The Red Rail or Red Hen of Mauritius, Aphanapteryx bonasia, is an extinct rail. It was only found on the island of Mauritius. The Red Rail, which today is only known from a large number of bones, some descriptions and a handful of drawings and paintings, was a flightless bird, somewhat larger than a chicken . Its plumage was reddish brown all over, and the feathers were fluffy and hairlike; the tail was not visible in the living bird and the short wings likewise also nearly disappeared in the plumage. It had a long, slightly curved, brown bill and comparatively long legs. Altogether, it resembled a lean kiwi more than a rail.
The Aphanapteryx bonasia is classified as Extinct (EX), there is no reasonable doubt that the last individual has died.
* Mauritiuksenluhtakana, Aphanapteryx bonasia, on sukupuuttoon kuollut lintu, joka pesi vain Mauritiuksen saarella. Ulkonäöltään lintu muistutti Uudessa-Seelannissa pesivää kiiviä. * Aussi appelée râle de Maurice, la poule rouge ou poule rouge à bec de bécasse (Aphanapteryx bonasia) est un oiseau gruiforme de la famille des rallidés autrefois endémique de l'île Maurice et aujourd'hui disparu. More
The Red Rail or Red Hen of Mauritius, Aphanapteryx bonasia, is an extinct rail. It was only found on the island of Mauritius. The Red Rail, which today is only known from a large number of bones, some descriptions and a handful of drawings and paintings, was a flightless bird, somewhat larger than a chicken (about 50 cm). More
Red Rail - Aphanapteryx bonasia: The Red Rail Aphanapteryx bonasia was endemic to Mauritius from where it is known from a number of travelers' accounts and illustrations, and from numerous ... Extinct birds: Mauritius Red Hen, Aphanapteryx bonasia; Leguat's Gelinote, Aphanapteryx leguatz. Gulls, waders and auks. Great Auk, Alca impennis or Pinguinus impennis. ... Extict Bird List: Is. Australia, 1834. Red Rail, Aphanapteryx bonasia, Mauritius, 1693. Rodrigues Rail, aphanapteryx leguati, Rodrigues Is. Mauritius, 1761. ... More
Aphanapteryx bonasia which became extinct on Mauritius ca 1700 Rodrigues Rail or Leguat’s Rail Aphanapteryx leguati which became extinct some time after 1730 on Rodrigues in the Mascarene Islands. Both species were readily attracted by red objects and made excellent eating, factors which ensured their downfall. More
mauritianus, Red Rail Aphanapteryx bonasia, Mauritius Blue Pigeon Alectroenas nitidissima, Broad-billed Parrot Lophopsittacus mauritianus and, most famously, Dodo Raphus cucullatus. In the 1980s, it seemed that a similar fate awaited Mauritius Parakeet Psittacula eques. However, intensive management of the population by conservationists has succeeded in pulling the species back from the brink, reversing the fortunes of a bird once dubbed ‘the rarest parrot on Earth’. More
Summary Aphanapteryx bonasia was endemic to Mauritius from where it is known from a number of travellers' accounts and illustrations1, and from numerous bones2. It was mentioned to have become rare by Leguat in 1693, and there were no further reports, so the species is likely to have become extinct around 17001. Ecology: It may have inhabited the islands' forests. More
Aphanapteryx leguati, Aphanapteryx bonasia, Threskiornis solitarius, Raphus cucullatus, Alectroenas nitidissima, Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae spadicea, Psittacula wardi, Psittacula exsul, Amazona martinicana, Amazona violacea, Ara erythrura, Ara martinica, Ara guadeloupensis, Ara erythrocephala, Ara gossei, Mascarinus mascarinus , Porphyrio hochstetteri, Foudia madagascariensis, Dacelo novaeguineae, Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus, Leucophaeus scoresbii More