an almost worldwide distribution. It is often called the "Common Waterhen", especially in the British Isles, and this is a more descriptive name because the bird lives around well-vegetated marshes, ponds, canals, etc., and is usually not found in moorland. Another name, popular in the USA, is Common Gallinule. The bird is not found in the polar regions, or many tropical rainforests. More
Bay Pines Lake Timucuasm-Wood Storks, Mottled Duck, Common Moorhen, Muscovy & Great Egret, south Bay Pines Lake Timucuasm-Wood ... * Bay Pines Lake Timucuasm-Common Moorhen, south laks Bay Pines Lake Timucuasm-Commo... * Bay Pines Lake Timucuasm-White Ibis & Common Moorhen Bay Pines Lake Timucuasm-White... * Common Moorhen in Botanic garden Common Moorhen in Botanic gard... More